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Muslim leaders in India object to Yoga Day

Welcome to yoga across the world, a glorified stretching excersice
Yoga was there before even Abrahamic Religions even came into existence. You only see the physical aspect of it, but major part of it involves meditation and Spirituality.
For a glorified stretching exercise,it is spreading like wildfire despite protests by purtians all over the world.People realize the benefits of Yoga and its Spirituality and there is nothing the minority Puritans can do to stop it.
Yoga has idolatrous/paganistic origins and is clearly a hindu ritual and as such its absolutely not permissible for muslims. This pagan ritual is contrary to Tawheed and involves associating other deities with Allah, may He be exalted, and because it involves prostrating to the sun and repeating its names. Not to mention the serious health hazards it causes. Scholars have already given fatwa regarding this pagan ritual touted as an "exercise". Whatever this butcher modi is planning, he shouldn't have the audacity of forcing muslims in India to do it.

Yoga, its origins and the ruling on practising it - islamqa.info

Lol. Let them not do yoga. If one doesn't do exercise who get unhealthy, the person himself. Let them get unhealthy , who cares. The Hindu's will be strong both mentally and physically.

Exploring the therapeutic effects of yoga and its ability to increase quality of life

Morons gonna be morons. Same people also protested in Kolkata when British tried to establish a medical college there.

LOL a pagan ritual now conflated with medical colleges. :lol: Indians with their bloated hindutva egos.
Tell me how to "Dehindusize" it? :P

lol good one.

but do you believe Yoga must be de-hinduize so that it can be more acceptable to (how should I put it :undecided:) Secular people?

It's Muslim leaders and congress in India which has problem with it.
lol good one.

but do you believe Yoga must be de-hinduize so that it can be more acceptable to (how should I put it :undecided:) Secular people?

It's Muslim leaders and congress in India which has problem with it.
Yoga has idolatrous/paganistic origins and is clearly a hindu ritual and as such its absolutely not permissible for muslims. This pagan ritual is contrary to Tawheed and involves associating other deities with Allah, may He be exalted, and because it involves prostrating to the sun and repeating its names. Not to mention the serious health hazards it causes. Scholars have already given fatwa regarding this pagan ritual touted as an "exercise". Whatever this butcher modi is planning, he shouldn't have the audacity of forcing muslims in India to do it.

Yoga, its origins and the ruling on practising it - islamqa.info
what goes on in India is none of your jamaati business, or have you run out of bloggers to hack ?
Yoga was there before even Abrahamic Religions even came into existence. You only see the physical aspect of it, but major part of it involves meditation and Spirituality.
For a glorified stretching exercise,it is spreading like wildfire despite protests by purtians all over the world.People realize the benefits of Yoga and its Spirituality and there is nothing the minority Puritans can do to stop it.

I cant wait to see the stretching version of foot loose

I can see it now the underground stretching scene

The bad kids missing class to do stretching showing a middle finger to the puritans

Book him johno, one count of smelling like curry one count of illicit stretching

:omghaha: what do you think the Muslims in Varanasi or parts of North India drink?The same Ganga river water.
Yeah but dont you float your dead in that water
I cant wait to see the stretching version of foot loose

I can see it now the underground stretching scene

The bad kids missing class to do stretching showing a middle finger to the puritans

Book him johno, one count of smelling like curry one count of illicit stretching

Yeah but dont you float your dead in that water
It is endorsed by 150 countries including Middle Eastern Muslim nations.
How is it still underground then?
Yoga is a rage in west and around the world, people of all ages see the benefits of doing Yoga when their mental,Physical and spiritual health improved.
You can only cry here, but you can't stop Yoga.
Curry as if you Pakistanis don't eat Curry? :lol: Most Indian restaurants in UK are run by Pakistanis and Bangladeshis,:omghaha:

Hello,Ignoramus, don't you chlorinate water before drinking it?Oh i guess they do it differently in your country,Well that explains the spread of Polio .:coffee:
LOL a pagan ritual now conflated with medical colleges. :lol: Indians with their bloated hindutva egos.
At least learn to read, I know you people are stupid not to even open the link. The link I quoted from a USA govt website , written by a non Hindu Catherine woodyard.
Look at the jamati brilliance @wolfschanzze , @jaatram @AugenBlick.

Dude never go full jamati. It affects IQ.
Modi government is planning to organize a Yoga class on June 21, where 40000 students, government officers, soldiers will take part along with PM. Muslim leaders accuse Modi of pushing Hindutva agenda.

योग पर महाभारत: मुस्लिम नेताओं ने जताया एतराज - ABP News

Fascist Modi doing fascist things.

@magudi @AugenBlick @nair @Star Wars @SarthakGanguly @JanjaWeed @Echo_419 @Mike_Brando @wolfschanzze @levina @hinduguy @gslv
oh well.. what you know.. next time they may object polio immunization.. & if you deprive them of their freedom to choose, you are putting secularism in danger!
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