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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

On topic, We need an list of actual missiles being inducted and deployed compared to experimental projects or technology demonstrators.

Evidence of soumar's 3000km ??

This is ultra huge.
I was about to say that.

Both the guys North of the city, and that 40-mile convoy the news media is raging about, completely untouched. I begs the questions why they are not able to work in some artillery on the units north of the city. Surely the US is providing intel on their positions.

Is it political? Is it just a lack of capability? Do the Ukrainians even have any meaningful artillery capability anymore? I am not too sure about it. I have only seen a one-way battering of artillery from one side. It's possible Russia has some immense fires capability deployed in the north and while they are not using it, the Ukrainians do not want to mount an attack out of fear of provoking it.

I think Ukraine itself are at a point where they are not able to mount offensives and are just trying to hold ground, but I could be wrong and we could be surprised. US + EU would seriously have to consider some sort of comprehensive lend-lease program with full range of support and weapons if they want Ukraine to actually seize back land otherwise If it continues like this, much of Ukraine will be in ruins.
That convoy is following advance of the assult units,same with other convoys...and also Ukraine force was mainly focused now to retreat and group in urban area,they are avoiding open confrotation..Ukraine air defense and airforce doesnt exist anymore as integrated system,they have some assets here and there but this is loast couse. Russians didnt introduce all of their force they bring to borders,and that is around 200k,with DNR,LNR they are advancing with 70% of deployed force..and they have a lot of reserve..But seems Russians are not still resolved some of their old flaws,organisation and logistic was near terrible...battalions are worst units to form tactical groups and invade country and that is what Russians have deployed,so called tactical battalion groups...they should organize 3 regional Armies with full organization and deployment,from corps,brigades..etc. But as someone mentioned,Putin is spy,he probably had in mind fast regime change not invasion(as they said),it will work but with more casulties
Also,what cant be un noticed,is lack of Russia advanced weapons,we saw KA52...Caliber,Iskander...but note any of their drones,drones should be at first line now...but seems their production capabilities are not that great or they simple prioritize different things
Evidence of soumar's 3000km ??

This is ultra huge.

Iranian modified version of KH-55 kent, it has mild aerodynamic change

Soon I will be doing a separate thread on Iranian missile capabilities with extreme technical details like engine diameters, Isp's, videos of them hitting targets with very low CEP etc, compared to DPRK, Israel etc.
does iran has indigenous cruise missile , sub sonic or super sonic?

Soumar - 2500-3000 km (Iranian version of KH-55 kent with different motor, seeker and aerodynamics, can be air launched)

Hoveziyeh 1350 Km

Ya-Ali - 700 Km (can be air launched)

Qader AShCM - 300 km (enhanced range; Licensed production C-802/C803)

Jask-2 - 35 KM (Submarine Launched)

... You can watch test videos of them all on youtube.
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I was about to say that.

Both the guys North of the city, and that 40-mile convoy the news media is raging about, completely untouched. I begs the questions why they are not able to work in some artillery on the units north of the city. Surely the US is providing intel on their positions.

Is it political? Is it just a lack of capability? Do the Ukrainians even have any meaningful artillery capability anymore? I am not too sure about it. I have only seen a one-way battering of artillery from one side. It's possible Russia has some immense fires capability deployed in the north and while they are not using it, the Ukrainians do not want to mount an attack out of fear of provoking it.

I think Ukraine itself are at a point where they are not able to mount offensives and are just trying to hold ground, but I could be wrong and we could be surprised. US + EU would seriously have to consider some sort of comprehensive lend-lease program with full range of support and weapons if they want Ukraine to actually seize back land otherwise If it continues like this, much of Ukraine will be in ruins.
Well whatever it is, they need to figure how how or what tools to achieve that goal, I wouldn't wait too long and just be reactive to it, I be proactive on dealing with all enemy forces on the left North Side of Kiev before dealing with forces trying to reach Kiev from the East and North East as you can see.

If Russia's toll goes beyond their set tolerances they will unleash deadly retaliatory strikes elsewhere which Ukraine can't respond to. Ukraine recognizes that...which make the war all the more a lost cause for them. Additionally, looking at it the other way around, the fact that the column has been left mostly untouched belies Ukraine's physical inability to carry out massive assaults. Pin-pricks here and there maybe but no organized and meaningful assault.
Since Russia is already unleashing deadly retaliatory strikes by not getting what they want, that's the least of of Ukrainians' concern considering the massive convoy trying to take Kiev and a big blow in defeating Ukraine.
Well whatever it is, they need to figure how how or what tools to achieve that goal, I wouldn't wait too long and just be reactive to it, I be proactive on dealing with all enemy forces on the left North Side of Kiev before dealing with forces trying to reach Kiev from the East and North East as you can see.

Since Russia is already unleashing deadly retaliatory strikes by not getting what they want, that's the least of of Ukrainians' concern considering the massive convoy trying to take Kiev and a big blow in defeating Ukraine.

With more troops/supplies coming in from the Eastern defense regions of the Russian Federation. I think the outcome of this war is pretty clear, a complete military victory for the Russians at the cost of heavy casualties to men and equipment as as well exposing some critical issues within the command structure and on-the-ground efficacy of Russian planning/execution.
With more troops/supplies coming in from the Eastern defense regions of the Russian Federation. I think the outcome of this war is pretty clear, a complete military victory for the Russians at the cost of heavy casualties to men and equipment as as well exposing some critical issues within the command structure and on-the-ground efficacy of Russian planning/execution.
Thats not a guarantee. It will take them awhile to bring those forces to bear and they are having a hard time supplying the forces in theater now. Just because you have 30k tanks doesn't mean you can easily send in 30k tanks along with the crews if they have the numbers to crew them that need to well fed and supplied.
Since Russia is already unleashing deadly retaliatory strikes by not getting what they want, that's the least of of Ukrainians' concern considering the massive convoy trying to take Kiev and a big blow in defeating Ukraine.
That assessment is incorrect. Devastating retaliation ( read Grozny) is the very last thing Russia wants to do for several obvious reasons . Which they haven’t. Yet. But they will gradually increase the volume in relation to their time vs success goals. However, they’re relatively on track it seems, given the 15 days goal is true.
Casualties are to be expected since Ukrainians are pretty well armed by NATO. There's no way around it. Any army that would have gone into this situation would have faced the same issues when the enemy has a surplus of ATGMs and MANPADS.

Anyways the fall of Mariupol and Kharkiv seems imminent now. It's just a matter of time since they're both surrounded. After that the Ukrainians morale will begin to crack. Hopefully they will accept peace terms after that. If not Kiev will be surrounded and forced to capitulate.

One thing is for sure. There is an excessive amount of of fake evidence when it comes to this conflict floating around the internet and mainstream media. From the two IL-76 planes that were shot down without a shred of evidence, to the ghost of Kiev which is completely fabricated, the Ukrainian armored vehicle that ran over a car in Kiev being labeled a Russian armored vehicle.

That's just the tip of the iceberg. There are pictures of destroyed Ukrainian equipment being labeled as Russian, a Russian general who was supposedly killed who actually turned out to be alive. BBC and CNN trying to tell people that Ukraine is winning the war and that Putin has gone mad. I honestly don't even bother anymore, it's just a waste of time.


If that is true and most of the forces attacking from the north are pretty much untrained conscript army but just a useful diversion but could have helped take Kiev, then if I was the general of of the Ukrainian forces, I focus on wiping them out or make them surrender since they have been stalling for days since they reach Kiev. Not even attempt to do a massive assault on the city. They have to been running out of fuel and food. I attack them with all the drones and artillery if possible, wipe out the North invasion convoys and relieved the pressure on Kiev and its population, as well as well able to start helping South and East forces.

Not to mention wiping out these forces would help boost the morale even more and encourage the Ukrainians to keep on fighting.

That convoy is following advance of the assult units,same with other convoys...and also Ukraine force was mainly focused now to retreat and group in urban area,they are avoiding open confrotation..Ukraine air defense and airforce doesnt exist anymore as integrated system,they have some assets here and there but this is loast couse. Russians didnt introduce all of their force they bring to borders,and that is around 200k,with DNR,LNR they are advancing with 70% of deployed force..and they have a lot of reserve..But seems Russians are not still resolved some of their old flaws,organisation and logistic was near terrible...battalions are worst units to form tactical groups and invade country and that is what Russians have deployed,so called tactical battalion groups...they should organize 3 regional Armies with full organization and deployment,from corps,brigades..etc. But as someone mentioned,Putin is spy,he probably had in mind fast regime change not invasion(as they said),it will work but with more casulties
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Ahahahaahh diversify your sources of information, Russia moves faster than you think.

Chechen forces advances like lions since they arrived in combat.Plus Russia is moving more targeting and information is accurate, the more effective they are. Your sources here are not level
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