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Sultan Mahmood Ghanzavi

What belief is obsolete and what is practical is not for u to decide...this sort of pseudo-superior attitude among a section of the community is part of the reason why the whole world has problems with islamic religion.

Abhe bengali midget, what about you? You are most obsessive person on PDF about military conquest of hindus which had nothing to do with midgets of Bengal.
Abhe bengali midget, what about you? You are most obsessive person on PDF about military conquest of hindus which had nothing to do with midgets of Bengal.

?Obsessed how?
And I'm 5'7 lol.
I'm proud of my ethnicity anyway....we have given the world far more contributions in science,literature than mass murdering central asian barbarians..we are still here..while these fellows are dust in history.There are more bengali nobel prize winners/scientists than all pakistan combined.Also without bengal you wouldn't even have a pakistan in the first place..bengal and punjab were main centres of independence movement..why these 2 were divided.Jatin das starved to death alongside bhagat singh in jail.
So tone down ur farts..ur just a ill informed kid to me when it comes to history.
?Obsessed how?
And I'm 5'7 lol.
I'm proud of my ethnicity anyway....we have given the world far more contributions in science,literature than mass murdering central asian barbarians..we are still here..while these fellows are dust in history.There are more bengali nobel prize winners/scientists than all pakistan combined.Also without bengal you wouldn't even have a pakistan in the first place..bengal and punjab were main centres of independence movement..why these 2 were divided.Jatin das starved to death alongside bhagat singh in jail.
So tone down ur farts..ur just a ill informed kid to me when it comes to history.

Look at Bengal and tell me wtf are you proud about? Its poverty stinky and over populated state with in India which it self is archivememt, and lol at Bangladesh lets not go there. And what nobel prize. The only worthy scientest in whole South Asia to win nobel was Pakistani punjabi. Nobels on micro credits are hardly anything to be proud of.
What belief is obsolete and what is practical is not for u to decide...this sort of pseudo-superior attitude among a section of the community is part of the reason why the whole world has problems with islamic religion.
obviously its for me to individually decide. But what matters is that the people under discussion did decide!
Look at Bengal and tell me wtf are you proud about? Its poverty stinky and over populated state with in India which it self is archivememt, and lol at Bangladesh lets not go there. And what nobel prize. The only worthy scientest in whole South Asia to win nobel was Pakistani punjabi. Nobels on micro credits are hardly anything to be proud of.

The poverty is nothing that is not found in pakistan or other parts of india.Pakistan itself is overpopulated.SN Bose -on whom the particle boson is named,and bos-einstein statistics,JG bose- invented radio and several others,tagore-nobel winner in literature,Ray-lifetime achievment oscar winner,meghnad saha,of the saha equation-describing the physical and chemical condition is stars,amartya sen-nobel winning economist.Hundreds of thousands of reputed bengal origin people doing accomplished work all over india and the world.
So let's talk what's ur self achievement?At least we don't have honour killings in bengal.Neitehr are we world epicentre of terror.If u want congratulations on these achievements u can have them.As for abdus salam u kicked him out of ur won country for being an ahmadi.
The poverty is nothing that is not found in pakistan or other parts of india.Pakistan itself is overpopulated.SN Bose -on whom the particle boson is named,and bos-einstein statistics,JG bose- invented radio and several others,tagore-nobel winner in literature,Ray-lifetime achievment oscar winner,meghnad saha,of the saha equation-describing the physical and chemical condition is stars,amartya sen-nobel winning economist.Hundreds of thousands of reputed bengal origin people doing accomplished work all over india and the world.

So let's talk what's ur self achievement?At least we don't have honour killings in bengal.Neitehr are we world epicentre of terror.If u want congratulations on these achievements u can have them.As for abdus salam u kicked him out of ur won country for being an ahmadi.

Pakistan is about 6-7 times less populated then Bengal on KM basis. So you are bringing few pre partition scientists, like Bose. As i said Pakistani abdus salam is best scientist to come out of South Asia after 1947 let alone any Bengali being better then him. Pakistani scientists make important contribution to CERN etc. Poverty is every where but in Bengal its on another level. Your bros across the borders didn't even stop coming to Pakistan even after 71 war, now they have invaded every corner of India. Thats your kind achievement? Combined both Bengal population is 250 million compared to Pakistan 180m. What the **** have you guys done to be proud?

As for no honour killing, one google search and this is first result

Brutal honour killing haunts Bengal | GulfNews.com
they were killed because they deserved it thats why their generations kicked our their obsolete believes and chose more modern and practical ways of life.

BTW my point was he taught lessons and humiliated the ancestors of Pakistanis. ;)
Look at Bengal and tell me wtf are you proud about? Its poverty stinky and over populated state with in India which it self is archivememt, and lol at Bangladesh lets not go there. And what nobel prize. The only worthy scientest in whole South Asia to win nobel was Pakistani punjabi. Nobels on micro credits are hardly anything to be proud of.
Thats very funny. What did the Pakistanis achieve in the past apart from the fact that Pakistan was ruled for more than
2000 years by foreigners.
It was the Mauryan kings from eastern India who conquered Pakistan and liberated Pakistan from Greek rule in the past.
The Gupta kings from eastern India conquered Pakistan and liberated Pakistan from Scythian rule.
Thats very funny. What did the Pakistanis achieve in the past apart from the fact that Pakistan was ruled for more than
2000 years by foreigners.
It was the Mauryan kings from eastern India who conquered Pakistan and liberated Pakistan from Greek rule in the past.
The Gupta kings from eastern India conquered Pakistan and liberated Pakistan from Scythian rule.

There was no Pakistan back then bro. It was the people of the North-Western periphery of India that we liberated. Our own people. Just because their narrative of history is screwed up, doesn't mean we have to screw it up for ourselves too. Agree with the rest of your post.
There was no Pakistan back then bro. It was the people of the North-Western periphery of India that we liberated. Our own people. Just because their narrative of history is screwed up, doesn't mean we have to screw it up for ourselves too. Agree with the rest of your post.
In British schools I was taught about the Maurayan Empire, apparently in Indian schools they don't teach it.
Of course they teach about it. I am surprised why do they teach about Mauryans in Britain ?
It's part of the world history course for students in secondary school. You are allowed to pick a certain region in the world and write an essay about a subject which is picked by the exam board. Most students choose America or Europe but a fair few choose the sub-continent.
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