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Merge Rakhine state (Myanmar) with Bangladesh! - US Congress

Stfu jamati ,your razakar arse is not worth having a conversation.
But still,
The people who licked the boots are muslims of subcontinent who were raped converted on the edge of the sword.
Learn from your pakistani brethren ,atleast they have nukes to save them from complete anhilation ,what will you lungis have ?
We have way more than 17 crore bullets.
Just needed the poltical will ,now we have that too.

Dude, do you know what happened the last time India tried an "offensive" into BD with 400 BSF in 2001?

Less than 20 BGB slaughtered them without mercy.
Who trained Bengali Mukti Bahinis???
East Bengal regiment were the main force in our freedom fight. However some non military mukti bahini ( mujib bahini and qaderia bahini) got training from India I admit. But BSF is not military force. And in war military training is necessary.

But there were other civilian mukti force in Bangladesh too and they were under direct command of East Bengal regiment who were actually the very professional soldier from PMA. And civilian mukti force were under direct command of East Bengal regiment. So basically the war was fought between Pakistan army and East Bengal regiment with civilian mukti bahini as supporting power of East Bengal regiment.

So here where you see the Indian credit I am unable to understand. Contrary to popular propaganda, our freedom war was not like a poetic war that was fought with sings, poetry, or dance, or with spirit that a man with three not three rifle destroyed a small group of attacker army.

East Bengal regiment and it's supporting civilian troops fought and died that was was hard as hell.

If anyone will under estimate The power of East Bengal regiment aka Bengal soldiers, with due respect I will remind them the war of 1965.

So if India intervened that's their problem not ours. I am wondering why suddenly Indian love for Bangladeshi people became so high that they send military at 8 December. Where was our beloved neighbor India during the previous 8 months when Bengalis were fighting and dying?
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So if India intervened that's their problem not ours. I am wondering why suddenly Indian love for Bangladeshi people became so Uithigh that they send military at 8 December. Where was our beloved neighbor India during the previous 8 months when Bengalis were fighting and dying?

Maybe they picked that time as the snows would have prevented Chinese intervention from over the Himalayas.

Anyway most of the fighting and dying were done by the freedom fighters.
Anyway most of the fighting and dying were done by the freedom fighters.
Yes and now shamelessly India portray our freedom fight as India Pakistan war. Only to pretend to be our saviour and that's hilarious!
Maybe they picked that time as the snows would have prevented Chinese intervention from over the Himalayas.

Actually no outsider country can directly send troops ( other than UN) in to another country. if India helped us, they helped us in other way. I don't think that their army was necessary to achieve our freedom. UN could send army ( here many Indian will claim that no one care a country like Bangladesh, so our beloved neighbor cared about us so much that they break the international rule and send army) .

So I believe that China wouldn't interfare if it was a direct India Pakistan war. As China didn't interfare in previous India Pakistan wars.

However I believe that USA sent the seventh fleet not to help Pakistan and not to crush our freedom fighters ( they believe in such garbage who call our freedom as Indian gift) , but they simply sent seventh fleet so that India can't annex any part of West Pakistan in this vulnerable moment. The world politics is total different thing that it look like.

So I give India basically zero credit in real and direct fight. Yes they provided some other supports, I don't deny that.
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Yes and now shamelessly India portray our freedom fight as India Pakistan war. Only to pretend to be our saviour and that's hilarious!

So if you dont have freedom why do you celebrate "liberation" in the first place.

atleast rohingyas will be more thankful for liberation

although i respect you guys you are the only ones on the forum not discussing india England cricket match. but you guys are crazy
Less than 20 BGB slaughtered them without mercy.
That score was long settled in more ways than one, i visited some of the houses where you targeted the civilians in the dark of the night. Those bullet holes are preserved to this day as a stark reminder of your intransigence, and they are the ones to let the BSF know about the smugglers and immigrants in their midst.
So if you dont have freedom why do you celebrate "liberation" in the first place.
Who said that we have no freedom? First read properly and then reply. It's indeed our freedom fight, but Indian claim that it's Inda Pakistan war.

When? :rofl:

Drink some cowka cola and show us how stronk you are after drinking cowka cola ...:enjoy:
Brother please don't use any word that trigger religious debate. Cow cola, cow urine, using such language will cause pain to normal common Hindus because it's actually directed to their religion. And we should refrain from doing so.
Who said that we have no freedom? First read properly and then reply. It's indeed our freedom fight, but Indian claim that it's Inda Pakistan war.

How can it be freedom to Rebel against the State?

you could have rebelled against the government but you went full retard and rebelled against the State choosing ethnocentrism over central islamic government.

religious Quarters refer you as khawarij.

political quarters refer you as Terrorists who took help from arch rival.

anyhow past is past. now Rohingyas want liberation and their Chittagong back. American mujahideens will make sure that happens inshallah
How can it be freedom to Rebel against the State?

you could have rebelled against the government but you went full retard and rebelled against the State choosing ethnocentrism over central islamic government.

religious Quarters refer you as khawarij.

political quarters refer you as Terrorists who took help from arch rival.

anyhow past is past. now Rohingyas want liberation and their Chittagong back. American mujahideens will make sure that happens inshallah

Islamic government? lol

BD was the majority and should have controlled the whole of Pakistan.
How can it be freedom to Rebel against the State?
It's not rebel against the state. It was the fight between west and east Pakistan. Later East Pakistan decided to change their name and became Bangladesh.

Because west Pakistanis unfairly took control of state every time by depriving East Pakistan. So it's better to form another true state where we can live in peace. So it's not rebel against state, but it's for justice against unfair advantage for years.
Islamic government? lol

BD was the majority and should have controlled the whole of Pakistan.

there is no concept of majority ruling minority in islam.

ethnofascism propagated by pseudo intellectuals from Dhaka University Harping marxist ideologies helped the indian crusade against Pakistan
there is no concept of majority ruling minority in islam.

ethnofascism propagated by pseudo intellectuals from Dhaka University Harping marxist ideologies helped the indian crusade against Pakistan

It is called "democracy" and that was the point of the 1970 elections dude.
there is no concept of majority ruling minority in islam.

But Pakistan isn't following Islam our politicians religion iman everything is jamhoriyat and the creation of Bangladesh was the best thing happened which to Pakistan

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