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Ditching Myanmar, huge Korean investment in Bangladesh

uh oh.. we iz in trouble! a bong in disguise AKA Angry Easterling has just reported me for this >> https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/ditc...nvestment-in-bangladesh.639770/#post-11842977

LOL I remember you got called sanghi too (like everyone else thats simply questioned a few underlying facts of the matter).

Sasquatch is a funny feller...its funny what hes clearly up to as well...and that whole lovey dovey, hatey blamey crew. *REPORT THE WAISSISIM!* "ONLY ME GET TO DO!*
Don't be an *** & you won't get reported.
If you use derogatory language, you should be prepared to get some blowback as well. Take it like a man instead of crying to Nilgiri.
this here place is being overrun by hypocrites and liars
how prophetic! see the the example above

you got called sanghi too
I am not just a Sanghi but also a wahabi; a Shia; a rice bag convert; Pakistani; Bharati; Irani; Arab; Han Chinese; Burmese Hindu and a Tamil from SriLanka among other things

Sasquatch is a funny feller...its funny what hes clearly up to as well..
he is angered by this > https://defence.pk/pdf/posts/11881144/ I objected to him digging up old discredited tweets and re-posting them here
LOL, how'd you manage that one?
by arguing with a Sinhalese who was abusing manlion (for posting about Tamil achievements throught history) in particular and sri lankan Tamils in general
Who is 'I'. You?

This is getting more hilarious by the day....:-)

If Korean businesspeople decide to leave Myanmar, do they need the permission from their govt.?

Does their govt. give them money to invest??

Spoken like a faithful Tatmadaw hack...

These uneducated savages thinks we do not know how the world operates.
Who is 'I'. You?

This is getting more hilarious by the day....:-)

If Korean businesspeople decide to leave Myanmar, do they need the permission from their govt.?

Does their govt. give them money to invest??

Spoken like a faithful Tatmadaw hack...

nope. may be u didnt even read the news. he just cropped a paragraph from the news he mentioned.
"I" means the director of Myanmar investment commission. Inflow and outflow of all investment have to passed the MIC and literally, he knows all everything of the investment. that's why he can say no korean investment withdrawal from Myanmar and then he tried to confirm with Commercial Attaché of South Korean Embassy who oversee most of the korean investments in Myanmar as most of the complains come from there ( G to G agreement ). perhaps, we awarded other industrial zone operators like Korea Land and Housing Corporation and some good places went to Taiwan & HK operators and his team lost badly in competition with others teams. that's why he talked against Myanmar.


These uneducated savages thinks we do not know how the world operates.
The Embassy is not in MM to start a dogfight with the host country. But, they have no leverage on business investment however they shout. Now, read a piece of three-month-old news on what the visiting South Korean PM told in Dhaka on investment. He was in Dhaka to understand the investment situation in BD.


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