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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

The more fascinating missile is the (composite?) one in the back in the first picture. It has an aerodynamic nose structure. I have never seen that on Iranian missiles before.
you mean all composite Zelzal racket with dark green ? yes it got me too , you know whats cool ? if the new Fath has the range of Fateh 110

I haven't much to say about it baradar. Fath has become possible due to miniaturization efforts and new generation servo actuators. Compared to GPS guided artillery rockets it should be a real missile.
you mean all composite Zelzal racket with dark green ? yes it got me too , you know whats cool ? if the new Fath has the range of Fateh 110

No, look at the composite’s nose. It appears to have a “shaved” warhead configuration potentially allowing it higher terminal speed. Either that or it’s a camera distortion.
No, look at the composite’s nose. It appears to have a “shaved” warhead configuration potentially allowing it higher terminal speed. Either that or it’s a camera distortion.
thats Zelzal before it is the new Fath missile and after Zelzal is Sejill-2
Last year I did some research on Iranian ballistic missile serial numbers that can be seen in pictures and videos released to the public and it led me to the assumption that the IRGC-ASF had atleast ~800 Ghadr missiles at that time, of which most where Ghadr-Hs and the rest mostly consisting of Ghadr-Fs.

577 Ghadr-H in March 2014. Seeing as there are some more Ghadr-H's in that picture, let us take 600 Ghadr-H's produced in 4 years. That is ~150 per year at the least. That is more than the 90 missile per year rate of production I initially thought, based on a news article about the Shahab-3 production rate which was estimated by Western intel to be about 70 per year in 2007. I added 20 to it because of the experience gained in production, since the Shahab-3 started production 4 years before that (2003).

I'm still trying to look for more good quality pictures and video's and I thought I saw a serial number in the 800's from a news item in 2016. But the video is too blurry for my taste.


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