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Haqqani network also target of N Waziristan operation: ISPR

If the PA can go after the Afghan Taliban (Haqqani) why not the LeT, JeM etc? Why this selective approach? There are according to reports about 42 terror training camps in Pakistan, more than half in Pak Administered Kashmir. So what's the problem? But no action will be taken against them as they are PA's army for fighting the proxy war in Kashmir.

But the danger is that one day, these very groups are going to bite the hand that feeds it like the TTP. It's a question of time. And it would be too late.
No distinction between GOOD TALIBANIS and BAD TALIBUNIS. Kill them all.
If the PA can go after the Afghan Taliban (Haqqani) why not the LeT, JeM etc? Why this selective approach? There are according to reports about 42 terror training camps in Pakistan, more than half in Pak Administered Kashmir. So what's the problem? But no action will be taken against them as they are PA's army for fighting the proxy war in Kashmir.

But the danger is that one day, these very groups are going to bite the hand that feeds it like the TTP. It's a question of time. And it would be too late.

Who is destabilizing Pakistan, Causing more harm ? Are these groups involved in FATA or Balochistan ?

We didn't Feed TTP. That's where your flaw is exposed about how much you know TTP history, it's inception.

The topic is about war against FATA insurgency not about what India wants.

Azad jammu and kashmir is most stable region of Pakistan. Shows how much your terrorists biting the hand that feed is wrong or any terror camp that exist there
If the PA can go after the Afghan Taliban (Haqqani) why not the LeT, JeM etc? Why this selective approach? There are according to reports about 42 terror training camps in Pakistan, more than half in Pak Administered Kashmir. So what's the problem? But no action will be taken against them as they are PA's army for fighting the proxy war in Kashmir.

But the danger is that one day, these very groups are going to bite the hand that feeds it like the TTP. It's a question of time. And it would be too late.

Operation is going on in North Wazirstan......
We didn't Feed TTP. That's where your flaw is exposed about how much you know TTP history, it's inception.
Correction. Not TTP. I meant LeT, the armed wing of the JuD which has been banned by the UN and now the US. But General Hafiz Saeed continues on a merry roll in Pakistan spewing venom against India, US and Israel, with the Pakistani authorities turning a blind eye to his shenanigans. This fellow today is the spokesman for your intel agencies. What of tomorrow? This stooge may soon bite the hand that feeds him and his terror organization.

Operation is going on in North Wazirstan......
I know and that's a good thing! But what about the other terrorist groups like the LeT and JeM etc? The million dollar question is whether the PA will ever go after them too? I doubt it.
I know and that's a good thing! But what about the other terrorist groups like the LeT and JeM etc? The million dollar question is whether the PA will ever go after them too? I doubt it.

When there will be operation in Punjab than talk about it, don't derail thread by bringing your wish list as LeT & JeM are linked to BLA & BRA.
Now who always make propaganda against Pakistan that ISI Support Haqqani Network.............they must shut their mouths now....:sniper:
When there will be operation in Punjab than talk about it, don't derail thread by bringing your wish list as LeT & JeM are linked to BLA & BRA.
LeT & JeM are linked to BLA & BRA?? :woot: That's news to me!! They are linked to HuM not BLA. :P
USA asked it years back. Go and check the news. At least two to three years ago. It is actually happening because Pakistan wants to do it. As I said. Pakistan is doing it when it wants to. Two to three years difference is not a coincidence in the normal world. Don't know about the country of jerks called as India. Anyways I know you. You love making bogus claims on this forum. :)
I believe a person descends into name calling and flying off the handle when either a raw nerve gets hit or he has nothing left to say. I will let you decide for yourself which one is it in your case... Adios..
LeT & JeM are linked to BLA & BRA?? :woot: That's news to me!! They are linked to HuM not BLA. :P

Link means - If you demand elimination of LeT & JeM than you have to reciprocate it by abandoning your proxies. Unless you are ready to talk about your terror facilitation camps in Afghanistan & Tajikistan keep your mouth zipped.
Link means - If you demand elimination of LeT & JeM than you have to reciprocate it by abandoning your proxies.

Who are these proxies? TTP? C'mon man get real. They are a threat to India too! There's not an iota of evidence that the TTP are Indian proxies. If you do have some evidence please post it here to back up your claims.
Who are these proxies? TTP? C'mon man get real. They are a threat to India too! There's not an iota of evidence that the TTP are Indian proxies. If you do have some evidence please post it here to back up your claims.

BS!!! India has done more damage to Pakistan via her proxies TTP & Baluch Insurgents. And yeah there are millions of people lined up in Afghanistan to see Taj Mahal that India need dozens of consulates in Afghanistan.
BS!!! India has done more damage to Pakistan via her proxies TTP & Baluch Insurgents. And yeah there are millions of people lined up in Afghanistan to see Taj Mahal that India need dozens of consulates in Afghanistan.

Again: You have squat proof! Period!

Again: You have squat proof! Period!

What proofs? Do you want pictures of wrappers of Soaps & Surfs and term it dossier of concrete evidence like India do?
What proofs? Do you want pictures of wrappers of Soaps & Surfs and term it dossier of concrete evidence like India do?
So what's the big deal? These items are officially imported by Pakistan from India!! :P They're all over the marketplace in Pakistan! And you call these items bought by the TTP in Pakistani markets as proof??? :woot: :rofl:
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