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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

^ Nationalism is more predatory and anti-human than anything in the past or present. It is the biggest mass killer of humanity in history, hundreds of millions even billions of victims since the 20th century.
Over 7 months ago Israeli General openly said their strategy to defeat Hamas is to attack and starve the civilians, which means war on babies, blind, deaf, handicapped, and the hospitalized patients (they had destroyed 36 hospitals last time I saw the stat).

In other words, total destruction, war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, and holocaust as a strategy. They must have killed, injured, or handicapped 15% of Gaza. Yet, Arab states continued normal relations, trade, cultural, and dance exchanges, and defended Israel from Iran's attack. This dangerous behaviour of Arab states cannot be ignored either.
The general above is talking casually, making mass murder, crimes against humanity, and war crimes sound very normal and intellectual (as long as it is against the Arab/Muslim goyim). That is what they mean by normalization. It includes torture, mutilating dead bodies, and stealing human organs.
They have trashed all human rights, anti-genocide and apartheid conventions.
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@Beny Karachun
ICJ rules Israel must get out of occupied territories.
In this clip the court does not define the occupied territory. According to UN partition plan, which ICC considers the legal authority, Palestine must get 45% of pre-partition Palestine, this was highly unjust to Palestinians considering they are the original natives.

Genesis 21:34 And Abraham stayed in the land of the Philistines for a long time.

Prophet Ibrahim moved from Iraq to Palestine, there was even a Palestinian king at the time. Then his 12 great grandchildren from Prophet Israel moved to Egypt, their descendants lived in Egypt for many centuries.
Okay, why should we care about what some senile idiots think?
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