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Pakistan asks India to handover Kasab, Ansari

All those who are calling for his hanging, I wonder if they ever thought of the aftereffects.

You hang Kasab = You make him a glorious martyr!

The day it is done, there will be a long queue of young, gullible and violent jehadis wanting to join the ranks of LeT.
Best option here is to keep him in jail, and linger the court case for years to make his sympathizers realize that he won't be sent to jannat anytime soon.

It is wise to prioritize the safety of the society than go for revenge and raise the stakes.
One question i want to ask..

why is that during the mumbai attack the one guy who was caught on CCTV with an AK and a bagpack in the subway and was shown in Indian media over and over again for 3 days. The only man caught on CCTV was the only man caught alive by the Police and was Ajmal Kasab.. Framed .. maybe or maybe not... but it does arouse suspicions?

i have another last question aswell... but if u guys answer this one i will ask the other one..
No Offence its just for my satisfaction maybe i'll be shouting hang ajmal in future..Depends on the Reply
One question i want to ask..

why is that during the mumbai attack the one guy who was caught on CCTV with an AK and a bagpack in the subway and was shown in Indian media over and over again for 3 days.

I wonder where you learnt that ?

In the beginning the media was only given footage and pictures that were shot by public CCTV's and civilians. They had 2 terrorists in that who attacked the CST station. They were unable to retrieve pictures of the other terrorists, and the ones that were available were very blurred.




The above is the clearest picture because it was taken by a TOI cameraman who happened to be at CST.

Later after the incident was over we were able to recover more footage from the CCTV's at Taj and other sources and provide them to the media. There are also lot of intercepted transcripts available in the public domain.
One question i want to ask..

why is that during the mumbai attack the one guy who was caught on CCTV with an AK and a bagpack in the subway and was shown in Indian media over and over again for 3 days. The only man caught on CCTV was the only man caught alive by the Police and was Ajmal Kasab.. Framed .. maybe or maybe not... but it does arouse suspicions?

i have another last question aswell... but if u guys answer this one i will ask the other one..
No Offence its just for my satisfaction maybe i'll be shouting hang ajmal in future..Depends on the Reply

kasab is not the one guy caught in CCTV.Other terrorists were also caught on CCTV.Kasab's case is more publicized as he got caught alive.
kasab is not the one guy caught in CCTV.Other terrorists were also caught on CCTV.Kasab's case is more publicized as he got caught alive.

no u dont understand.. i was saying that when the attack started these photos and videos were shown to public from the first day..i was glued to the tv and watching indian media.. he was the only terrorist they showed continously for three days as like he is the only one terrorizing mumbai... i agree there must be other cctv footage or maybe images of other terrorists but they were not shown for three days.. furthermore when was the news of ajmal kasab arrest aired in tele ?? the last day after the standoff?? insnt it? this is like indian media from the begining knew or sm one told them to show him only as ajmal kasab will be the only one who will be caught alive
no u dont understand.. i was saying that when the attack started these photos and videos were shown to public from the first day..i was glued to the tv and watching indian media.. he was the only terrorist they showed continously for three days as like he is the only one terrorizing mumbai... i agree there must be other cctv footage or maybe images of other terrorists but they were not shown for three days.. furthermore when was the news of ajmal kasab arrest aired in tele ?? the last day after the standoff?? insnt it? this is like indian media from the begining knew or sm one told them to show him only as ajmal kasab will be the only one who will be caught alive

a. He was caught in the first few hours itself - unlike the rest. The only places where cameras were present were the station and the hotels. Since the hotels were under siege for 3 days - their CCTV footage was not available till after the saga was over. Hence, during the saga the images beamed were from CST.

b. In other circumstances I would have laughed at sections of the Pakistani media calling Nariman House a Mossad center. I was just appalled. I had personally dropped an American friend there and she had played with the 3 year old kid and was good friends with the Rabbi. An Israeli consular officer (another person) with whom I play tennis also told me how the women were tortured and asked to tell the Israeli consulate "We will be let go if Kasab is released". Israelis tried their best to save their citizens but could not prevail upon the Indians - Israel also has a policy of not negotiating with terrorists. My friend and some of her colleagues were airlifted to Tel Aviv within hours of the incident. He also mentioned that they were appalled at the way in which the Indian armed forces handled the situation - a response team should have been at the hotels in less than 30 mins.

3. I was on my way to the Taj from a pub called Henry Thames which is less than a 5 minute walk - and right outside the driveway a guard told me to get away as fast as possible - I had no clue what was going on for the next 10 minutes and believe it or not - was on my way to the Oberoi next when I started receiving calls to get back home ASAP. 15 minutes off - and I could have been at any of the hotels.

I refused to believe that it was actually true and pulled over after some time to ask a cop - he said in Marathi, "Khoop motha lafda hai - mahit nahee kay chalalay" - ergo "It's a big happenstance - don't know what's exactly going on". You had to be here to know the magnitude of shock.
I refused to believe that it was actually true and pulled over after some time to ask a cop - he said in Marathi, "Khoop motha lafda hai - mahit nahee kay chalalay" - ergo "It's a big happenstance - don't know what's exactly going on". You had to be here to know the magnitude of shock.

I was at a restaurant in Bandra when the incident began. I started getting calls from my relatives in Nepal inquiring if I am all right ..We saw cop cars zooming past us and the restaurant manager also advised us to go home. Everyone thought that it was some kind of mafia incident.

My cousin who lives near the Taj was at a meeting near my place ..He stayed at our place that night. When we learnt it was a terror attack we were a bit sad and outraged.

My gratitude to the NSG commandos, cops, and civilians who risked and those who lost their lives in the operation.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
no u dont understand.. i was saying that when the attack started these photos and videos were shown to public from the first day..i was glued to the tv and watching indian media.. he was the only terrorist they showed continously for three days as like he is the only one terrorizing mumbai... i agree there must be other cctv footage or maybe images of other terrorists but they were not shown for three days.. furthermore when was the news of ajmal kasab arrest aired in tele ?? the last day after the standoff?? insnt it? this is like indian media from the begining knew or sm one told them to show him only as ajmal kasab will be the only one who will be caught alive

no u dont understand..or perhaps dont know..Kasab got caught during the first day only.Besides CST was one of the first places to be secured.So,CCTV footages were retrieved from those places and shown in media.Other places like the Taj hotel was secured later,and CCTV footages there could not be retrieved as fast as in case of CST.

Also,one important point to be noted is after the early footages were aired the media channels were forbidden to air any more live updates of the situation until the whole operation was over.So,by that time,the only footage that media channels could show was that of CST(where Kasab was).
U should have watched the media reports more intently,otherwise this confusion wouldnt have arised.
Hope this clears the confusion..
It is not PAKISTAN it should be called the Islamic Republic of TERRORISTAN

Murli, Please mind your language here. you are directly attacking country's name!!!! not sure if we want to go over there. this is ur second post so please behave like freshman.
It is not PAKISTAN it should be called the Islamic Republic of TERRORISTAN , Kudos to your Politicians, ISI and Military making the country well known in the world for exporting Terror.

In the name of ISLAM your country men have been killing people round the world. No true religion permits these dastardly acts. Pakistan is a fit case of a failed nation.

Post Reported :yahoo:

What an idiot :angry:
It is not PAKISTAN it should be called the Islamic Republic of TERRORISTAN , Kudos to your Politicians, ISI and Military making the country well known in the world for exporting Terror.

In the name of ISLAM your country men have been killing people round the world. No true religion permits these dastardly acts. Pakistan is a fit case of a failed nation.
Dude, this is not youtube! Please watch what you type. Anyways,:wave:
Give them kasab and get Dawood..we will hang Dawood and international pressure will force pak to hang Kasab..so its a win win deal..lets go for it

ahh no need of giving Kasab back,,,,,,,,, This was only a political statement by our oligarchs,

and forget about Dawood , Hafiz Saeed blah blah.....

ahh no need of giving Kasab back,,,,,,,,, This was only a political statement by our oligarchs

Yes ,everyone knows its just a political statmnt,and a foolish statemnt as well..cause if a you and me know that qasab wont be handed to Pakistan by India then I dont think it was difficult for them to guess it.;)

and forget about Dawood , Hafiz Saeed blah blah.....


:lol: this is also known buddy..BTW saeed was fine but Dawood ??

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