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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

Thank you for wanting to help the USA but they will also have to pierce Iran's powerful air defense which has other surprises in store for us. The USA will have its *** with Iran
There is nothing that I said which is not public....so I do not get your point..
There is nothing that I said which is not public....so I do not get your point..

The total power of Air Defense systems is not showing to the public, Iran has other surprises in store for us on this subject. So don't dream of American tactics that will go down the drain
The total power of Air Defense systems is not showing to the public, Iran has other surprises in store for us on this subject. So don't dream of American tactics that will go down the drain
OK.....I hope what you said is based on actual knowledge and not just a wishful thinking....
hey guys
my weird question would be out of my mixed curiosity and misunderstanding.
could these ballistic or quasi ballistic or rocket or whatever you know;be launched from gulf depth?!
due to IRGC's last surprise that missiles have been launched(i mean missile farms)from the depth of the ground.these canister launched rockets could be planted under the sea water and be launched on demand.
or maybe not;the mechanism of pushing rockets under the sea needs high pressure air(or another gases)to bring missile out of their canister!
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Amazing! As I always say the IRGC never disappoints!

This is an indication that it's about time they start working overtime in coming up with different launch platforms & VLS systems...

There is no way to hide the logistics of loading that many missiles amidst a war with the U.S. without the base becoming a priority target... IRGC should start diverting the resources currently going towards Rocket Boats to vessels that can be converted to carry such missiles!

I very much doubt that at the start of any conflict with Iran an enemy would be stupid enough to send a fleet of large vessels to within 300km of Iranian shores so the IRGC needs to have the vessels needed to deploy them to beyond that range & do it rather quickly
hey guys
my weird question would be out of my mixed curiosity and misunderstanding.
could these ballistic or quasi ballistic or rocket or whatever you know;be launched from gulf depth?!
due to IRGC's last surprise that missiles have been launched(i mean missile farms)from the depth of the ground.these canister launched rockets could be planted under the sea water and be launched on demand.
or maybe not;the mechanism of pushing rockets under the sea needs high pressure air(or another gases)to bring missile out of their canister!
the short answer would be yes, but you need to put some work to it nothing crazy just some adjustments to adapt to the new space which is the sea like launch tubes and underwater missile farms




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Simple math...700 speed boats each carrying two anti ship missile, add to that FACs, Frigates..Subs..you are talking about may be 2000 missile deployed at any one time...If this place is attacked and all refills gone...All those ships and boat will become sweet target practice for the enemy...

I am alarmist by nature...but sometimes the most obvious things escapes the most brilliant minds (Ukranian airliner an example)..did some one over estimate the survivability of such place.

PS: to an American war planner ..this location and others are Extremely High Value targets (use all assets to find them and use all assets to destroy them and the war will be short!!!!)...remember Yemen start of war..first attacks were on the Ammo depos...

Don't worry. The US MOP bunker buster can only penetrate 60m deep. Some of these missile cities are are several 100s of meter deep. The MOP cannot get near this underground storage even if drop precisely upon them. I don't know much but I don't think nuclear weapon can go 100s of meter deep underground. I am sure if the US knows the precise location they still have no means of destroying them. The US military is omnipotent as some people want the world to believe.
Don't worry. The US MOP bunker buster can only penetrate 60m deep. Some of these missile cities are are several 100s of meter deep. The MOP cannot get near this underground storage even if drop precisely upon them. I don't know much but I don't think nuclear weapon can go 100s of meter deep underground. I am sure if the US knows the precise location they still have no means of destroying them. The US military is omnipotent as some people want the world to believe.

Even if these facilities where deep underground, the U.S. does NOT need to demolish the entire base. Especially for near shore bases the main thing they would likely focus on is the entrances.
And they vary much have the capability to put them out of operation for weeks on end and with repeated strikes months on end. And in a conflict against the U.S. Iran simply can't afford to lose access to large portions of it's missile stockpile for months!
Even if these facilities where deep underground, the U.S. does NOT need to demolish the entire base. Especially for near shore bases the main thing they would likely focus on is the entrances.
And they vary much have the capability to put them out of operation for weeks on end and with repeated strikes months on end. And in a conflict against the U.S. Iran simply can't afford to lose access to large portions of it's missile stockpile for months!

It is more complicated. The weak points are ventilation outlet/system, entrances and firing pits.

The entrance and firing pits are not just a hole and are usually several entrances inside deep crevices of the granite rock.
You can see the crevices in sat images occasionally.

Imagine the 3D shape of a crevice and its firing pits. Many times these pits and holes cannot be seen in satellites imagery due to its hidden nature.

This is a simple crevice/valley. Not a straight line for a missile. It is easier to launch a missile from this valley to target a point inside it.


I would raise the attack level even more to what I consider the most lethal: a mix of 10 MT multistage bunker buster thermonuclear warhead in addition to VX gas warheads to penetrate deep inside the crevices.

If you run the modeling softwares, the thermonuclear warhead cannot easily penetrate into 600 m of granite rock. Debris of the blast can be guided away from the holes.

The entrance and pits can be sealed to nerve gas and the staff will have protection to nerve gas and several months of required stocks.

Oxygen makers will recover lost ventilators. EM pulse guns will protect against robotic penetration into the system.

This is a second strike capability a country would like to have. I am not sure if Iran is quite there yet but not far away.

Add mobile launchers and ground and underwater missile silos too. It is not just mountain silos.
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Israel Concerned as Iran Provides Its Mideast Proxies With Better Weapons

Iran has recently made significant advances in the development of its weapons industry, including precision-guided rockets and missiles, cruise missiles and drones. Israeli intelligence has observed a leap in Iranian capabilities, which are now being extensively distributed to other parts of the radical axis led by Tehran in the Middle East, including Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Assad regime in Syria, the Shi’ite militias in Iraq and the Houthi rebels in Yemen.

Intelligence officials say that for the first time, the Iranian arms industry has become an industry encompassing the entire radical axis. One unit from the Revolutionary Guards, Unit 340 of the Quds Force, is responsible for the research and development that serves all the terrorist and guerilla organizations operating with Tehran’s patronage and financing. The knowhow gained by the Iranians is quickly and effectively relayed to their proxies throughout the region.

Tehran’s aim is to enable these organizations to achieve independent production capability in their respective countries, without being dependent upon Iranian smuggling operations, so they will be less vulnerable to Israeli strikes against the various smuggling channels. Last week, Iran accused Israel of responsibility for a blast on an Iranian ship in the Mediterranean. This was apparently a smuggling operation that was thwarted on the way to Lebanon.

Israel is especially concerned by Hezbollah’s acceleration of its “precision project,” in which it plans to do a massive upgrade of its arsenal of rockets and missiles so they can strike within just a few meters of their targets. In recent years, in the wake of the Israeli strikes on its smuggling operations, Hezbollah has made several attempts to build facilities in Lebanon to manufacture weaponry and convert arms to precision-guided weapons. Officially, Israel talks about Hezbollah having dozens of precision rockets, but some assessments say that number has surged in the past couple of years and is now apparently in the hundreds.

Hezbollah is working on developing several types of improvements for its missiles – greater precision, greater lethal impact and ability to circumvent the active Israeli defense systems. In his speeches, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah often talks about the level of precision of his organization’s weaponry and boasts that in the event of a war, Israel will be surprised by Hezbollah’s capabilities.

Another nearby arena where similar progress has been made is the Gaza Strip. Hamas, with Iranian aid, has significantly boosted its production capacity for rockets and drones and conducts very frequent test firings that are directed westward into the Mediterranean. In the last few years, Hamas members have traveled to Iran and elsewhere for training in weapons development.


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