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Pakistani Biharis used to treat us, Bengalis as their slaves - Mukti Bahini fighter

you were slaves you are slaves and you will remain slaves . in Pakistan you have chance to stand up but now a tinny country like BD have nothing but to obey daddy Indians and that is what you guys doing .can you stand up to india ?
Man we dont want to get killed by american drones or blasted by talibi, or get slaughtered by shia sunni.
We are far more sovereign than Pakistan. Think before you write.
Man we dont want to get killed by american drones or blasted by talibi, or get slaughtered by shia sunni.
We are far more sovereign than Pakistan. Think before you write.
same here we don't want to be naked and killed by BSF.. nor we want slaughter by ISIS can not we die worse hunger and poverty .thanks for going away with this tiny peace of land 180m people ? nah we are ok
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GDP PPP is subjective measurement. It is prone
to be re-evaluated due to change in economic
structure, government policies etc.

Try GDP/capita in US dollars and BD may be ahead now
due to the fact that Pakistan could have more than
200 million population currently.

And please let us ignore the delusional Indian
who keeps going on about "consumption" of India
being twice as high as BD when the average Indian lives
3 years less.

I don't agree with your comments about GDP, PPP. It is the best way to compare the economies of various countries. Prices vary from country to country.

With that said, Pakistan is ahead of Bangladesh by nominal GDP Per Capita too:

World Development Indicators PK BD - Google Public Data Explorer.png


Pakistan: $1316.61 (2014)

Bangladesh: $1086.81 (2014)
I don't agree with your comments about GDP, PPP. It is the best way to compare the economies of various countries. Prices vary from country to country.

99% of the people who discredit PPP on this forum have not even read the ICP papers in any detail (if they even know what they are).

There are 1 - 2 members who have, who have some valid points I have discussed with....but they are not Bangladeshi.

What they have said in some other threads have gone through the classic phenomenon of "Chinese whispers" to reach the general 99% riffraff....so my eyes glaze over when I see people criticize PPP blindly using catchphrases like "subjective". ...like nominal is somehow "objective" in comparison.

Its like a random someone telling me oh Newton's laws are bad because of Einstein's relativity...without being able to explain why on a deep level (or more importantly what context)....without resorting to mere phrases and singular words that stood out to them from a more deep discourse.
99% of the people who discredit PPP on this forum have not even read the ICP papers in any detail (if they even know what they are).

There are 1 - 2 members who have, who have some valid points I have discussed with....but they are not Bangladeshi.

What they have said in some other threads have gone through the classic phenomenon of "Chinese whispers" to reach the general 99% riffraff....so my eyes glaze over when I see people criticize PPP blindly using catchphrases like "subjective". ...like nominal is somehow "objective" in comparison.

Its like a random someone telling me oh Newton's laws are bad because of Einstein's relativity...without being able to explain why on a deep level (or more importantly what context)....without resorting to mere phrases and singular words that stood out to them from a more deep discourse.

I couldn't have said it better myself. Critics of PPP typically resort to broad, vague comments about it. But they rarely mention criticisms of their own preferred metric. GDP PPP isn't perfect, but neither is nominal GDP. But of the two, PPP is the best option because it adjusts for the cost of common goods.
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Development whether in Pakistan, India or Bangladesh is all good news.

It's not a game or competition.

Comparisons are silly.
I don't agree with your comments about GDP, PPP. It is the best way to compare the economies of various countries. Prices vary from country to country.

With that said, Pakistan is ahead of Bangladesh by nominal GDP Per Capita too:

View attachment 333047


Pakistan: $1316.61 (2014)

Bangladesh: $1086.81 (2014)

Figure for nominal is out of date there.
BD is over 1400 US dollars now and Pakistan would be similar.

I take your point that nominal is also not perfect
but it is better way to measure than PPP. Let me give
you the example of the very high price of cars in BD due to government policy.
^^^ This is perfect example of what I mean @LA se Karachi ...probably has not even had a glancing look at the summary of the ICP, what it does and how its measured.

"Better" way to measure....only because it helps to improve BD performance relative to others.
Figure for nominal is out of date there.
BD is over 1400 US dollars now and Pakistan would be similar.

Different sources have different figures. These were from the World Bank (via Google). But my point was that Bangladesh is still behind Pakistan even by this metric. Show me a single source from a credible entity that shows Pakistan's per capita GDP (nominal) has been surpassed by Bangladesh.

take your point that nominal is also not perfect
but it is better way to measure than PPP. Let me give
you the example of the very high price of cars in BD due to government policy.

No it is not. Nominal GDP does not adjust for standard of living. The price of cars in Bangladesh has little to do with this general concept.

Maybe this simple post can help you understand:


This is perfect example of what I mean @LA se Karachi ...probably has not even had a glancing look at the summary of the ICP, what it does and how its measured.

No doubt. He also keeps asserting that nominal GDP is a superior metric for comparisons between countries without providing any broad economic arguments. I'm not sure he understands PPP at all.

"Better" way to measure....only because it helps to improve BD performance relative to others.

Exactly. I've been thinking the same thing. And yet, if the shoe was on the other foot, and Bangladesh was clearly ahead of Pakistan by Per Capita GDP (PPP), I wouldn't have a problem saying that they were doing better economically. But I have a feeling that he wouldn't be discussing why nominal GDP was better if that was the case.
Different sources have different figures. These were from the World Bank (via Google). But my point was that Bangladesh is still behind Pakistan even by this metric. Show me a single source from a credible entity that shows Pakistan's per capita GDP (nominal) has been surpassed by Bangladesh.

No it is not. Nominal GDP does not adjust for standard of living. The price of cars in Bangladesh has little to do with this general concept.

Maybe this simple post can help you understand:


I would use IMF but Pakistan is not on the list for reasons we all know. Anyway even if Pakistan is still ahead it won't be more than 100-200 dollars and we know that BD GDP capita is growing at 6% a year with Pakistan at 3%. Does not take a genius to figure what will soon happen.

I am well aware of how GDP PPP is measured but things like cars are also included in this calculation. For most
countries it does not skew the figures greatly but due to massive import tax and hence cost of cars in BD , it makes the figure of PPP not reflect common living standards.

Since I am on a tablet and no access to PC for a week or two, I am unable to conclusively prove my point with salaries and prices for both BD and Pakistan. We will have to wait a little while before I can put this debate to rest for good.

same here we don't want to be naked and killed by BSF.. nor we want slaughter by ISIS can not we die worse hunger and poverty .thanks for going away with this tiny peace of land 180m people ? nah we are ok

Funny coming from a country that has 50 people regularly killed by bomb blasts.
How many people die in terrorist attacks in BD every year compared to Pakistan?

And hilarious to see people talk about slavery when their government allows the US to fly
drones over their territory to kill their own citizens.
I am well aware of how GDP PPP is measured but things like cars are also included in this calculation. For most
countries it does not skew the figures greatly but due to massive import tax and hence cost of cars in BD , it makes the figure of PPP not reflect common living standards.

So much wrong with this statement I dont even know where to begin.....so I wont (since its a waste of time anyway).
Figure for nominal is out of date there.
BD is over 1400 US dollars now and Pakistan would be similar.

I take your point that nominal is also not perfect
but it is better way to measure than PPP. Let me give
you the example of the very high price of cars in BD due to government policy.

PPP is useful when you compare first world economy with a third world economy where the income gap is almost 50 to 100 times. Small factoring error does not alter the overall scenario. It's not to compare between two first world countries or between two 3rd world countries.

same here we don't want to be naked and killed by BSF.. nor we want slaughter by ISIS can not we die worse hunger and poverty .thanks for going away with this tiny peace of land 180m people ? nah we are ok

No foreign troops ever dared to cross our border in last 45 years. I dont want to humiliate your PK as it is a PK forum. Lets leave it there.
I would use IMF but Pakistan is not on the list for reasons we all know.

The IMF you say? Where on earth did you get the idea that Pakistan is not on the list? Why wouldn't it be? It most certainly is:

Report for Selected Countries and Subjects.png


Anyway even if Pakistan is still ahead it won't be more than 100-200 dollars and we know that BD GDP capita is growing at 6% a year with Pakistan at 3%. Does not take a genius to figure what will soon happen.

And Pakistan's GDP per capita is grew at 3.37% in 2015 vs 5.28% for Bangladesh (not 6%):


I am well aware of how GDP PPP is measured but things like cars are also included in this calculation. For most
countries it does not skew the figures greatly but due to massive import tax and hence cost of cars in BD , it makes the figure of PPP not reflect common living standards.

If you know how GDP (PPP) is measured and what it means then I shouldn't have to explain to you why your alleged car example is not a reason to discount it. That's absurd.

Since I am on a tablet and no access to PC for a week or two, I am unable to conclusively prove my point with salaries and prices for both BD and Pakistan. We will have to wait a little while before I can put this debate to rest for good.

I'm not sure what you hope to prove. GDP (PPP) is the proper method to compare the economies of different countries. That won't change regardless of what you post here.

I'm going to bed now but I'll be happy to respond to you in the morning.
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Bangladesh is going fine. The country is very stable right now. There is hardly any strike or political agitation. Our life is peaceful and quiet. The ISIS attack in gulshan was no different from France or USA which has been taken care of. all the masterminds are dead. I don't know why are you being that pessimistic?

to spite her foes SH would chop her own nose, gauge her eyes and take her country down with her

BD is much better served with SANE people, not wild witches who have only 2-3 obsessions on their mind

BD needs technocrats, not indian boot licker slaves - as its leader

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