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It’s not Iran’s military power that frightens the U.S.

Bro I didnt mean to insult him but he speaks sheer nonsense like literally he is living in his own chootiya world. He is a stupid crooked case acting like some sort of philosopher. I am done with him.

Basically the reverse of the truth, once again.
Bro I didnt mean to insult him but he speaks sheer nonsense like literally he is living in his own chootiya world. He is a stupid crooked case acting like some sort of philosopher. I am done with him.
Again you're using abusive words against him, if you are not agree his opinions lets agree to disagree and move on, this is last warning for you, and stop you off topic discussion
Why U.S.A destroy Iran, when iran is killing muslims in Syria,Iraq,Yemen
Why U.S.A destroy Saudi Arabia, when it is killing Muslim in Yemen, & other countries.
U.S.A just want to extend some time for purpose , but it will never allow Iran to posses nuclear weapon because this will unbalance middle east, and due to threat to israel otherwise Some powers will not mind Iran & gulf countries nuking each other.
I greatly admired Iran and am a fan of the Iranian revolution. Imam Khomeini is a personal hero of mine, and I was pleased to learn that he was one of us Paks, his grandfather Syed Ahmad Hindi was Kashmiri.

What Iran did in 1979 was admirable. Iranians came out from all classes, ethnicities, sects, and ideologies to remove a puppet dictator who only cared for himself.

So strong was the revolution that it is still influencing the Muslim world to this day, in a very positive way. The Islamic faith was brought back in Iran, and that is something wonderful.

However I can't for the life of me come to terms with Iran's sectarian politics and proxy wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. Add in the politics against Turkey and Pakistan, two nations which supported Iran in its worst times.

Because of Sulemani's games and Mullahs like Hassan Rouhani, Iran lost its prominent place among Muslim nations of the world.

Iran can no longer claim any moral superiority over KSA in light of its actions in the last few years.

@Hakim Dawary @OsmanAli98
I greatly admired Iran and am a fan of the Iranian revolution. Imam Khomeini is a personal hero of mine, and I was pleased to learn that he was one of us Paks, his grandfather Syed Ahmad Hindi was Kashmiri.

What Iran did in 1979 was admirable. Iranians came out from all classes, ethnicities, sects, and ideologies to remove a puppet dictator who only cared for himself.

So strong was the revolution that it is still influencing the Muslim world to this day, in a very positive way. The Islamic faith was brought back in Iran, and that is something wonderful.

However I can't for the life of me come to terms with Iran's sectarian politics and proxy wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. Add in the politics against Turkey and Pakistan, two nations which supported Iran in its worst times.

Because of Sulemani's games and Mullahs like Hassan Rouhani, Iran lost its prominent place among Muslim nations of the world.

Iran can no longer claim any moral superiority over KSA in light of its actions in the last few years.

@Hakim Dawary @OsmanAli98

I disagree slightly Iran is the only Muslim country that I see is independent of western influence Saudis and Turks are just bootlickers for the West in general tho Saudi and Turkey are in conflict they competing for interests for the region Iran at leasts supports the Houthis in Yemen fighting against Saudi aggression, Syria whether you like it or not the Turks are at fault they should restore ties with Damascus and work with Iran in the region that would be whirlwind of change and is needed instead that Georgian watermellon seller Erdogan who is "POS" rather play double games in the region cause he wants to save his power hungry ambitions.
I disagree slightly Iran is the only Muslim country that I see is independent of western influence Saudis and Turks are just bootlickers for the West in general tho Saudi and Turkey are in conflict they competing for interests for the region Iran at leasts supports the Houthis in Yemen fighting against Saudi aggression, Syria whether you like it or not the Turks are at fault they should restore ties with Damascus and work with Iran in the region that would be whirlwind of change and is needed instead that Georgian watermellon seller Erdogan who is "POS" rather play double games in the region cause he wants to save his power hungry ambitions.

Erdogan is POS to save his power hungry ambitions but Assad is a saint who is just trying to save his people by killing and displacing them.

Atleast have an iota of shame before writing such crap openly. If Saudi and Turkey are sitting on the lap of US then Iran is giving oral to Russia for her survival.
Erdogan is POS to save his power hungry ambitions but Assad is a saint who is just trying to save his people by killing and displacing them.

Atleast have an iota of shame if you dont have any empathy for Syrian people before writing such crap openly. If Saudi and Turkey are sitting on the lap of US then Iran is giving oral to Russia for her survival.

Oh its you again the Pakii expat in KSA again and you dont have any empathy for the Syrians either you just highlighting it cause you wanna score point scoring
Oh its you again the Pakii expat in KSA again and you dont have any empathy for the Syrians either you just highlighting it cause you wanna score point scoring
Either? Well atleast you admit that you dont have any. Expected from a cult follower like you.
However I can't for the life of me come to terms with Iran's sectarian politics and proxy wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. Add in the politics against Turkey and Pakistan, two nations which supported Iran in its worst times.

Because of Sulemani's games and Mullahs like Hassan Rouhani, Iran lost its prominent place among Muslim nations of the world.

We have to ask ourselves this. Is what Iran doing in the region borne out of some sectarianism or it Iran's way of protecting defending itself and its interest? Ask:

1- Why is Iran in Iraq? Look at Iraq under Saddam and its effects on Iran

2- Why is it in Syria? What would have happened if these anti-Iran group took over Syria? Iran said time and time again, the reason it fought the terrorist in Syria was so it would not have to fight them on the street of Tehran. Those Syrian "rebels" right from the beginning, even before Iran got even little involved were spouting anti-Iran hatred.

3- Why is it in Lebanon? Hezbollah was made to kick out the Israelis from Lebanon and it succeeded.

4- Why is it in Yemen? I think this one is the most straightforward to figure out.

When one looks at Iran's regional moves, they're not inherently sectarian. Just because the allies Iran has to work with in the region tend to be more closer to its own sect, it does not mean Iran only prefers its allies to be of that sect. Iran also helps the Palestinian resistances which are of course mainly Sunnis. I don't believe for a moment that Iran's regional ambitions are sectarian by design at all. Sadly given the the way politics works in that region, nations find their allies mainly to be of their own sects and of course that can make everything seen sectarian! If Iran could have the option of having more non-Shia alliances as well, be sure it would take it. Iran had stated time and again that it will support anyone to the maximum if they're fighting the menaces in the region i.e US, Israeli and their Persian Gulf puppets. These Persian Gulf Arabs will do everything to make this seem like a sectarian issue and not an issue of their alignment with the likes of US. Iran is obviously not perfect, but from my point of view, it's doing what it can to protect its own security and interest.

The above is just my own opinion. But I am aware the the perception of Iran has changed for the worse in the eyes of some in the region. Perceptions is a very powerful thing. Runs the world more than the actual truth does.

As for Iran's relation with Turkey and Pakistan. Minus some issues in Syria, I think Iran actually has good relations with these two nations. When it comes to Pakistan, I want to see Iran-Pakistan relations go much higher.
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Either? Well atleast you admit that you dont have any. Expected from a cult follower like you.

You dont either so knock it off.
We have to ask ourselves this. Is what Iran doing in the region borne out of some sectarianism or it Iran's way of protecting defending itself and its interest? Ask:

1- Why is Iran in Iraq? Look at Iraq under Saddam and its effects on Iran
2- Why is it in Syria? What would have happened if these anti-Iran group took over Syria? Iran said time and time again, the reason it fought the terrorist in Syria was so it would not have to fight them on the street of Tehran.
3- Why is in Lebanon- Hezbollah was made to kick out the Israelis from Lebanon and it succeeded.

When one looks at Iran's regional moves, they're not inherently sectarian. Just because the allies Iran has to work with in the region tend to be more closer to its own sect, it does not mean Iran only prefers its allies to be of that sect. Iran also helps the Palestinian resistances which are of course mainly Sunnis. I don't believe for a moment that Iran's regional ambitions are sectarian by design at all. Sadly given the the way politics works in that region, nations find their allies mainly to be of their own sects and of course that can make everything seen sectarian! If Iran could have the option of having more non-Shia alliances as well, be sure it would take it.

As for Iran's relation with Turkey and Pakistan. Minus some issues in Syria, I think Iran actually good relations with these two nations. When it comes to Pakistan, I want to see Iran-Pakistan relations go much higher.

Iran is fighting the good fight for the most part are they issues, regarding certain influence in the region yes but the Mid East region is filled with pit falls its obvious that the Turks,Gulf Arab States, and Iran will fill in the power structure of the regions for better or worse,Iran at least unlike the Turks and Gulf Arabs dont show up and start invading other lands for geopolitical purposes Iran does have ambitions to grow as a regional power but did Iran ever went into Syria without asking the Syrians no did they with the Iraqis no I say Iran compared to the Turks or Gulf Arabs has played a much more constructive role they bought some semblence of stabilty at least in some parts they put Israel on watch, The Turks can hail slogans but what do they really do with Arabs, Turks have racial hatred of all things Arabs, they see Arabs inferior to the their modernized nation state in the middle of Anatolia Gulf Arabs see their Levent Cousins lowly or poor and have this high headed attitude granted they are Persians that view themselves above Arabs but the Iranian Government does not as for Iranian Pakistan ties tho I would like for Iran to be closer Tehran made their choice I dont like it but frankly what did Islamabad offer we always bowed down to Gulfies and Yankee's missed oppurtunites sigh
Iran is fighting the good fight for the most part are they issues, regarding certain influence in the region yes but the Mid East region is filled with pit falls its obvious that the Turks,Gulf Arab States, and Iran will fill in the power structure of the regions for better or worse,Iran at least unlike the Turks and Gulf Arabs dont show up and start invading other lands for geopolitical purposes Iran does have ambitions to grow as a regional power did Iran ever went into Syria without asking the Syrians no did they with the Iraqis no I say Iran compared to the Turks or Gulf Arabs has played a much more constructive role they bought some semblence of stabilty at least in some parts they put Israel on watch, The Turks can hail slogans but what do they really do with Arabs, Turks have racial hatred of all things Arabs, they see Arabs inferior to the their modernized nation state in the middle of Anatolia Gulf Arabs see their Levent Cousins lowly or poor and have this high headed attitude granted they are Persians that view themselves above Arabs but the Iranian Government does not as for Iranian Pakistan ties tho I would like for Iran to be closer Tehran made their choice I dont like it but frankly what did Islamabad offer we always bowed down to Gulfies and Yankee's missed oppurtunites sigh

Good comment my friend. I think to myself, is Iran doing anything that other nations in its situation would not? And the answer is a clear No in my opinion. Nations do what they need to do to protect their security, interests and ultimately, their survival. If the likes of Turkey and Persian Gulf Arabs are not doing what Iran is doing, it's not because they're angelic, it's because they simply do not have the capability to do it. Iran's options are either to continue with influence and expansion, or sit back and let others fill those power structures you described. The option Iran will take is quite obvious.
This is complete BS. How is America keeping Iran "strong" by killing it economically via sanctions? US is controlling Sunnis directly, stop using Shia as a cop out for Sunni countries and their incompetence to free themselves from US control. US gave Arab countries in the ME ALl the best weapons they could've used to dominate the ME and Iran, but they cant, and thats why you're mad.

And you Sunni countries are God's gift to the Jewish Nation most of you are sleeping with now. stop trolling.

LMAO. your Wahhabism that you followed cuz Saudis paid you to do so isnt a poison? let me get right to the fact- you either are Shiitophobic, or dont understand regional politics. Blame is usually the route that the incompetent take.

Then why havent more Sunnis converted to Shia Islam if Iran is using a real hallucinogen. I think Sunnis like you, and @Malik Abdullah just blame Iran because your Sunni countries dont do anything that gives you pride.


It is very simple---if there were no sanctions on Iran---it would become financially very strong.

I won't get into sunni converting to shia in pakistan---but the conversion from shia to christianity is the highest in the world in Iran---.

Actually it is Iran that is sleeping with Israel---. All the fighting by shia fighter against israel has made israel stronger over the years---and specially Ahmedinejad---he was the biggest benefactor to Israels cause----.
I greatly admired Iran and am a fan of the Iranian revolution. Imam Khomeini is a personal hero of mine, and I was pleased to learn that he was one of us Paks, his grandfather Syed Ahmad Hindi was Kashmiri.

What Iran did in 1979 was admirable. Iranians came out from all classes, ethnicities, sects, and ideologies to remove a puppet dictator who only cared for himself.

So strong was the revolution that it is still influencing the Muslim world to this day, in a very positive way. The Islamic faith was brought back in Iran, and that is something wonderful.

However I can't for the life of me come to terms with Iran's sectarian politics and proxy wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. Add in the politics against Turkey and Pakistan, two nations which supported Iran in its worst times.

Because of Sulemani's games and Mullahs like Hassan Rouhani, Iran lost its prominent place among Muslim nations of the world.

Iran can no longer claim any moral superiority over KSA in light of its actions in the last few years.

@Hakim Dawary @OsmanAli98

Salamalikum... We have fallen into the Thucydides trap, where strong nations that border one another are bound to enter into a conflict.

The way to avoid this is by having a buffer zone as explained in length by Thucydides. My suggestion is this... in order to make all parties happy is to take a piece of land from Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan and create a buffer zone that is secular and democratic.

This will be killing two birds with one stone. On one hand this buffer zone will not have an ideology to rally the people for sectarian purposes as it will be a purely democracy/demagoguery like the west where everything is allowed so long as each person minds their business... And on the other hand, those peoples who are not happy with an Islamic state can go and reside within this buffer zone where democracy persists.

This state however must not be too large, otherwise it will have ambitions of its own.

If this is something that we cannot agree upon, then WAR is an inevitability. I am a Sunni Muslim, and I want a Sunni state, where officials are elected through Shura, and an Islamic system is abound on all levels of society from dress code to legal code to schools etc.

The question is whether we are willing to make this compromise or are we willing to head towards war due to sectarianism? This is my suggestion, and it can work, but if this is something that we don't then war is an Inevitability.
Salamalikum... We have fallen into the Thucydides trap, where strong nations that border one another are bound to enter into a conflict.

The way to avoid this is by having a buffer zone as explained in length by Thucydides. My suggestion is this... in order to make all parties happy is to take a piece of land from Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan and create a buffer zone that is secular and democratic.

This will be killing two birds with one stone. On one hand this buffer zone will not have an ideology to rally the people for sectarian purposes as it will be a purely democracy/demagoguery like the west where everything is allowed so long as each person minds their business... And on the other hand, those peoples who are not happy with an Islamic state can go and reside within this buffer zone where democracy persists.

This state however must not be too large, otherwise it will have ambitions of its own.

If this is something that we cannot agree upon, then WAR is an inevitability. I am a Sunni Muslim, and I want a Sunni state, where officials are elected through Shura, and an Islamic system is abound on all levels of society from dress code to legal code to schools etc.

The question is whether we are willing to make this compromise or are we willing to head towards war due to sectarianism? This is my suggestion, and it can work, but if this is something that we don't then war is an Inevitability.

Or Iran can simply sue for peace and compromise, stop supporting and helping India establish a foothold in Chahbahar, Kabul, and Oman.

That is literally Pakistan's only major problem with Iran.

Also why Pakistan is distancing itself from KSA, UAE backstabbers. Abandoning Kashmir and supporting Hindu fascist regime in India. Why is Iran following the same policy?

The other issue is to stop supporting anti-Pukhtoon/anti-Pak groups like NA remnants and Kabul city state. Help Pakistan establish a coalition government in Afghanistan with Taliban.
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