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Officially becoming a secular liberal person

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How people say something was bad (barbaric punishments) in the past is no longer bad so I just gave an example of other things...

Ok.... But now that you have used it let me tell you something about it ( i hate to have religious discussion, but let me try) The wife sharing which you mentioned here, need to be looked little differently and you cannot compare it modern day word as swinging... It was due to a reason (read mahabaratham for the details), but nowhere it is mentioned as a rule to be followed in Hinduism... and no one follows it..... so let us not take one incident out of Mahabaratham and use it to score a point :)
1. Pakistan needs a moderate PATH as advocated by Islam and Quran.

2."Secularism" as advocated by some countries is another extreme.

3. i say both Conservative Extremists and Secular Extremists both are a threat to humanity.

4. Secular Governments fail to guarantee what you said in your last line.

5. Islam is NOT just about religion its has a complete model for governance/defence/finance. The certain phrase by the west "Church and Politics" in my personal view does not apply on us. They dont have any such model presented by the church.

Lastly i will say welcome to other extreme from the earlier extreme :)

Am a moderate so i think i am left out :P among many of you two extremes

Secular is extreme? I'm not feeling very intelligent today. Clearly I got something wrong somewhere.
OP, shariah has a definiiton ...=Islamic Law :)

Just want to point out, don't let overseas affairs dictate your personal life. If you prefer secular ideals in many cases, that's good, so does Islam. Although not everything is a secular lifestyle. If you're that way since it's what you reached out for and came adapted to. Good for you. :)

Just be careful from overseas affairs since everything isn't going right there, people start to lose faith and hope. Be what you want for yourself. At one time there was only one person in all of Arabia who was trying to be close to God and he had the most faith even in such a state.
1. Pakistan needs a moderate PATH as advocated by Islam and Quran.

2."Secularism" as advocated by some countries is another extreme.

3. i say both Conservative Extremists and Secular Extremists both are a threat to humanity.

4. Secular Governments fail to guarantee what you said in your last line.

5. Islam is NOT just about religion its has a complete model for governance/defence/finance. The certain phrase by the west "Church and Politics" in my personal view does not apply on us. They dont have any such model presented by the church.

Lastly i will say welcome to other extreme from the earlier extreme :)

Am a moderate so i think i am left out :P among many of you two extremes

I am further bemused. That is not correct. There is a lot of information about there about the Christian view of life on earth, and its incorporating governance, defence and finance. Sometimes I think people don't realise what has happened in earlier centuries or in other lands.
You are comparing seculars with terrorists

NOTHING wrong with being Islamists it merely means those who follow Islam. If your Hindu and western media had twisted the word Islamists comparing it to terrorists then everything is wrong with your head.

Exactly, people make it a slur nowadays as if you're evil and AQ supporter. When you're probably more educated than the opposition. You don't need any political affiliations to be an Islamist.
OP, shariah has a definiiton ...=Islamic Law :)

Just want to point out, don't let overseas affairs dictate your personal life. If you prefer secular ideals in many cases, that's good, so does Islam. Although not everything is a secular lifestyle. If you're that way since it's what you reached out for and came adapted to. Good for you. :)

Just be careful from overseas affairs since everything isn't going right there, people start to lose faith and hope. Be what you want for yourself. At one time there was only one person in all of Arabia who was trying to be close to God and he had the most faith even in such a state.

Just to add. In Falasteen, Muslims follow the Shafi í School of Islamic Law in daily living, while they follow the Hanafi School of Islamic law in public living [ a remnant of the Ottoman empire ]. In Pakistan, Sunni Muslims follow the Hanafi School of Islamic law in all areas.

The jews have the halakha law of daily living.

Human being have been living by laws in organized faiths since time primordial.
I am further bemused. That is not correct. There is a lot of information about there about the Christian view of life on earth, and its incorporating governance, defence and finance. Sometimes I think people don't realise what has happened in earlier centuries or in other lands.

Maybe the difference is that Islam never had an ecclesiastical order in much the same way as Catholicism did; I wonder whether a notion of a Separation of Church & State had formed in the West if say some of the more non-clerical denominations of Protestantism were mainstream !
Ok.... But now that you have used it let me tell you something about it ( i hate to have religious discussion, but let me try) The wife sharing which you mentioned here, need to be looked little differently and you cannot compare it modern day word as swinging... It was due to a reason (read mahabaratham for the details), but nowhere it is mentioned as a rule to be followed in Hinduism... and no one follows it..... so let us not take one incident out of Mahabaratham and use it to score a point :)
Whaoo man! Are you justifying it? Nowhere did I bring in Hinduism aywien muft mein apni baysti ...sorry man that was a random thing that wasnt accepted once upon a time at least in a normal society but is acceptable and an art in today's society! Try reading few posts before before jumping in...it avoids being soo err weird!
Exactly, people make it a slur nowadays as if you're evil and AQ supporter. When you're probably more educated than the opposition. You don't need any political affiliations to be an Islamist.

AQ has a specific ideology. It is Salafi Qutbi Jeehadism of Sayyid Qutub, Maududi etc.

If people think that being a religious Muslim, and keeping a beard makes one AQ, then they are stupid
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