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Iran just declassified letter that was top secret and was send by general Tehrani Moghadam to Khamenei


Any chance of an english translation,just a brief synopsis will do.Thanks.
Any chance of an english translation,just a brief synopsis will do.Thanks.

to us just the last sentence is important which states

" Sir, we went to the final point and objective, which is the highest of the deterrence and authority of this divine system, the achievement of the super-fast missile with fast response_reaction missile that reaches Israel and the satellite carrier missile. "

and remember that Tehrani Moghadam was working on Ghaem satellite carrier missile the most powerful, its engine can power a ballistic missile with the range of 13,000 km to 14,000 km.
Does anyone have any images / videos of the damage inflicted on Israel by the Hamas rockets this latest time ? I know that the Zionists have a strict policy of concealing anything that could be perceived as a victory by their rivals but does anyone have any footage ? So far this is all I've been able to find




No, there is even videos of it on YouTube (the 'equivalent' US system), I saw it a long time ago. I hope someone will come and confirm this and prove I am not crazy!
Hey bro. Good to see u were holding me down while i was banned(woo, i thought someone who was my friend/acquaitance on this forum snitched on me but all good). You made good posts while i was away. i appreciate that!

It been over 10 years now,
in old forum Iranmilitaryfrorum.net
back Then I said where we exactly were and where IRI was 10 years ago compering to North Korea or India or even Israel

Today you can Clearly see شهيد سالكى و ( solid peperlent desiner and maker is in front and Haj Hassan is given work order of day.

Think if we were there 10 years ago where we are today

Read details in video description

But the nonsense will continue,
When people see Hwasong 15 they should know it real name of it, is not Hwasong 15 and the designer isn't North Korean ( شهيد سردار سيد مهدى liquid peperlent ) but time will proven all the sun will not stay behind cloud for ever.

First ICBM was tested by Martyr Gen. Salki in year 2.... سردار شهيد سالكى

Solid peperlent
Last edited:

It been over 10 years now in old forum Iranmilitaryfrorum.net

back Then I said where we m exactly were and where IRI was 10 years ago compering to North Korea or India or even Israel

Today you can Clearly see شهيد سالكى و ( solid peperlent desiner and maker is in front and Haj Hassan is given work order of day.

Think if we were there 10 years ago where today

Read details in video description

But the nonsense will continue,
When people see Hwasong 15 they should know it real name of it, is not Hwasong 15 and the designer isn't North Korean ( شهيد سردار سيد مهدى liquid peperlent ) but time will proven all the sun will not stay behind cloud for ever.

First ICBM was tested by Martyr Gen. Salki 2.... سردار شهيد سالكى

Solid peperlent
Are these missiles manufactured to target Europe?

Think if we were there 10 years ago where we are today

@yavar brother, 10 years ago Tehrani was still alive, the question is how the development went wihtout him, Im sure it was not easy without him (some more top engineers were killed in the blast), clearly Irans missile programm got a huge setback

if Iran is in such advanced mode as you describe, why we didnt saw any major satellite launch the whole years, is that only because of political reasons?

also last time Iran tried to put something into orbit it exploded (allegedly a fail during refuelling), something clearly is not working in the space program

It been over 10 years now,
in old forum Iranmilitaryfrorum.net
back Then I said where we exactly were and where IRI was 10 years ago compering to North Korea or India or even Israel

Today you can Clearly see شهيد سالكى و ( solid peperlent desiner and maker is in front and Haj Hassan is given work order of day.

Think if we were there 10 years ago where we are today

Read details in video description

But the nonsense will continue,
When people see Hwasong 15 they should know it real name of it, is not Hwasong 15 and the designer isn't North Korean ( شهيد سردار سيد مهدى liquid peperlent ) but time will proven all the sun will not stay behind cloud for ever.

First ICBM was tested by Martyr Gen. Salki in year 2.... سردار شهيد سالكى

Solid peperlent

@yavar brother, 10 years ago Tehrani was still alive, the question is how the development went wihtout him, Im sure it was not easy without him (some more top engineers were killed in the blast), clearly Irans missile programm got a huge setback

if Iran is in such advanced mode as you describe, why we didnt saw any major satellite launch the whole years, is that only because of political reasons?

also last time Iran tried to put something into orbit it exploded (allegedly a fail during refuelling), something clearly is not working in the space program

Politics. Failure is a part of this trade and every space agency has had many failures. Look at NASA and US space institutions. Despite decades of development, failures and success, decades of aerospace engineering evolution, they still have failures once in a while when they attempt to build Saturn V class rockets. The reason is, you need to actively be engaged in the development, otherwise you would lose the skills and refinement.

Iran needs to actively pursue this program otherwise, the talents will either leave or die from old age and those who don't they lose their edge due to lack of practice.
@yavar brother, 10 years ago Tehrani was still alive, the question is how the development went wihtout him, Im sure it was not easy without him (some more top engineers were killed in the blast), clearly Irans missile programm

It went very easy. Because we have many missile teams and groups when it comes to design and productions.

Look orgnastions like Islamic Jahad in Palestrina or even Hezballah
They have many productions facilities and teams so every time Israel say they have asasenated this or that guy and they have killed so and so but it has zero effect on Rock and missile productions and development so
What do you think about the IRIran ???

With regard to SLV launches
First: it is political
Second: we haven't had any failed take off and they are all have entered orbit no explosions
3rd: inserting Saterlite is different to having Renitery vehicle coming back down and hitting target on ground
4th:we still haven't declassified all launches which had look place

So ballistic missile warhead operates definitely to SLV ejecting vehicle which still on development, we have never even one had failed launch Seimorgh SLV. It is always the second stage or sumus which not been 100% up to the task,

Even our MIRV technology is fully up and running

So compering two is mistake

also last time Iran tried to put something into orbit it exploded (allegedly a fail during refuelling), something clearly is not working in the space program

1rd: Sabotage
Second: the Saterlite launch program been now passed on defence ministery
3rd: no explosion, fire break out
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