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Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

sorry dont have their tel.no otherwise i would have suggested u call them to find out for all of us!

Oh... so you just posted it like that. Great... :tup:

(lol... whenver you do, please do give it to me and I'll do all a great service of verification) for the post)
Rawalpindi - November 3, 2009:

South Waziristan - Operation Rah-e-Nijat

a. In last 24 hours, 21 terrorists have been killed while 2 suspects were apprehended. Security forces losses are 1 Shaheed and 2 injured. Details of operations are as follows:-

(1) On Jandola – Sararogha Axis.

On this axis security forces have commenced sanitization of Sararogha. Number of IEDs have been neutralized. During engagements with terrorists 16 terrorists have been killed while 1 soldier embraced shahadat and 1 soldier got injured due to mine blast. Two suspects have been apprehended.

(2) On Shakai - Kaniguram Axis

(a) Security forces after completely securing Kaniguram have started search and clearance operations. Arms and ammunition is being recovered from different compounds.

(b) Forces are also extending on the adjoining ridges to increase their area of influence. Terrorists fired 6 rockets at Kaniguram. However no loss reported.

(c) Sanitization of Ghani Khel and surrounding area has commenced. During engagements 5 terrorists have been killed.

(3) On Razmak- Makeen Axis

(a) Village China has been completely secured and area upto Mian Nur Khel has also been secured. Consolidation is in progress.

(b) Security forces secured area up to south of Manza Sar Top and consolidation of positions is under process.

(c) Terrorists fired with small arms and 2 rockets from northern direction near Razmak out check posts. No loss has been reported.

(d) 1 soldier was injured near Chashmai Bridge while neutralizing an IED.

Relief Activities

a. 679 displaced families of Waziristan have moved to District Zhob, Baluchistan.

b. 7,326 cash cards have been distributed amongst the displaced families of Waziristan.


KIT Over n Out :victory::pakistan::sniper::guns:

Thanks Taimi! I just sent them an email since there was no phone number listed on that website.

Here's my email to them:

To whom it may concern,

This is apropos a survey titled "Most Pakistanis back war against Taliban: poll" released on Tuesday by your foundation. I have the following queries about it:

1. What is/are the objective(s) of this survey? What was the purpose of carrying it out now?
2. Has there been a significant change in the findings of these surveys? (please indicate if the results are statistically significant or not, with a p value <0.05 or even less)
3. What was the methodology employed? (the sample size, population, the time period, was the questionnaire self-administered?)
4. Who gave the funding for this project?

I would like to share your response with some members of a forces based website.

Looking forward to your reply,

Much thanks,


Will put up the reply as soon as it comes my way.
Sararogha secured; 21 militants killed
By Iftikhar A. Khan

ISLAMABAD: Security forces achieved a major success in their operation in South Waziristan on Tuesday by taking control of Sararogha, the operational nerve centre of Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).

Military spokesman Maj-Gen Athar Abbas told Dawn that troops had entered Sararogha and were carrying out a search and clearance operation.

The troops faced fierce resistance in their advance towards Sararogha after having taken Kotkai, the hometown of TTP Chief Hakimullah Mehsud.

Sararogha has been the venue of TTP shura meetings and press conferences held by its leaders. It is close to the settled areas of Bannu and Lakki Marwat.

Gen Abbas said the dislodging of the TTP from its operational base would lead to a quick disintegration of the organisation. Although the TTP was claiming that it was a &#8216;tactical withdrawal&#8217;, he said, its capability of carrying out organised attacks and striking back had weakened to a great extent.

An official said that security forces&#8217; ability to carry out effective surveillance and monitoring of militants&#8217; movement at night had played a major role in the success.

He said effectively targeted attacks had caused heavy casualties behind the front. These casualties are not in the count officially announced by the forces.

According to ISPR, 21 militants were killed and two suspects apprehended in South Waziristan on Monday and Tuesday.

One soldier died and two others were injured in clashes.

In the search and clearance operation in Kaniguram, troops found arms and ammunition in different compounds. They are now advancing to adjoining ridges.

Terrorists fired six rockets on Kaniguram.

Troops have also started clearing Ghani Khel and adjoining areas and have killed five terrorists.

On the Razmak-Makin axis, the Cheena village and areas up to Mian Nur Khel and south of Manza Sar have been secured.

Militants attacked a checkpoint near Razmak with small arms and fired two rockets.

A soldier was injured near Chashmai bridge while defusing a landmine.

In Swat, 21 suspects were apprehended and 10 terrorists surrendered. Two SMGs with ammunition, a pistol and five grenades were seized in Cham.

Two uniforms of the Special Services Group, camouflage jackets, machine-guns, rifles, grenades and Russian IEDs were found in the Peochar area.

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Sararogha secured; 21 militants killed
Nine militants killed in fresh South Waziristan clashes

ISLAMABAD: At least nine suspected militants were killed and several others injured in the latest round of clashes during the military operation in South Waziristan.

According to official sources, security forces targeted militant hideouts in Nawazkot killing the nine suspected militants.

Security forces also destroyed an important militant base in the area.

Meanwhile, in North Waziristan&#8217;s Razmak tehsil, security forces destroyed the house of a local militant commander. &#8212; DawnNews
Attack foiled in Hangu; four militants killed

HANGU: At least four suspected militants were killed as security forces retaliated an attack at the SpinThall check post in the Hangu district near the border of Kurram Agency.

Meanwhile, in Kohat, police say two alleged suicide bombers accidentally blew themselves up while on their way to the PAF Range road, 25 kilometres from Kohat city.

According to police, the suicide bombers were riding a motorcycle and apparently slipped on the bumpy road and a bomber’s jacket exploded accidentally. :oops: poor guys

The bomb disposal squad confirmed that traces of explosive material had been found on the damaged motorcycle along with body parts of the alleged suicide bomber. The men were carrying 50-60 kilograms of explosives on the motorcycle but it could not be ascertained as to what was their exact target.

Police teams recovered the arms, legs and head of one of the bombers.

Meanwhile, a woman was killed and three others injured when a rocket fell at a house in the Thall area. — DawnNews
Civilian losses
Dawn Editorial
Wednesday, 04 Nov, 2009

Given the nature of the war that is being fought in Pakistan, civilians have been falling victim in their hundreds to the violence. Public revulsion and anger are naturally directed at the militants who have been deliberately targeting civilians as their strategy entails brutish strikes in which unarmed men, women and children die.

They appear to have no qualms about attacking and killing people who are not even a party to the fighting. Hence the strong condemnation. That is how we see the bomb blast in Rawalpindi on Monday that left a number of people, mostly senior citizens, dead. Last week, a bomber struck in a busy Peshawar market killing more than 100 people &#8212; mainly women and children. October saw 22 blasts in various places that took almost 300 lives. No words are enough to express the horror and anguish that is felt at this senseless loss of human life. The Taliban are feeling trapped by the army operation in South Waziristan and are consequently retaliating by targeting vulnerable areas that naturally comprise civilians.

Their strategy is flawed. Every attack &#8212; even though it causes panic and mayhem &#8212; can only strengthen the common man&#8217;s resolve to ward off terrorism. Moreover, it makes the militants and their ideology even more unpopular which means their methods are backfiring as they continue to lose any support they may have had from the people. While the Taliban&#8217;s strategy will get them nowhere in terms of public support, it is important that the government persists in its efforts to strengthen security in public places, enhance the quality and reach of its intelligence-gathering and provide guidelines to people on how to secure themselves. It would also help if the operation in Waziristan is not allowed to drift on because a protracted war will invite further attacks from the militants.
Militants on retreat due to operation in South Waziristan: Zardari

ISLAMABAD, Nov 4 (APP): President Asif Ali Zardari Wednesday said the militants were on a “retreat”, following the massive military operation in South Waziristan to rid the area of extremists and terrorists.

Talking to special envoy of the UN Secretary General for Humanitarian Assistance to Pakistan Jean-Maurice Ripert here at the Presidency, the President said the fight against militancy has been given political ownership and described it as “a great plus” in the ongoing fight.

President Zardari reiterated that the government was clear in its determination to eliminate the scourge of extremism and militancy and bring peace and stability to the country, the region and the world.

The President appreciated the active role being played by the UN agencies in providing humanitarian assistance to the people of Pakistan, especially in areas affected in the ongoing war against militancy and terrorism.

The President said the visit of the UNSG’s special envoy will further strengthen synergies of UN agencies in the country.

The President said that all possible measures have been taken to provide “foolproof security” to the UN personnel in the country.

He urged the UN agencies and the world community to help Pakistan look after the people displaced as a result of the fight against militants.

The President also expressed his condolences over the deaths of UN officials in the suicide attack on the World Food Programme office and paid rich tributes to them for “laying down their lives for the cause of humanity”.

Jean-Maurice Ripert assured the continued support and cooperation of the UN agencies for humanitarian assistance to Pakistan. He said that he would work with the Government of Pakistan and international financial institutions to mobilize resources for rehabilitation and reconstruction of the crisis affected areas.

The meeting was attended by Minister of State for Economic Affairs Ms. Hina Rabbani Khar, Foreign and Interior Secretaries, and other senior officials.
Attack foiled in Hangu; four militants killed

HANGU: At least four suspected militants were killed as security forces retaliated an attack at the SpinThall check post in the Hangu district near the border of Kurram Agency.

Meanwhile, in Kohat, police say two alleged suicide bombers accidentally blew themselves up while on their way to the PAF Range road, 25 kilometres from Kohat city.

According to police, the suicide bombers were riding a motorcycle and apparently slipped on the bumpy road and a bomber’s jacket exploded accidentally. :oops: poor guys

ISLAMABAD: Troops were Wednesday locked in deadly street battles with Taliban fighters, pushing a ground offensive deeper into militant-held territory, the military said.
A senior military official told AFP the army had ‘taken’ the strategic town of Sararogha in the third week of fighting, while 30 insurgents were reported killed in the last 24 hours.:tup:

Pakistan has vowed to quash Tehrik-i-Taliban in South Waziristan, part of the border area with Afghanistan that Washington calls the most dangerous place in the world because of the abundance of Al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters.

Sararogha shot to infamy within the tribal belt as the operational centre of former Tehrik-i-Taliban warlord Baitullah Mehsud, who was killed in a US drone attack in August.

The military provides the only regular information coming from the frontlines. None of the details can be verified because communication lines are down and journalists and aid workers barred from the area.

Pakistan launched its fierce air and ground offensive into the northwest region on October 17, with some 30,000 troops backed by fighters jets and helicopter gunships laying siege to Tehrik-i-Taliban bolt-holes.

‘Today, security forces entered into the important stronghold of terrorists, the town of Ladha. Intense fighting is taking place in (the) streets,’ the military said in its daily update.

It said ‘security forces have cleared a major part’ of Sararogha, but a senior official in northwest Pakistan said the town had been captured.

So far, the military has claimed to have killed more than 390 militants since the operation began, with 45 troops losing their lives.

The long-anticipated assault into South Waziristan came after a spring offensive in and around the northwestern Swat valley, which the government declared a success in July. However, sporadic outbreaks of violence continue.

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Thirty militants killed in South Waziristan street battles

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