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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

i don't even need to go to details its written on it Dezful with biiiiig Farsi font, thats why im saying its cool because they are almost the same size with Dezful being the bigger one of course
Yeah second missile is Dezful, one with EO head is Zolfaqar Basir, I didnt check second tag... just on first
An interesting post on Jangaavaran in Farsi in which the author calculated the speeds of five Iranian ballistic (and quasi-ballistic) missiles in different phases of flight: https://jangaavaran.ir/سرعت-موشک-های-بالستیک/

These are the terminal speeds of five selected missiles according to that post:
Zolfaghar: ~ Mach 7.5 (2600 m/s)​
Dezful: ~ Mach 9 (3200 m/s)​
Emad: ~ Mach 10.5 (3600 m/s)​
Sejjil: Mach 12-13 (4200-4500 m/s) which matches up with the claimed speed of 4300 m/s by Iran​
Khorramshahr: ~ Mach 16 (5600 m/s)​
An interesting post on Jangaavaran in Farsi in which the author calculated the speeds of five Iranian ballistic (and quasi-ballistic) missiles in different phases of flight: https://jangaavaran.ir/سرعت-موشک-های-بالستیک/

These are the terminal speeds of five selected missiles according to that post:
Zolfaghar: ~ Mach 7.5 (2600 m/s)​
Dezful: ~ Mach 9 (3200 m/s)​
Emad: ~ Mach 10.5 (3600 m/s)​
Sejjil: Mach 12-13 (4200-4500 m/s) which matches up with the claimed speed of 4300 m/s by Iran​
Khorramshahr: ~ Mach 16 (5600 m/s)​

That Khorramshahr is just something else entirely man....I know Iran uses different warhead tips and makeups depending on the mission objective, so theoretically Iran could put a hardened penetrator tip on the Khorramshahr warhead and simply DIG straight into the ground at almost any subterranean target going at those insane speeds... A bunker buster and then some....

What an absolute beast of a missile. This and the Hajj-Qassem Q-BM along with the Dezful are my top favorites without a doubt.

@PeeD @Philosopher

Hey brothers, would it be logical to say that Iran uses specialized warheads for certain missions and some of the missiles Iran produces can use a multitude of different warhead configurations depending on what is needed?

I've been thinking (just my opinion) that Iran is moving towards a sort of "swiss-army knife" approach to its missiles. In which the newer model missiles, specifically the booster section and targeting section can be mixed and matched with other warheads and payloads in order to fit mission parameters as needed.

What's your guy's thoughts on this?
That Khorramshahr is just something else entirely man....I know Iran uses different warhead tips and makeups depending on the mission objective, so theoretically Iran could put a hardened penetrator tip on the Khorramshahr warhead and simply DIG straight into the ground at almost any subterranean target going at those insane speeds... A bunker buster and then some....

What an absolute beast of a missile. This and the Hajj-Qassem Q-BM along with the Dezful are my top favorites without a doubt.

@PeeD @Philosopher

Hey brothers, would it be logical to say that Iran uses specialized warheads for certain missions and some of the missiles Iran produces can use a multitude of different warhead configurations depending on what is needed?

I've been thinking (just my opinion) that Iran is moving towards a sort of "swiss-army knife" approach to its missiles. In which the newer model missiles, specifically the booster section and targeting section can be mixed and matched with other warheads and payloads in order to fit mission parameters as needed.

What's your guy's thoughts on this?

The "babybottle" warhead is the standard common warhead from Qiam to Ghadr and to Sejil.
The HE version is known and the submunition version with 3 different submunition options. Thermobaric variant probably also exist.

At least 2 different MaRV variants of it are also known. One of them could be a penetrator.



To answer your earlier question, even before the unveiling of Zolfiqar Basir, IRGC naval commander had talked about the existence of a 700km range Anti ship missile, this is how we know this missile has been around for a while. Of course even before he came out and talked about it, we theorised its existence. And in the same way, I am certain Iran has anti-ship version of Dezfoul. Regarding Haj Qassem, they have already said it can be used for anti-ship roles as well.

To answer your earlier question, even before the unveiling of Zolfiqar Basir, IRGC naval commander had talked about the existence of a 700km range Anti ship missile, this is how we know this missile has been around for a while. Of course even before he came out and talked about it, we theorised its existence. And in the same way, I am certain Iran has anti-ship version of Dezfoul. Regarding Haj Qassem, they have already said it can be used for anti-ship roles as well.
Maybe also Emad Anti ship variant😍 because Hajizadeh once mentioned that they can hit ships at 2000km range..
Maybe also Emad Anti ship variant😍 because Hajizadeh once mentioned that they can hit ships at 2000km range..

Certainly. Check the thread I made regarding this topic:

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