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What does it mean to be Pakistani?

Is this what we are experiencing right now :(. There is just so much loss of energy in me right now, with current state of the country. It seems that we are disowned.
Just remember - whatever happens Pakistan is our mother, she must persevere! We will all have a part to play in uplifting her.

Don’t lose hope please just because a couple of gangsters are in power right now.

He's got a point tho, sir. It's written that way in English and as Imaan, Ittehad, Tanzeem in Urdu too.

Are you implying that it was changed, like @HAIDER did, and that yours was the original?
The problem is that even the original speech mentioned unity faith discipline, meanwhile the Lahore lecture is quoted as “Unity Discipline Faith”, the “Faith Unity Discipline” was during Gen Zia’s regime.
Just remember - whatever happens Pakistan is our mother, she must persevere! We will all have a part to play in uplifting her.

Don’t lose hope please just because a couple of gangsters are in power right now.
couple of gangsters? entire pdm, civil service, judiciary, police, agencies and 600k strong barray bhai are couple of gangsters?
couple of gangsters? entire pdm, civil service, judiciary, police, agencies and 600k strong barray bhai are couple of gangsters?
All these people live and die, Pakistan must prevail.
All these people live and die, Pakistan must prevail.
how will it prevail when the leadership is incompetent and corrupt? even Riaysat/Khilafat e Madinah did not prevail, setup by the Holy Prophet SAW himself, neither did Kingdom of Dawud and Sulaiyman AS. is Pakistan holier than both of them?

As for individuals living and dying and retiring; these people have setup a patronage-based reward system and a promotion system where only likeminded individuals get to the top. its the system that is flawed. for pakistan to prevail, the current system must end.

....also for pakistan to prevail, its time that people are given their due rights and not labelled as traitors when they demand them.
is Pakistan holier than both of them?
so what do you propose? What I’m after here is looking to the future. We as a nation have a problem of being stuck in 2nd gear.

What you say has merit for sure and I’m not trying to moot for the sake of being petty, but one can only wallow in depression for so long, then you either leave the situation as is or try to make it better.

In search and rescue we used to have a phrase “we will find a way or make one”. Let’s try to find solutions even if they are at the macro level.

This tola won’t rule forever. The mindset of people has changed from the 90’s I strongly believe that. The days of Teer aur Sheer pey thappa are long gone.

These loud cacophonies you hear from those in power, these are the last desperate belches of a dying old fool.
This tola won’t rule forever. The mindset of people has changed from the 90’s I strongly believe that. The days of Teer aur Sheer pey thappa are long gone.
please read the second para of my reply.
please read the second para of my reply.
This is where I disagreed with you. Seems you have skipped my entire post, you have posted a single line, I’m asking for solutions, not rebuttals.

Rebuke me with solutions, not critique. We have enough critical thought here, we agree the system as is cannot continue and will lead to a serious threat of unity of Pakistan.

So let’s work on solutions at our own individual levels. Or don’t, it doesn’t matter to me.

I refuse to keep my head buried in the sand, what little life I’ve got left, I’ll dedicate to making small changes in our nation where I can and how I can.

Pakistan belongs to all of us, not any dynasty or holy cow.
This is where I disagreed with you. Seems you have skipped my entire post, you have posted a single line, I’m asking for solutions, not rebuttals.

Rebuke me with solutions, not critique. We have enough critical thought here, we agree the system as is cannot continue and will lead to a serious threat of unity of Pakistan.

So let’s work on solutions at our own individual levels. Or don’t, it doesn’t matter to me.

I refuse to keep my head buried in the sand, what little life I’ve got left, I’ll dedicate to making small changes in our nation where I can and how I can.

Pakistan belongs to all of us, not any dynasty or holy cow.
feel free to list the solutions that can remove this group from power and change the system....
feel free to list the solutions that can remove this group from power and change the system....
“Macro” level change is what I’m interested in.
Yeah the golden age of Islam that was some 1000 years back. Today you stand no where. Islam says to gain knowledge but you only talk big. Can't follow the religion yourself properly but lecturing others.
Why don't you go lick a hot cum of some extremist mullahs for enlightenment?

I can identify two people in that pic.
One is Gen jagjit Arora the other is Gen Jacob I think he was Jewish.
That pic was taken in Bangladesh and in which year ?
I am literally studying engineering what are you on about? I am a mullah for saying we should have our own system of governance and societal organization based around core principles Islam instead of Yes daddy American lets become murtad. Have some shame. The thing about golden age is retarded are so stupid that you think that Islam only developed technology in the Golden age? No it didn't it developed it in different eras when it had peace and stability. Islam doesn't stand anywhere because of people like you and the west in general that would do anything but see Muslims united.
I am literally studying engineering what are you on about? I am a mullah for saying we should have our own system of governance and societal organization based around core principles Islam instead of Yes daddy American lets become murtad. Have some shame. The thing about golden age is retarded are so stupid that you think that Islam only developed technology in the Golden age? No it didn't it developed it in different eras when it had peace and stability. Islam doesn't stand anywhere because of people like you and the west in general that would do anything but see Muslims united.
Here come another one who puts engineer before his name even before getting a proper degree :lol:
Getting in some engineering university doesn't mean you are not ignorant and stupid. You are a fine example of it.
Go build that system instead of shaming others here and there. People like you are full of talk, superstition but no real practical action that makes a difference.
“Macro” level change is what I’m interested in.
sir jee you were talking about individual level solutions, and now you are talking about macro level solutions. i would really like to know what you want to do.
It's a blessing to be a Pakistani. A wholesome experience of a true identity self defined, an epitome of liberty and freedom among nations of the world.

What does being Pakistani mean to you?

Pakistan is a diverse country. We have multiple nations, ethnicities, faiths—even though powerful quarters have, over the years, tried to limit this diversity thru various failed experiments and actively limiting freedom of expression. Narratives cannot be controlled in 2023. We should realize that in diversity is strength.

The force that binds us together should be the Constitution—not the army, or even religion. Yes, Islam is the state religion, but we cannot force upon a specific interpretation of Islam on the people. Hence, religion has been devisive, not unifiying.

With recent events and violation of the Constitution becoming the norm, what are the real sentiments of the different peoples of Pakistan? I am specially interested in KPK. What makes the people of KPK feel attachment to Pakistan? Do most people feel Pakhtun first and Pakistani second?

The 18th ammendment was supposed to be the answer. Federalism when implemented properly is the only way forward. How different are the current cirumstances from 1971 when the will of the people was blatantly ignored. I don’t see the army allowing the Constitutionin to be followed and the PTI coming to power in KPK thru the vote. What will happen next? We have been thru two coups since 1971. Pakistan survived those. Will it be different this time? Will there be armed resisitance? Will the army shoot down unarmed civilians? I am not aware of Balochistan, but it feels like there is a chance KPK might rise up if their Constitutional rights are trampled.

I am from Karachi; my grandparents were mohajirs. In school I was fed the propaganda of the Pakistani state. In reality there are really not many things that make me feel proud to be a Pakistani. If the state cannot ensure that my views are heard, that the rule of law and Constitution is followed, that my life is made better, I would be better of living in a Karachi that was independent. Unfortunately, none of the people that have represented us have been sincere. Then there is the establishment—who sees itself as the ”unifier”—who will not allow us to have our fundamental rights.

Where are we headed?

What shabby school did you go to in Karachi? The institution should be utterly ashamed of churning out such mediocrity.
Here come another one who puts engineer before his name even before getting a proper degree :lol:
Getting in some engineering university doesn't mean you are not ignorant and stupid. You are a fine example of it.
Go build that system instead of shaming others here and there. People like you are full of talk, superstition but no real practical action that makes a difference.
Yes you are right but the thing is I am already working on it currently writing a book about it, Issue with modren Islamist Ideology is that it hasn't been coherent too many bad actors fill it with crap. Ideological revolutions take time and don't happen overnight. I find it funny that you are the perfect representation of Secular nationalists, rude, Inferiority complexed, Larping, hateful against his own culture and ignores civilizational facts. Well hope God guides you and you find your path on your own due diligence.
You got it right on target.

They don't need it, because - BECAUSE - everything works.
Well said. That's a red-pill level statement. We rarely tend to look at it that way.
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