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It’s not Iran’s military power that frightens the U.S.

If the comment " Only Shias admire Iran in Pakistan and they are a minority" is not sectarian, then you need some education regarding what the term sectarian means. Furthermore, if you don't see what's wrong with comments like that, then indeed you and likes of you are the problem.

There could be moderators that are posting under another account. They will not ban themselves. So no point dragging this and getting banned. Just read and figure out who is who here.
If you are still going to defend Iran and bark against Saudis then yes u r not a Sunni, you are either lying or a cuck.

Do you know that when the Wahhabi conquered Madina from the Ottomans they killed all non-Wahhabi Sunnis ! They consider only Wahhabis as true Muslims. The Saudi invited India, which its persecuting Muslim minority, to OIC meeting but blocked Iran with 99% Muslim population from the OIC meeting.
I seriously don't understand where is the bravado of Iran coming from.... If US declares war on Iran , no one , I mean no one will stand in their way...

You are right...They have already destroyed several muslim countries .Adding one more and killing a few millions is something that they wouldn't even mind.

Behind all this talk of liberty , justice and morality .. The only thing that real matters is hard power.
I don't know who coined the phrase " pen is mightier than sword' ... I believe it is the other way round.

I can only talk about Pakistan...

What is Liwa Zaniboyon doing in Pakistan ? Why do IRCG press conference contain a flag of Liwa Zaniboyon ? Why are Pakistani shias from Parachinar and southern Pakistan recruited to fight on behalf of Iran ?

I know the ills of KSA..But that doesn't mean Iran is not the problem creator.... The biggest damage to muslims is caused by Arab / Persian rivalry.... You both are entirely responsible for the mess that was created and is being created......


Since Ahmedinejad---Iran is on course for creating wars---death and destruction for the coming of Imam Mahdi---.

Just like in the US---the born again are doing everything possible t start the "final" war for the second coming of the Christ---.

Born again were sure that the Christ would be coming aroun---2009---10. Some preachers had even calculated confirmed dates of the coming---. They made their parishioners sell their properties even.

These Born again christians and Shias of Iran are brothers in arms---. They both are doing their best for the world to destroy sooner---for that reason they keep poking each other harder and harder---.

The point here is that "if". What has stopped that "if" turning into an actual " US has attacked Iran"? The litmus test here is quite simple but very sensitive. If the US could have attacked Iran with the ease that some you like to insinuate, then it would have done so a long time ago.


Iran was lucky that it by mistake shot down the ukranian aircraft---.

That made the F35 flying in get a recall---otherwise---Iran would be in serious turmoil at this time---.

Iran was lucky that it by mistake shot down the ukranian aircraft---.

That made the F35 flying in get a recall---otherwise---Iran would be in serious turmoil at this time---.

Are you trying to say that F-35s were on the verge of striking and this incident with the place stopped it? Where do you people come up with such fantasies?
Are you trying to say that F-35s were on the verge of striking and this incident with the place stopped it? Where do you people come up with such fantasies?


Young man---you maybe trying to say what you want to---but I am making a statement---. So---don't confuse the two---.

Maybe if you had learnt english in school---maybe you might get the gist of the post---.

Young man---you maybe trying to say what you want to---but I am making a statement---. So---don't confuse the two---.

Maybe if you had learnt english in school---maybe you might get the gist of the post---.

Your comments make zero sense. If you want to engage in a discussion, at least learn how to put proper sentences together.

Since Ahmedinejad---Iran is on course for creating wars---death and destruction for the coming of Imam Mahdi---.

Just like in the US---the born again are doing everything possible t start the "final" war for the second coming of the Christ---.

Born again were sure that the Christ would be coming aroun---2009---10. Some preachers had even calculated confirmed dates of the coming---. They made their parishioners sell their properties even.

These Born again christians and Shias of Iran are brothers in arms---. They both are doing their best for the world to destroy sooner---for that reason they keep poking each other harder and harder---.


Iran was lucky that it by mistake shot down the ukranian aircraft---.

That made the F35 flying in get a recall---otherwise---Iran would be in serious turmoil at this time---.
I think you need more tinfoil for your tinfoil hat.

Are you trying to say that F-35s were on the verge of striking and this incident with the place stopped it? Where do you people come up with such fantasies?
Who knows?
Total unadulterated crap. Iran's mullahs are completely antithetical to the stated principles of the "left". However, the "left" has been losing , losing, losing since Marx wrote his drivel. In short, the "left" is just as stupid and ignorant of human nature as are the mullahs of Iran.
YOu saying Shia Islam wasnt even Islam in that other thread is the realest unadulterated crap i've heard recently. So much for being a "truth seeker". LOL.

You're biased and ignorant about Iran, so i wouldnt listen to what you have to say about the country- you're uneducated about it.

That's well written and on point in most cases.
Agreed. Its mostly correct.

However Iran's existing regime is not as angelic as depicted here.
but no govt is. Would you like us to compare Iran and US's "atrocities"? US will beat most countries in that...by a long shot.

They are far from being the right kind of government over their people.
The Iranian public determines that, NOT YOU(you're not even a citizen) and at least the simple majority Iranian public(voting) support the current Iranian leadership.
YOu saying Shia Islam wasnt even Islam in that other thread is the realest unadulterated crap i've heard recently. So much for being a "truth seeker". LOL.

You're biased and ignorant about Iran, so i wouldnt listen to what you have to say about the country- you're uneducated about it.

Agreed. Its mostly correct.

but no govt is. Would you like us to compare Iran and US's "atrocities"? US will beat most countries in that...by a long shot.

The Iranian public determines that, NOT YOU(you're not even a citizen) and at least the simple majority Iranian public(voting) support the current Iranian leadership.

Boomers Boomers from Middle America what you expect when their brains have been fried by Fox,Rush Limbagh, or some "Kosherfied" expert
Idelogical wars have begun... this is how future wars will be fought, arming local militias who adhere to your ideology and using them as proxies.
This is correct
Unfortunately Iran is ahead in the game
agreed. Dollar for dollar, Iran is world's #1 at asymmetrical warfare.

because all America did was make them powerful, thank you Uncle Sam.
Unintentionally. US didnt intentionally help Iran by either taking out Saddam, or taliban. America just made mistakes that IRan could easily take advantage of. Once again, the reality is that US support Sunni bloc whole heartedly, not SHia bloc (thats just a conspiracy theory). Where are the sanctions on Sunni countries? exactly.
hopefully we can counter their Shia bloc with our Sunni bloc, but Uncle Sam is still sticking around in my country for no reason at all.
1) Uncle Sam has helped the Sunni countries WAY more than the Shia countries, so its contradictory to blame US for mistake(being in Afghanistan still) when US has given Sunni nations like KSA, UAE, Egypt A TON of everything they need to take on Iran and be more powerful - money, markets, weapons, protection etc.
2) The only way the Sunni bloc can tackle Iran is to first be united in strategy, AND have a better game plan/strategy than Iran, and Sunni bloc is Horrible in this. As long as this doesnt happen, Iran will keep leading. Even US doesn't have effective strategy for Iran, so IRan is damn good.

Boomers Boomers from Middle America what you expect when their brains have been fried by Fox,Rush Limbagh, or some "Kosherfied" expert
LMAO. i was VERY surprised.

Liberals are inherently stupid people -- I believe its genetics the Patwarism strikes without notice. Liberalism makes people blind to the basic instincts of humans thinking everyone is a sun flower.
You dunno real liberalism.

If Liberals are actually stupid then why do they : 1) do better economics than conservatives? (in US, under past democratic/liberal govts, $300 turned into $30,000, while under republicans $300 turned into $3,000) and 2) why do they have better schools and universities? Most of America's best schools are in teh liberal parts- Cali, Massachusetts, New York etc
This is correct

agreed. Dollar for dollar, Iran is world's #1 at asymmetrical warfare.

Unintentionally. US didnt intentionally help Iran by either taking out Saddam, or taliban. America just made mistakes that IRan could easily take advantage of. Once again, the reality is that US support Sunni bloc whole heartedly, not SHia bloc (thats just a conspiracy theory). Where are the sanctions on Sunni countries? exactly.

1) Uncle Sam has helped the Sunni countries WAY more than the Shia countries, so its contradictory to blame US for mistake(being in Afghanistan still) when US has given Sunni nations like KSA, UAE, Egypt A TON of everything they need to take on Iran and be more powerful - money, markets, weapons, protection etc.
2) The only way the Sunni bloc can tackle Iran is to first be united in strategy, AND have a better game plan/strategy than Iran, and Sunni bloc is Horrible in this. As long as this doesnt happen, Iran will keep leading. Even US doesn't have effective strategy for Iran, so IRan is damn good.

LMAO. i was VERY surprised.

Its been bloody 40 plus years since the Iranian Revolution, the US has used proxies,fifth columns and assassinations of Iranian officials yet they have failed at toppling the regime because look at neighboring Iraq,Afghanistan, in the region Libya and Yemen all states destroyed and prior to their demise as stable states the people or masses were promised that "democracy" and "freedom" will come on it way instead they got misery pure misery no improvement in living standards and "dicatatorships" just more DC friendly why would Iranian or heck a Tehrani Liberal that may not like the regime 100 percent would want the same as long as the US is in this misadventures the Iranian people will just sigh and become more apathy to any "regime change" proposal from Washington its too bad unlike Cuba/US we wont see ties become cordial between Iran/US which is a kinda a shame

This is correct

agreed. Dollar for dollar, Iran is world's #1 at asymmetrical warfare.

Unintentionally. US didnt intentionally help Iran by either taking out Saddam, or taliban. America just made mistakes that IRan could easily take advantage of. Once again, the reality is that US support Sunni bloc whole heartedly, not SHia bloc (thats just a conspiracy theory). Where are the sanctions on Sunni countries? exactly.

1) Uncle Sam has helped the Sunni countries WAY more than the Shia countries, so its contradictory to blame US for mistake(being in Afghanistan still) when US has given Sunni nations like KSA, UAE, Egypt A TON of everything they need to take on Iran and be more powerful - money, markets, weapons, protection etc.
2) The only way the Sunni bloc can tackle Iran is to first be united in strategy, AND have a better game plan/strategy than Iran, and Sunni bloc is Horrible in this. As long as this doesnt happen, Iran will keep leading. Even US doesn't have effective strategy for Iran, so IRan is damn good.

LMAO. i was VERY surprised.

You dunno real liberalism.

If Liberals are actually stupid then why do they : 1) do better economics than conservatives? (in US, under past democratic/liberal govts, $300 turned into $30,000, while under republicans $300 turned into $3,000) and 2) why do they have better schools and universities? Most of America's best schools are in teh liberal parts- Cali, Massachusetts, New York etc

Neo Liberals and so called Conservatives are the same crap one is smiley face for east coasters, and minorities others just take advantage of the white working class all of us get shafted by the two party duopoly
Your comments make zero sense. If you want to engage in a discussion, at least learn how to put proper sentences together.


you have been on this board for maybe 1 month.

i dont engage in discussion with new members till they have proven themselves and those in their 20’s with no experience.

And I am not being arrogant either.
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you have been on this board for maybe 1 month.

i dont engage in discussion with new members till they have proven themselves and those in their 20’s with no experience.

And I am not being arrogant either.

You tried to have a discussion, the issue is, your comments lack the maturity and logic to make any sense. You seem to have an obsession with age as well. In that case let me tell you this. I used to mark papers for early high schools students in the past, and frankly even they were much more impressive in their eloquence and structure than what I seeing from you. I wonder if you actually live in the US, if you do, then get yourself some English classes and learn the art of putting simple sentences together.
But there is a purpose in keeping this Shia nation alive and sort of strong---. It keeps the Sunni nations under control---.
This is complete BS. How is America keeping Iran "strong" by killing it economically via sanctions? US is controlling Sunnis directly, stop using Shia as a cop out for Sunni countries and their incompetence to free themselves from US control. US gave Arab countries in the ME ALl the best weapons they could've used to dominate the ME and Iran, but they cant, and thats why you're mad.
And you kids were thinking that Iran is a monster---what a joke---. Iran is a God given gift to the christian nations who don't want the muslim nations do good---.
And you Sunni countries are God's gift to the Jewish Nation most of you are sleeping with now. stop trolling.

Iran is the poison that that is fed to the muslims of this world everyday to keep them confused in search of an anti venom by the christians power houses---.
LMAO. your Wahhabism that you followed cuz Saudis paid you to do so isnt a poison? let me get right to the fact- you either are Shiitophobic, or dont understand regional politics. Blame is usually the route that the incompetent take.

Iran is an hallucinogenic agent that makes the muslims believe in what they are not.
Then why havent more Sunnis converted to Shia Islam if Iran is using a real hallucinogen. I think Sunnis like you, and @Malik Abdullah just blame Iran because your Sunni countries dont do anything that gives you pride.
You tried to have a discussion, the issue is, your comments lack the maturity and logic to make any sense. You seem to have an obsession with age as well. In that case let me tell you this. I used to mark papers for early high schools students in the past, and frankly even they were much more impressive in their eloquence and structure than what I seeing from you. I wonder if you actually live in the US, if you do, then get yourself some English classes and learn the art of putting simple sentences together.
Marking early high school papers doesn't make you a philosopher. Mastan Khan is one of the most respected members of this forum while you are nothing but a sectarian skidmark trying too hard to portray yourself as an intellect. Keep trying....

This is complete BS. How is America keeping Iran "strong" by killing it economically via sanctions? US is controlling Sunnis directly, stop using Shia as a cop out for Sunni countries and their incompetence to free themselves from US control. US gave Arab countries in the ME ALl the best weapons they could've used to dominate the ME and Iran, but they cant, and thats why you're mad.

And you Sunni countries are God's gift to the Jewish Nation most of you are sleeping with now. stop trolling.

LMAO. your Wahhabism that you followed cuz Saudis paid you to do so isnt a poison? let me get right to the fact- you either are Shiitophobic, or dont understand regional politics. Blame is usually the route that the incompetent take.

Then why havent more Sunnis converted to Shia Islam if Iran is using a real hallucinogen. I think Sunnis like you, and @Malik Abdullah just blame Iran because your Sunni countries dont do anything that gives you pride.

Dude dont get me started over this. Any sane Non-Muslim let alone a Sunni would convert to your sect after seeing all this self flogging n cultish rituals. No offense. I mean no disrespect.

If I view the Muslim world from your Shia-Sunni lens then Pakistan being a Sunni majority country is a sole nuclear power in the Muslim world the guys who worked on our nuclear program were Sunnis too. Hypothetically we can literally erase your country from the map of the world If it comes to an all-out war so we are proud Alhamdulilah. Turkey is also another 'Sunni' country that can also send Iran back to the stone age.
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