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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

soooooooooooo what now???:o::o::o:o_Oo_Oo_O:lol::lol::lol::tup: did we built something so advanced that freaked them out that much or it's just noise to scare people to elect him?????

TEL AVIV: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, still trying to form a new government, said Israel must increase its defense spending by “many billions immediately and then many billions every year” as the threat from Iran “has intensified in recent weeks.


soooooooooooo what now???:o::o::o:o_Oo_Oo_O:lol::lol::lol::tup: did we built something so advanced that freaked them out that much or it's just noise to scare people to elect him?????

TEL AVIV: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, still trying to form a new government, said Israel must increase its defense spending by “many billions immediately and then many billions every year” as the threat from Iran “has intensified in recent weeks.


Nah man,its a way to shake down the americans to get yet MORE money out of them.Its the zionist version of a good old "protection racket",except that here its the americans paying the israelis to protect israel from iran[LOL!]
soooooooooooo what now???:o::o::o:o_Oo_Oo_O:lol::lol::lol::tup: did we built something so advanced that freaked them out that much or it's just noise to scare people to elect him?????

TEL AVIV: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, still trying to form a new government, said Israel must increase its defense spending by “many billions immediately and then many billions every year” as the threat from Iran “has intensified in recent weeks.


Well they are wondering when Yemenis can do such a devastating attack on KSA's refinery despite all the odds what can Iran do?!
Netanyahu said pushing NIS 1b air defense plan to counter Iran threats


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is pushing to advance a huge air-defense project aimed at countering the threat of an attack from Iran, the Kan public broadcaster reported Sunday.

The NIS 1 billion ($290 million) project would place particular focus on defending the country against cruise missile attacks, similar to strikes on Saudi oil facilities last month blamed on Iran.


Netanyahu said pushing NIS 1b air defense plan to counter Iran threats


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is pushing to advance a huge air-defense project aimed at countering the threat of an attack from Iran, the Kan public broadcaster reported Sunday.

The NIS 1 billion ($290 million) project would place particular focus on defending the country against cruise missile attacks, similar to strikes on Saudi oil facilities last month blamed on Iran.


So the advanced state of the art missile defence system they bought and developed is of no use against cruise missile!
So the advanced state of the art missile defence system they bought and developed is of no use against cruise missile!

Each missile defense system has its strengths and weaknesses.

Israel was semi-prepared against rockets (from HZ and Hamas) and Missiles from Iran and HZ, but not a saturated cruise missiles/stealth cruise missile attack.

Even Iran is not adequately prepared until it’s version of Pantsir/Tor-M1 gets mass produced.

The one thing Israel has to its advantage is it has a very small territory to protect thus can oversaturate the area with radars and batteries.

However, no matter what Israel fields it will not be able to stop the ballistic missile/cruise missile/rocket salvo that will happen in war time. Best they can do is increase their interception rate.
One of the important systems from the Chinese Oktober parade was the YJ-18 missile:


Modeled on the Russian Klub, it is a approach I wish for Irans future sea skimming missiles.

The Chinese also have the YJ-12 a Moskit equivalent but like the Onyx/Yakhont these just offer faster reaction time at the cost of range. Their ramjet propulsion is also expensive.

So if a ramjet engine is desired, then only for a large, long range missile like the DF-100 which was also unveiled during the parade.

A YJ-18 like missile with a rocket powered mach-3 kill stage and a mini-jet carrier stage is both cost effective, long ranged and equally deadly as a Moskit.

Iran already has deadlier weapons with the Khalije Fars series and potential Zolfaghar AshBM variants. So if it is deemed necessary to have a secondary sea skimming kill component, then a YJ-18 like missile would be ideal.

Those are two components are already very deadly but if more components are desired then a DF-100 and then a DF-17 like component would be best.
DF-100 would be a ramjet powered very high altitude cruise missile with very long range and at speeds that let it survive thermal stress.
DF-17 equivalent would allow for high thermal stress levels, skip ramjet sustainer but at the higher cost necessary for shielding.
Both DF-100 and DF-17 exploit the upper atmospheric layer as approach area to decrease warning time and weaknesses of current ABM systems. The Zolfaghar has a gliding phase too but for a much shorter duration, at steeper approach angle.

A 3 component carrier killer approach with a YJ-18-like sea skimming component, a Zolfaghar with HGV as DF-17-like shallow trajectory, upper atmospheric component and a Zolfaghar AshBM as steep diving trajectory component would be the ideal solution.
Once targeting systems are advanced enough, this could then be upscaled to the 2000km range in the next decade. That would skip the ramjet approach and use current strengths.
Iran unveils kit to convert artillery rockets into guided missiles

“There is nothing new in the conversion itself, they have been doing it for years, and they already showed conversion kits for the Fatah 110 family of missiles,” Uzi Rubin, one of the pioneers of Israel’s earliest attempts at missile defense, told The Times of Israel.

“What’s new here are the aerodynamics of the winglets — very unique, unseen in Iran to date and unseen in any other country. Going to indigenous design rather than copying others indicates self-confidence. The purpose of the new and unique aerodynamics is probably to increase the maneuverability of the converted rockets.”

"Iran is seeking to develop now precision-guided munitions, missiles that can hit any target in the Middle East with a circumference of five to 10 metres," Netanyahu said.

"They want to place them in Iraq and in Syria, and to convert Lebanon's arsenal of 130,000... rockets to precision-guided munitions."

He added that "they seek also to develop that, and have already begun to put that in Yemen, with the goal of reaching Israel from there too."



“Iran is seeking to develop now precision-guided munitions, missiles that can hit any target in the Middle East with a circumference of five to ten meters,” Netanyahu said according to an English-language statement from his office. “They are developing this in Iran.”

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they are afraid from something, something very big, a weapon that forced them to drive fundings from civilian to military project it could be a bluff too, you know the big bad bogey that Iran is, who knows why they are in so much hurry??? i believe its missile as Netanyahu said a missile with CEP of 5 meters and a range of almost 2000 km so thats why i post this here :what: :undecided:

Israel will have to up security spending to counter Iran, PM says

Speaking to the Jewish leaders about Israel’s security challenges, which he says come from Iran, Netanyahu says Israel will need to increase the amount of money it spends on arms.

“We have to change our priorities,” he says, noting that the next government will have the difficult task of spearheading efforts to transfer funding from civilian to military purposes.


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