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Lodhi dynasty of Multan ( 961-1040 A.D)

Jun 23, 2010
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1- The Arab power came to an end in multan after A.D 961. It speedily fell into the hands of hamid khan Lodhi.
Multan Glimpses: With an Account of Siege and Surrender - Nazir Ahmad Chaudhry - Google Books
Punjab district gazetteers - Punjab (India) - Google Books

2- Sheikh Hamid Khan Lodhi. was a contemporary of Alaptagin his son, Amir Sabuktagin, the founders of the Ghaznavid empire. He ruled from 961 to 999 A.D. According to Ferishta Shiekh hamid Khan Lodhi was an Afghan chieftain and belonged to the Lodhi family.
Tarikh-i-Ferishta, or history of the rise of the Mahomedan power in India ... - Muḥammad Qāsim HindÅ«-ŠÄh AstarābādÄ« Firišta, John Briggs, Hairat Ê¿AlÄ« Hān Muštāq - Google Books

3- When Sabuktagin invaded the dominions of Jaipal, . Brahman Raja of Lahore in A.D 978 , Hamid Khan Lodhi sided with Jiapal but when the ruler descended on the throne of Ghazni, the Multan ruler made peace with Subuktageen.
The Pakistan gazetteer - Cosmo Publications (Firm) - Google Books

4- In 1004 A.D. when Sultan Mahmud captured Multan during his second raid the ruler of this family was Abul Futuh Daud Lodhi, the grandson of Sheikh Hamid. Daud was said to be a follower of the Ismaeli and Karmat sects. in 1010 A.D. the family was vanquished by Sultan Mahmud and from then on Multan was a state of Ghazni. Arab historians like Ibn-e Aisar and Ibn-e Khaldan write about the confrontation of Sultan Mahmud with Abul Futuh Daud, a Lodhi ruler in 1005 A.D. Daud was defeated in the battle and paid a fine of 20,000 dirhams to the Sultan.
http://www.alamahabibi.com/English Articles\A Century of Lodhi Rule.htm

5- Zaien-al-Akhbar written in 1068 A.D by Abdul Hai bin Zohak Gardezi, says : “In 1010 A.D. Sultan Mahmud captured Daud son of Nasr, the ruler of Multan and brought him to Ghazni. He was imprisoned until his death in Ghorak, 30 miles southwest of Kandahar.”
Kitāb Zayn al-akhbār - ʻAbd al-Ḥayy ibn Z̤aḥḥāk Gardīzī, Muḥammad Bin Tāwīt - Google Books

6- Fakhr Mudabir in Adab-al-Harb, written during the Ghorid rule in the 13th century, says the Sheikh, son of Daud, in 1040 A.D. rose against Sultan Mahmud. The Sultan sent an army under the command of Ahmad Hajib to Multan. When the army reached Multan, the Sheikh fled and took asylum in Mansura, capital of Sind and the Ghaznavid army took control of Multan. That is the last we know of this family.
ĀDĀB AL-ḤARB WA’L-ŠAJĀʿA – Encyclopaedia Iranica

7- Some of the prominent rulers of this family are:

-Sheikh Hamid Khan Lodhi, circa 980 A.D.
-Sheikh Razi Lodhi, nephew of Hamid, circa 980 A.D.
-Abul Futuh Daud Lodhir, circa 1004 A.D.
-Sheikh son of Daud, circa 1040 A.D.

8- According to pata khazana, Sheikh Hamid lodhi and his family were Afghans and their mother tongue was Pashto. The book includes and exchange of poetry between the rulers
Pata Khazana - Mohammad Hotak, Ghulam Hazrat Koshan - Google Books
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