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Officially becoming a secular liberal person

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Now my question.
What problem do you have in the current set of laws in which you can move in a burqa and not eat pork and forego alcohol?

Where as I who is happy to have both pork and wine is allowed to do so.
So no reply? Just as I thought just a payt mein dard when you see the word Shariah (which is related to Islam)! :tup:
how flexible are Islamic laws? What was considered fair punishments back then are barbaric today.
Why so? Just like sharing wives was disgusting and now it is very much acceptable and called swinggers :pop:
My question went unanswered...Answer mine first then I will answer yours! Dont want you to copy my answer as you copied my question...
Simple, in a Shariah law, can a non Muslim be head of the State, your Khalifah/ xyz?
If not, then I cannot support such a system.
Read Islam mr than choose weather you want to be Muslim or secular because ALLAH has said in the Quran those who don't decide according to what ALLAH has revealed are actual kafirs

Where does it say that and how does it fit to him?
That is the biggest bull$hit line I have ever heard.

When did Secular "extremists" blow up a school to force kids to their views?
When was the last time Secular "extremists" used a gun to enforce their views?

All they ever do is talk and reason and explain and criticize. They never use physical violence - which is a trait of extremists - the only ones in town - your conservative extremists.

You are comparing seculars with terrorists

Those who use this line that Conservative extremists and Secular "extremists" are actually closet Islamists.

NOTHING wrong with being Islamists it merely means those who follow Islam. If your Hindu and western media had twisted the word Islamists comparing it to terrorists then everything is wrong with your head.
Simple, in a Shariah law, can a non Muslim be head of the State, your Khalifah/ xyz?
If not, then I cannot support such a system.
Answer is no why? Because he will turn out to be like you being afraid of words linked with Islam ...However, that is my personal opinion...The head of state has to be chosen by the set of people....This was set 1400 years ago...something West is only starting to enjoy:

1.1 Shura: Consultation and the Adaptability of Islamic Law
Rule in Islam is based on the concept of shūrā, a term which has two meanings in Islamic governance:

1.Shūrā is a referendum on which the majority of people agree, and is the basic method for choosing the ruler in Islam. Similarly, it is the means to approve his decisions. Muhammad Abū Zahrā in The History of Islamic Thought and Leadership in Politics and Belief, writes:
“All the Muslims, including the Shi¿a and all the different schools of thought, [which at one time number over 470] agreed that leadership as defined by the Prophet, in the saying ‘If you are three make one your leader’ can only be implemented by election. That is done in every district, (hayy), at the state level (wilāyat) and above that by the federal authority, (al-idāra al-markazīyya).”

2.The advisory board (al-majlis ash-shūrā), which advises the ruler, is a group of elected experts. The task of such groups is to observe and oversee the ruler (murāqabat as-sulţān). They are in this position to form an opinion of the ruler and his rule, and to control any aspirations he may have to override the rights of the people. They must be aware of the variations in these rights within ethnic, cultural and environmental norms. This system is like that being implemented in America today, where we have the federal system, the state and local governments, and municipalities. The judicial system acts to check the executive and legislative branches, ensuring fair and correct implementation of law. We also have the free press, which acts as a watchdog over the government, issuing warnings at the slightest sign the interests of the people are being betrayed.

Everything that impacts human life accounted for in the law and falls under the jurisdiction of the ruler. Yet the ruler himself has no personal choice in ruling, as do contemporary monarchs. The Prophet (s) prohibited the ruler, who has been chosen or appointed, to usurp authority he does not possess. He is tied to the law, which as the ruler is his duty to enforce. The majlis ash-shūrā ensures that he does so.

In the Shari¿ah there are laws that are immutable or nearly so, similar to the constitutional basis of Western democracy and the US Bill of Rights. However, the remainder of the law is adaptable, changing with:

1.The practical application of the “immutable” law, established in the earlier rulings of judges; ie. case law.

2. Society’s evolving needs.
Simple, in a Shariah law, can a non Muslim be head of the State, your Khalifah/ xyz?
If not, then I cannot support such a system.

How many Secular countries have Muslims as Head of the State ?

you being Hindu or whatever you are whether support this system or not you are nobody for Islamic countries
What was that supposed to mean?
How people say something was bad (barbaric punishments) in the past is no longer bad so I just gave an example of other things...
hypey tere jaisay secular muslims ko sun kar mujhay aik sher yaad aata hai Iqbal ka !!!


i have always supported a conservative islamic pakistan, but recent events and experiences in my life have changed my mind quite a bit. from here on i am official a liberal Pakistani and will always advocate for a secular democratic Pakistan.
i would like to apologize to some of the secular members on here for anything i might have said to them to make them mad or angry.

ok, what I a liberal Pakistani?
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