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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

To me it seems like Russia deployed it's lowest quality soldiers from it's poorest equipped divisions to fight, the question is why. IMO the most likely reason, if you exclude simple hubris or incompetence, is that they want to save their best soldiers and equipment in case the war broadened to include NATO. The Russians are experiencing high casualties but they're still getting the job done at this point.
I really think this might be it.

The main axis of advance to Kyiv from the North West was units from the Far Eastern military district in Siberia. Very soviet way of thinking to be so careless about deaths, but it's a logical conclusion.

I remember that. Don't know if they stop such practice since I remember seeing videos of it long time ago. There is hazing in the U.S. military but nothing like that.

What those guys are doing is at such level of violent crime, you'd get life sentences for it in Canada or America. That's not even hazing, that's like kidnapping and torture. I doubt they stopped, that's just their way of thinking, they think it "toughens" them out.
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March 2, 2022 -- Infographic KhaybarShekan missile (FA).jpg
March 2, 2022 -- Infographic KhaybarShekan missile (EN).jpg
March 2, 2022 -- Infographic KhaybarShekan missile (AR).jpg
March 2, 2022 -- Infographic KhaybarShekan missile (RU).jpg
It means anti Khaibar in Urdu 😶
My brother you should contact your urdu teacher
Shikan means breaking or destroying something like talwaar shikan or Koh shikan
A thing/man so tough he can break the sword
Or someone so tough he can figuratively break apart mountains
Anti is more like khilaaf or mukhaalif

Khilaaf-e-Khyber is anti-khyber
Mukhaalif-e-khyber is more of a verb (I guess) where you're actively doing something against Khyber
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I really think this might be it.

The main axis of advance to Kyiv from the North West was units from the Far Eastern military district in Siberia. Very soviet way of thinking to be so careless about deaths, but it's a logical conclusion.
If that is true and most of the forces attacking from the north are pretty much untrained conscript army but just a useful diversion but could have helped take Kiev, then if I was the general of of the Ukrainian forces, I focus on wiping them out or make them surrender since they have been stalling for days since they reach Kiev. Not even attempt to do a massive assault on the city. They have to been running out of fuel and food. I attack them with all the drones and artillery if possible, wipe out the North invasion convoys and relieved the pressure on Kiev and its population, as well as well able to start helping South and East forces.

Not to mention wiping out these forces would help boost the morale even more and encourage the Ukrainians to keep on fighting.
You will lose
Well you`d know all about that,now wouldnt you saddam?,losing wars I mean.
In fact that seemed to be about the only thing that the iraqi military was good at........failure,still to be fair,that was equally true of most of the other arab militaries as well.
Well you`d know all about that,now wouldnt you saddam?,losing wars I mean.
In fact that seemed to be about the only thing that the iraqi military was good at........failure,still to be fair,that was equally true of most of the other arab militaries as well.

Did you manage to leave Iran yet
On topic, We need an list of actual missiles being inducted and deployed compared to experimental projects or technology demonstrators.

If that is true and most of the forces attacking from the north are pretty much untrained conscript army but just a useful diversion but could have helped take Kiev, then if I was the general of of the Ukrainian forces, I focus on wiping them out or make them surrender since they have been stalling for days since they reach Kiev. Not even attempt to do a massive assault on the city. They have to been running out of fuel and food. I attack them with all the drones and artillery if possible, wipe out the North invasion convoys and relieved the pressure on Kiev and its population, as well as well able to start helping South and East forces.

Not to mention wiping out these forces would help boost the morale even more and encourage the Ukrainians to keep on fighting.
If Russia's toll goes beyond their set tolerances they will unleash deadly retaliatory strikes elsewhere which Ukraine can't respond to. Ukraine recognizes that...which make the war all the more a lost cause for them. Additionally, looking at it the other way around, the fact that the column has been left mostly untouched belies Ukraine's physical inability to carry out massive assaults. Pin-pricks here and there maybe but no organized and meaningful assault.
If Russia's toll goes beyond their set tolerances they will unleash deadly retaliatory strikes elsewhere which Ukraine can't respond to. Ukraine recognizes that...which make the war all the more a lost cause for them. Additionally, looking at it the other way around, the fact that the column has been left mostly untouched belies Ukraine's physical inability to carry out massive assaults. Pin-pricks here and there maybe but no organized and meaningful assault.
I was about to say that.
If that is true and most of the forces attacking from the north are pretty much untrained conscript army but just a useful diversion but could have helped take Kiev, then if I was the general of of the Ukrainian forces, I focus on wiping them out or make them surrender since they have been stalling for days since they reach Kiev. Not even attempt to do a massive assault on the city. They have to been running out of fuel and food. I attack them with all the drones and artillery if possible, wipe out the North invasion convoys and relieved the pressure on Kiev and its population, as well as well able to start helping South and East forces.

Not to mention wiping out these forces would help boost the morale even more and encourage the Ukrainians to keep on fighting.
Both the guys North of the city, and that 40-mile convoy the news media is raging about, completely untouched. I begs the questions why they are not able to work in some artillery on the units north of the city. Surely the US is providing intel on their positions.

Is it political? Is it just a lack of capability? Do the Ukrainians even have any meaningful artillery capability anymore? I am not too sure about it. I have only seen a one-way battering of artillery from one side. It's possible Russia has some immense fires capability deployed in the north and while they are not using it, the Ukrainians do not want to mount an attack out of fear of provoking it.

I think Ukraine itself are at a point where they are not able to mount offensives and are just trying to hold ground, but I could be wrong and we could be surprised. US + EU would seriously have to consider some sort of comprehensive lend-lease program with full range of support and weapons if they want Ukraine to actually seize back land otherwise If it continues like this, much of Ukraine will be in ruins.

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