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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

Hezbullah has big number of Fajr-5 guided version.

And smaller number of Fateh-313 and Hormuz missiles !

Presence of Anti ship BMs is not confirmed yet but they have enough number of Anti ship CMs ...

BTW ... 13 years passed since 2006 !

God ... We are getting old ...
Hezbullah has big number of Fajr-5 guided version.

And smaller number of Fateh-313 and Hormuz missiles !

Presence of Anti ship BMs is not confirmed yet but they have enough number of Anti ship CMs ...

BTW ... 13 years passed since 2006 !

God ... We are getting old ...
not older than me......
Iran didn't go into Syria to threaten Israel. Syria asked for Iran's assistance in order to fight off a foreign backed insurgency. In any case, so far it has been the israelis that have been hitting Iranian assets and Iran has been patient, however if you look at the big picture, the israelis are digging themselves into a ditch. Everytime the zionists launch strikes onto Iraqi / Syrian territory, it helps Iran to prove its point to its followers and allies alike, legitimizing Iran's narrative that israel is indeed a threat. This in turn helps Iran rally more support behind its banner. At the end of the day, the israeli airstrikes, rather than forcefully dismounting Iran from Syria, have actually had the opposite effect, helping Iran entrench itself more firmly in Syria than ever before.

Realistically Iran has the option of striking Israel from Syrian/Lebanese/Iraqi territory. On the other hand I highly doubt if the israelis would target Iran directly since that would completely change the dynamic of the conflict. So far Iran is trying to ignore the israeli airstrikes because despite israeli claims, the airstrikes have failed to prevent Iran from fulfilling it's mission in Syria and realistically have added up to being little more than a nuisance to Iran. However in the long run, if israel continues to pester Iranian proxies and target Iranian assets, eventually there will be retaliation and just like the Saudis, I can guarantee that when it happens, the israelis will cry foul, playing the victim role to a tee.

If Iran strikes Israel, Israeli defense doctrine requires they strike back Harder. That is why they have been able to be so successful deterring the Arabs so long.

Any Iran attack on Israel would have far more costs than benefits. I am sure Iran as pragmatic as it is would not view this in the lens of worthwhile.

Meanwhile it was Iran that violated the unwritten red lines of Israel by entrenching itself in Syria. If Israel decided to entrench itself in Azerbaijan and then start building military bases and then start putting precision BMs there, do you think Iran would sit idly by?

It’s like a frog in a pot allowing itself to be boiled to death by someone who slowly turns up the temperature.

That is the reason why Iran hasn’t retaliated up till now.
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The latest Islamic Republic of Iran cruise missile replica, named #Mobin, unveiled at the Russian Aerospace Exhibition (Max 2019), is specifically modeled on the American #scarab UAV that was also sold to Egypt.

The weapon is capable of launching and flying

thats the first khorramshahr missile launch 001
Or maybe the year which it's unveiled(but not proclaimed officialy)......i red an news years before which sardar salami announced ;we have a missile can hit 3 targets simultaneusly......maybe 2001 is the year they tested the missile

Regarding my last post,if i'm not mistaken its name was fajr-3 ballistic missile....
Or maybe the year which it's unveiled(but not proclaimed officialy)......i red an news years before which sardar salami announced ;we have a missile can hit 3 targets simultaneusly......maybe 2001 is the year they tested the missile
They need to actually start testing the damn thing not just parading it with a new warhead occasionally.This missile needs to go into service,ideally with a multiple terminally guided warhead capability.

Testing brings more international pressure and eyes on missile program.

Hard for Iran to justify a missile with 4000KM range.
Testing brings more international pressure and eyes on missile program.

Hard for Iran to justify a missile with 4000KM range.
4000KM!!....Ahhhh I dont think so,not unless you`re planning on having zero payload on the damn thing[LOL!].The dprk was struggling to even get 3500km out of it with a 500-1000kg nuclear warhead.I also remember iran stating that this would be used to carry heavyweight payloads out to medium range,not lightweight payloads out to intermediate.
Frankly at this point theres little further pressure that the west can bring to bare and its not like they need any excuse to engage in economic blackmail and thuggery regardless of whatever iran does anyway.Irans ballistic missiles are neither a part of the jcpoa nor prohibited under any un resolution,plus they seem to be one of the few things outside of the nuclear program that supposedly worries the west,I think its past time that iran reminded them why this is.
Ultimately sitting back and doing nothing while hoping that chump will go away and the eurovassals will grow some balls is just not a viable strategy......and never was.
And lastly on a more practical note,larger payload capable missiles like this will likely be the future of irans deterrent force as they can not only carry more than one guided warhead they can also carry decoys and countermeasures against the existing and future abm systems in the region.After all what makes better sense from a perspective of military effectiveness,one warhead per missile from the existing force or multiple warheads plus penetration aids and decoys from a slightly larger missile?
4000KM!!....Ahhhh I dont think so,not unless you`re planning on having zero payload on the damn thing[LOL!].The dprk was struggling to even get 3500km out of it with a 500-1000kg nuclear warhead.I also remember iran stating that this would be used to carry heavyweight payloads out to medium range,not lightweight payloads out to intermediate.
Frankly at this point theres little further pressure that the west can bring to bare and its not like they need any excuse to engage in economic blackmail and thuggery regardless of whatever iran does anyway.Irans ballistic missiles are neither a part of the jcpoa nor prohibited under any un resolution,plus they seem to be one of the few things outside of the nuclear program that supposedly worries the west,I think its past time that iran reminded them why this is.
Ultimately sitting back and doing nothing while hoping that chump will go away and the eurovassals will grow some balls is just not a viable strategy......and never was.
And lastly on a more practical note,larger payload capable missiles like this will likely be the future of irans deterrent force as they can not only carry more than one guided warhead they can also carry decoys and countermeasures against the existing and future abm systems in the region.After all what makes better sense from a perspective of military effectiveness,one warhead per missile from the existing force or multiple warheads plus penetration aids and decoys from a slightly larger missile?

4000 km range would be useful in deterring Europe from participating in hostile US actions. The threat of even a small warhead (~500 kg) would have a large psychological impact if it's aimed at Warsaw or Berlin.

Aside from bomber/logistics bases, you should also take into account the US developing INF-grade "Pershing III" that would likely be based in Poland or Romania.
4000 km range would be useful in deterring Europe from participating in hostile US actions. The threat of even a small warhead (~500 kg) would have a large psychological impact if it's aimed at Warsaw or Berlin.

Aside from bomber/logistics bases, you should also take into account the US developing INF-grade "Pershing III" that would likely be based in Poland or Romania.
I agree,I think iran does need an intermediate ranged force as in the event of a us attack on iran a lot of the staging and logistics will be provided by europe,so having an ability to target these bases and other potentially non military infrastructure might give them pause.Unfortunately the khorramshahr just doesnt really have the range to do the job,ideally you`d need something like the kn17/hwasong 12 with its rd250 derived engines to cover most of europe from iran.
you`d need something like the kn17/hwasong 12 with its rd250 derived engines to cover most of europe from iran.

Even Khorramshahr_1 has enough range, the second test it flow so high that it end up in UNSC never mind the Two stage one

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I agree,I think iran does need an intermediate ranged force as in the event of a us attack on iran a lot of the staging and logistics will be provided by europe,so having an ability to target these bases and other potentially non military infrastructure might give them pause.Unfortunately the khorramshahr just doesnt really have the range to do the job,ideally you`d need something like the kn17/hwasong 12 with its rd250 derived engines to cover most of europe from iran.
3500km+ range is already possible with 500kg warhead - same warhead size as Shahab-3/Emad/Qadr (all have 500-700kg warheads AFAIK). But most importantly, don't forget new solid fuel engines tested in past few years...
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