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Sultan Mahmood Ghanzavi

It's part of the world history course for students in secondary school. You are allowed to pick a certain region in the world and write an essay about a subject which is picked by the exam board. Most students choose America or Europe but a fair few choose the sub-continent.

they were killed because they deserved it thats why their generations kicked out their obsolete believes and chose more modern and practical ways of life.
Yes, we see the more modern and practical way of life in our western neighbour where men can have multiple wives, blood money is an acceptable legal recourse after killing someone and cousin marriages are preferred and people who draw a picture are to be killed.

All of these show a modern and practical way of life.
Pakistan is about 6-7 times less populated then Bengal on KM basis. So you are bringing few pre partition scientists, like Bose. As i said Pakistani abdus salam is best scientist to come out of South Asia after 1947 let alone any Bengali being better then him. Pakistani scientists make important contribution to CERN etc. Poverty is every where but in Bengal its on another level. Your bros across the borders didn't even stop coming to Pakistan even after 71 war, now they have invaded every corner of India. Thats your kind achievement? Combined both Bengal population is 250 million compared to Pakistan 180m. What the **** have you guys done to be proud?

As for no honour killing, one google search and this is first result

Brutal honour killing haunts Bengal | GulfNews.com

Don't combine bangladesh with ours..and bose worked all life in calcutta.
1 incident is nowhere near the level in N-W regions.I could go on here but i see u are already red due to bringing in unprovoked ethnic insults so i'll end this here.
He was least interested in wealth and we give a dam about Indian or what every they were called at that time and He was not interested in capturing lands he wanted to teach lesson to that time Indians and lot of great things can be attributed to him Sir stop thinking of what Indians have to say other wise one day you will start hating many more religious figures from bottom to top one

Mahmud of Ghazni raided India for the first time in AD 1000 for her wealth. He wanted to make Ghazni, a principality of Afghanistan, into a region wielding formidable power in the politics of Central Asia. In a short period of 25 years, he made 17 raids. He destroyed many temple e.g. Somnath temple in Gujarat (1025 AD) as they were ddepositories of vast quantitites of wealth.

Muhmud did not make any systematic effort to capture India. However, he may be seen as the founder of Turkish rule in India to th extent that his expeditions opened India to conquest from the north-west.

Dynasties (Regions)King/Kings
Hindu Shahi (Kabul and Punjab)Jayapala, Anandapal
Lohar (Kashmir)Rani Didda, Sangam Raj
Tomar (Delhi)Angapal
Pratihara (Kannauj)Rajyapala
Paramara (Malwa)Sindhuraj
Chaulkya (Gujarat)Chamundaran, Durlabharaj
Chandellas (Bundelkhand)Vidyadhara
Kalachuri (Tripuri)Kokkal II, Gangeyadeva
Pala (Bengal)Mahipala
Chalukyas of Kalyani (Maharashtra)Jaisimha II

Significance of Muhmud Ghazni's Invasion
  • Exposition of India's military weakness.
  • Exposition of India's political disunity.
  • Weakening of the economic condition of India as Mahmud carried huge wealth out of the country.
  • Great setback to Indian art and sculpture owing to destruction of idols and templses.
  • Opening of India to foreign attacks.
  • Opportunity to Islam to set its foothold in India
  • Growing of the feeling of hatred and fear among the Hindus towards the Muslims.
  • Arrivals of Muslim saints, called the Sufis ,providing impetus to greater Hindu-Muslim interaction.

Learn to seperate fact from fiction, and propaganda from truth.

Read about Taimur and his killings. He did exactly what Mahmud did: conquer, kill, loot, and leave.

I pick and choose my heroes based on service to cause of Humanity and Islam. Mahmud did neither. He is not my hero. I have more respect for Qutbuddin Aibak who conquered north India and made it his home to found Slave dynasty. He too is not my hero as such, but I have more respect for him than Mahmud of Ghazni.

Hindus are people not cattle. They are part of our human family. If you choose to hate or despise them then that is YOUR problem because of education you received. Islam was not spread by conquest but through love and equality shown by Sufis who focused on humanity.

The subject of Muslim kings is something different entirely. The good among them are my heroes, but I have no reason to idolize bad ones.
Learn to seperate fact from fiction, and propaganda from truth.

Read about Taimur and his killings. He did exactly what Mahmud did: conquer, kill, loot, and leave.

I pick and choose my heroes based on service to cause of Humanity and Islam. Mahmud did neither. He is not my hero. I have more respect for Qutbuddin Aibak who conquered north India and made it his home to found Slave dynasty. He too is not my hero as such, but I have more respect for him than Mahmud of Ghazni.

Hindus are people not cattle. They are part of our human family. If you choose to hate or despise them then that is YOUR problem because of education you received. Islam was not spread by conquest but through love and equality shown by Sufis who focused on humanity.

The subject of Muslim kings is something different entirely. The good among them are my heroes, but I have no reason to idolize bad ones.
Mahmuud didn't do for God Sake what Taimur did they were both different characters and did different things Tamiur was a complete nut job when I said Islam was spread by sword in fact one of main Generals of Mamhood Army was Hindu and many of his soldiers were Hindus so and Mahmood was a good man man of justice the attacks were the part off army attacking its enemy
Mahmuud didn't do for God Sake what Taimur did they were both different characters and did different things Tamiur was a complete nut job when I said Islam was spread by sword in fact one of main Generals of Mamhood Army was Hindu and many of his soldiers were Hindus so and Mahmood was a good man man of justice the attacks were the part off army attacking its enemy

Zarvan yaar if this is your level of discussion, then please better ignore me.
Zarvan yaar if this is your level of discussion, then please better ignore me.
And if you are falling for Indian propaganda than you need to study again about Mahmood Ghaznavi Mr and stop falling for Indian crap
And if you are falling for Indian propaganda than you need to study again about Mahmood Ghaznavi Mr and stop falling for Indian crap
I am falling for my own 'crap' my friend. My conclusions are based on my own study and critical analysis, not some propaganda.

You do me injustice if you really think that my education is a product of propaganda, or that I am silly enough to fall for some specious argument.

I find it funny that you wish to find fault with me when you are so very careless with your own posts. Look at the thread title for example and tell me everything is OK.

I am not asking you to change your religious beliefs (Na-oozoobillah), nor I am asking you to take a critical look at your education (you really should). I am only asking you to make some space for other people's opinions and not go ballistic. You are not actually fighting for cause of Islam, but only forcefully informing others of your (incomplete) interpretation.

Please do not take offence. You really should focus more on Islam's message of humanity, and not conquests of kings who used Islam's name for personal glory and satisfaction of avarice.
I am falling for my own 'crap' my friend. My conclusions are based on my own study and critical analysis, not some propaganda.

You do me injustice if you really think that my education is a product of propaganda, or that I am silly enough to fall for some specious argument.

I find it funny that you wish to find fault with me when you are so very careless with your own posts. Look at the thread title for example and tell me everything is OK.

I am not asking you to change your religious beliefs (Na-oozoobillah), nor I am asking you to take a critical look at your education (you really should). I am only asking you to make some space for other people's opinions and not go ballistic. You are not actually fighting for cause of Islam, but only forcefully informing others of your (incomplete) interpretation.

Please do not take offence. You really should focus more on Islam's message of humanity, and not conquests of kings who used Islam's name for personal glory and satisfaction of avarice.
Sir all your assumtions about me are wrong I have done detail study about Ghaznavi and reached the conclusion that most;y its bullshit lies told either by Indians or their supporters in Pakistan I don't have good opinion about Mughals specially those after Babur so I study thal talk Sir
Sir all your assumtions about me are wrong I have done detail study about Ghaznavi and reached the conclusion that most;y its bullshit lies told either by Indians or their supporters in Pakistan I don't have good opinion about Mughals specially those after Babur so I study thal talk Sir

1. Did Ghaznavi go for a stroll in the park or did he actually go out on a carefully planned mission to fight aggressive war of loot and plunder? What did he accomplish for Islam?

2. It is pretty easy to find a lot about you just from your posts. I have made no assumptions as such, I have shared my observations. You really are careless with your posts. I can give multiple examples. Care to know? Oh by the way, the title of your thread is still an exhibit of your lack of care.

3. I only wrote to inform you that it is better to focus on own faults than to presume stuff about others. I am constrained to say this openly because you seem to have missed it entirely.
Learn to seperate fact from fiction, and propaganda from truth.
Read about Taimur and his killings. He did exactly what Mahmud did: conquer, kill, loot, and leave.
I pick and choose my heroes based on service to cause of Humanity and Islam. Mahmud did neither. He is not my hero. I have more respect for Qutbuddin Aibak who conquered north India and made it his home to found Slave dynasty. He too is not my hero as such, but I have more respect for him than Mahmud of Ghazni.
Hindus are people not cattle. They are part of our human family. If you choose to hate or despise them then that is YOUR problem because of education you received. Islam was not spread by conquest but through love and equality shown by Sufis who focused on humanity.
The subject of Muslim kings is something different entirely. The good among them are my heroes, but I have no reason to idolize bad ones.
I Agree..............I've my own favourites who Set an Example for others to follow
Sir all your assumtions about me are wrong I have done detail study about Ghaznavi and reached the conclusion that most;y its bullshit lies told either by Indians or their supporters in Pakistan I don't have good opinion about Mughals specially those after Babur so I study thal talk Sir
:woot::woot:YOU STUDY:woot::woot:
:partay::partay:DONT MAKE ME LAUGH:partay::partay: all the times you were involved in Copy/Paste activities
I dedicate Song of Madonna for You ""FROZEN"" there is a line in that Song "you only see what your Eyes want to see""
Mahmood Ghazni was a great military commander but not state builder like the Mughals centuries later. The Shahis(who ironically are the ancestors of the west Punjabis) bravely resisted this unstoppable flood of central Asians. But in the end it proved to be too much for them. The Shahis were the last great west Punjabi rulers until the permanent political domination of central Asians over the indigenous people.
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Mahmood Ghazni was a great military commander but not state builder like the Mughals centuries later. The Shahis(who ironically are the ancestors of the west Punjabis) bravely resisted this unstoppable flood of central Asians. But in the end it proved to be too much for them. The Shahis were the last great west Punjabi rulers until the permanent political domination of central Asians over the indigenous people.

You referring to Janjuas.

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