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Pakistani Biharis used to treat us, Bengalis as their slaves - Mukti Bahini fighter

The most important think is that I dont have to carry a passport that has Pakistan in it and suffer humiliation everywhere in the world with the weakest passport
Weakest?i am good with that cause we still will have a passport of our country after 50 years ,BD might be floating Under water at that time,be sure to get it laminated by then
Weakest?i am good with that cause we still will have a passport of our country after 50 years ,BD might be floating Under water at that time,be sure to get it laminated by then

" might be" is the word and delay your post until that day. Right now I have an expanding country that is what matters.
y @Doyalbaba look at this these guys wanna rule you via haseena make you their colony but not willing to take you back . its mean future you have no chance for a full free stand up country .you will be in same situation as you are .
We didn't get rid of Bharat in 1947 to rejoin it later.BD was always independent from Delhi rule with the exception of 1550-1700 AD Mughal period.Up until Islamic invasion of India,it was always from the direction of east around present day BD ,that the empire were formed.Turkic conquest also resulted in independent sultanate in Bengal. Only during the reign of Akbar,Bengal came directly under Delhi's rule.But it didn't last long,By 1700 AD,we again became effectively independent.During much of the British period Bengal was the center of British Indian empire.We divorced India in 1947 and got independence in 1971.You only have to look at the last 2500 years history of this region to see how dear we held independence.Awami league didn't agitated 24 years against Pakistan and proclaimed independence and lead the liberation war to make us Indian colony.They are the fiercest nationalist.true son of the soil.They are co-operating with India where it will benefit BD.You may term these co-operation anything you like.
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HAHAHAHA....what a desperate distortion. The whole idea of the land swap (not give away) was to make it a lot easier to protect the border (by easier fencing) from the hordes of illegals and smugglers that we would otherwise have to put bullets into when we catch them.

Hasina is our pawn...and by extension BAL too....and forever will be. They are the tribute chumps from liberation war....they know what danda dada has....and that they must appease and bow for him to not show it.

@Nilgiri You are not doing service to your nation by such posts. Think about it, we have larger mute audience who read these threads.
so u think that's the reason why Mukti's killing innocent Pakistan's??

and u think Mukti's will keep killing ordinary People in the name of separation, and Army will just keep looking what is happening.

Bangli's should realize, that Operation by the Army was in retaliation, of killing of ordinary citizens in the name of Freedom.
Yup first step to curb the inflow of illegals. Now next step is sending them back to you after aadhar is completed.
We have no qualm to take anyone who can prove their nationality as a Bangladeshi.For others,we will just shut the door,you can gun down one by one on the your side of border if you like.Did you forget how BD treated the Rohingya when there were so much pressure to let them into BD by western world on humanitarian ground?
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@Nilgiri You are not doing service to your nation by such posts. Think about it, we have larger mute audience who read these threads.

I speak the truth as I see it. If any mute audience wants to talk about it, they can join up and say something.

I came to this subforum with olive branch and open book to learn and these residents here talk about waging war on my country in return and that it should and will be broken up.

Sorry but I am a firm believer in showing the mirror and putting them in their pathetic place....till they learn not to bite the hand that fed them.

The little boy of the subcontinent that needs to be given a spanking....and it will keep being given to them as long as necessary. The few ones that are worthy to interact on a higher level, I will do so in the threads that merit it.

We have no qualm to take anyone who can prove their nationality as a Bangladeshi.For others,we will just shut the door,you can gun down one by one on the your side of border if you like.

If you start a war, we will finish you....and no....nothing will be left for you to say "we started 20 years after you".

Be thankful that SHW is not as stupid as you....and will take it right up her rear when we tell her to.

Of course people that cannot get aadhar are from BD. Where else do you propose they came from?
I speak the truth as I see it. If any mute audience wants to talk about it, they can join up and say something.

I came to this subforum with olive branch and open book to learn and these residents here talk about waging war on my country in return and that it should and will be broken up.

Sorry but I am a firm believer in showing the mirror and putting them in their pathetic place....till they learn not to bite the hand that fed them.

The little boy of the subcontinent that needs to be given a spanking....and it will keep being given to them as long as necessary. The few ones that are worthy to interact on a higher level, I will do so in the threads that merit it.

You can not be more wrong.

The wise shall ignore the minority and look toward the majority. Hasina is pro India or at least neutral to us and more liberal BDeshis are her follower.

The way you are trying to prove her as a pawn or stooge and trying to troll a pro awami, pray tell me how it serve India's interest?

How can discrediting pro India Hasina serve our purpose?
The wise shall ignore the minority and look toward the majority. Hasina is pro India or at least neutral to us and more liberal BDeshis are her follower.

Hence why I interact with regular BDeshis quite differently. But this forum has a very strange ratio of them.

The way you are trying to prove her as a pawn or stooge and trying to troll a pro awami, pray tell me how it serve India's interest?

She is exactly a pawn/stooge. Have you interacted in any serious capacity with these "pro-awamis" in this forum? A large chunk of them want India broken up and destroyed.....or at least diminished and humiliated in some way shape or form so they can feel better about BD.

How do forum interactions matter to India's interest? These fellows number a handful...and a few handfuls are "mute spectators"....barely a tiny drop in an ocean. India will do what is required in real life (as will BD) with or without this forum existing. But the purpose for me is to seek the truth from everywhere, even those I do not agree with or even feel are my opponent in some way. Hence I push the discussion "all the way" to see if the response carries any truth. Having a "everything is great no matter what they say...so lets take it on the chin and only give them flowers in return" attitude does not serve me for my objective here. The greatest Tibetan monks in their debate courtyard take positions well in extreme to what they may personally may believe....to entirely seek the truth out in an unexpected way....so there can be no refuge in potential self-induced ignorance posing as truth.

How can discrediting pro India Hasina serve our purpose?

Same answer. I do not appreciate sycophants like her...but recognise she has utility for India and is lesser of two evils.
The little boy of the subcontinent that needs to be given a spanking....and it will keep being given to them as long as necessary. The few ones that are worthy to interact on a higher level, I will do so in the threads that merit it.

If you start a war, we will finish you....and no....nothing will be left for you to say "we started 20 years after you".

Be thankful that SHW is not as stupid as you....and will take it right up her rear when we tell her to.

Of course people that cannot get aadhar are from BD. Where else do you propose they came from?

And China and Pakistan will stand by and not take advantage?
Sorry, please come out of your dreamworld as it is not healthy.

Anyways by 2030, India simply won't dare anymore as BD will be too strong.
I think the major issue with (East Pakistan) Bangladesh was they thought Pakistan had great amount of Cash which they did not shared with Bangladesh. But we did not had that much cash, people in West Pakistan made 1-4 Rupees per day only

After division of assets in liabilities...Bangladesh still owes money to Pakistan..and this is before even adding the war damages..but in Bengali propaganda..they would say Pakistan owes them assets.....while brushing away the liabilities..post war when Kissenger sat down with Mujeeb..even he was infuriated by half-knowledge persistence of Mujeeb.

The fact is you extracted from them monetarily more than you gave back (eg look at the foreign exchange from jute that was extracted to spend on west pakistan bureaucracy). The cyclone of 1970 was the straw that broke the camels back....they ran out of patience with you.

When they won an election that would help to bring balance to this, you threw the results out and eventually conducted operation search light.

This is the Indian propaganda which the Kao Boys wrote..the fact that most of the invested capital in the East was from the west...the East had 53% share in population but only 8% in economy. Bangladesh floods put huge strain on Pakistani economy and it was West every time which had to pitch in.

Had Bengali have their own money...why did they remain poor until now...45 Years after separation from Pakistan...Bangladesh is still a focal point of poverty!


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