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Merge Rakhine state (Myanmar) with Bangladesh! - US Congress

Our people didn't voted for him
Is it? Was joint Pakistan a mistake, do you admit? Then ask your guys stop blabbering about what happened before 48 years. What happened, it was good for both side.
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We amended our Constitution and it's valid in democracy. So I am unable to understand that why it will be an issue.

Is it? Well if it's right then it's on paper only. However if you think differently then, may I ask who will give us autonomy where we were the majority? Mujib was the rightful ruler of the joint Pakistan because he gained the major of seat in Pakistan.

You guys now question about our democracy, but you are the most autocratic people who refused the rightful prime minister who was elected by the vote of your own people. Later attacked your own people in the middle if the night? So the war was inevitable and west Pakistan was responsible for this war, not East Pakistan.

And for the rest part of your comments, I would say, you don't have slightest idea about what you are talking.

who cares now.

give sylhettis and rogingyas freedom from your tyranny
who cares now.
You care a lot it's clear now. Is it me who tagged you? I was countering the claim of an Indian and was talking to one of my compatriots. It's you who poked your noes and now saying that who cares? Just ridiculous and pathetic.
give sylhettis and rogingyas freedom from your tyranny
You oil your own machine okay? Give freedom to Balochistan who actually want this. You don't have to be worried Rohingyas whom we atleast give shelter.

Your country sold aircraft to those Burmese killers. So ask your country to stop serving the purpose of the killer ( Burmese killer) of Muslims.
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AL won 288/300 seats in East Pakistan and none in West Pakistan
Fielding candidates on the other side was just for show.

Need to brush up on history dude.
I told you 288/300 still not matter as 30% voted against AL in east pakistan. In the next election PPP or Muslim League could had made better coalition and come victorious. the difference on the overall seat was minimal and AL still did not have absolute majority in east and west combined.

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