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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

اعتراف سپاه به داشتن موشک کروز هوا به زمین نقطه زن با برد 1500 کیلومتر

آینده‌ای نزدیک سامانه‌ موشک‌های هوا به زمین کروز نقطه زن با برد هزار و ۵۰۰ کیلومتر روی این جنگنده بمب افکن‌ها نصب خواهد شد.

اعتراف سپاه به داشتن موشک کروز هوا به زمین نقطه زن با برد 1500 کیلومتر

آینده‌ای نزدیک سامانه‌ موشک‌های هوا به زمین کروز نقطه زن با برد هزار و ۵۰۰ کیلومتر روی این جنگنده بمب افکن‌ها نصب خواهد شد.


Unless you have larger bombers that can at least launch 4 or more of them from +1000km outside Iranian Airspace then the cost vs benefit analysis of such a weapons wouldn't make much sense!

Yes Iran should be producing Air Lunched cruise missiles with ranges of 100km, 250km & 500km specifically made to target Air Defense's, Ships, Ports, Bunkers & Command Centers + cluster warhead version but anything beyond that for a fighter jet just doesn't make much sense!!

With the amount of money Iran would have to pay to fuel and maintain a fighter to simply to launch 1 or 2 1500km LACM Iran could simply add that cost to the production of a ground launched cruise missile with a range of +2000km
Interesting stuff, curious about range/guidance/CEP

Syrian 302 mm caliber rocket launcher shown for the first time, missile is called "Alrajma"


Mr. Asbar, a syrian rocket scientist was murdered, allegedly by Mossad, may he rest in peace
I hope he could pass his knowledge to many other talented syrian scientists.
Payback will come, sooner or later


Some more infos about Mr Asbar from the source:
Mr. Asbar was also working on a solid-fuel plant for missiles and rockets, a safer alternative to liquid fuel.
Mr. Asbar was primarily engaged in adapting Syria’s arsenal of low-technology rockets to make them capable of striking long-range targets with far greater accuracy
Interesting stuff, curious about range/guidance/CEP

Syrian 302 mm caliber rocket launcher shown for the first time, missile is called "Alrajma"


Mr. Asbar, a syrian rocket scientist was murdered, allegedly by Mossad, may he rest in peace
I hope he could pass his knowledge to many other talented syrian scientists.
Payback will come, sooner or later


Some more infos about Mr Asbar from the source:
Mr. Asbar was also working on a solid-fuel plant for missiles and rockets, a safer alternative to liquid fuel.
Mr. Asbar was primarily engaged in adapting Syria’s arsenal of low-technology rockets to make them capable of striking long-range targets with far greater accuracy
Nothing to do with Iran if you ask about it in Arab countries section then I guess you get better answer.
Syrian and Iranian scientists are sharing knowledge and cooperating in missile technology, so its the correct section
Not exactly , we use different systems. We may share knowledge but we thread two different path.
The center piece of the precise Ins navigation systems:

Iranian made fiber optic gyroscope, presented for the first time in the Kish air show
Iranian made gyro.jpg

گزارش مشرق از یک دستاورد جدید دفاعی؛
گام مهم متخصصان کشور برای رفع نگرانی فرماندهان اسرائیلی!/ ساخت دقیق‌ترین ژیروسکوپ‌های جهان برای موشک‌های بالستیک ایرانی

IRGC revealed the details about a hybrid navigation system for their future cruise missile with 1500km range,
it will be a combination of:
Ins ، Gps ، Glonass ، Tercom and Dsmac

سپاه جرئیات موشک کروز ۱۵۰۰ کیلومتری را اعلام کرد
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The center piece of the precise Ins navigation systems:

Iranian made fiber optic gyroscope, presented for the first time in the Kish air show
View attachment 491125

گزارش مشرق از یک دستاورد جدید دفاعی؛
گام مهم متخصصان کشور برای رفع نگرانی فرماندهان اسرائیلی!/ ساخت دقیق‌ترین ژیروسکوپ‌های جهان برای موشک‌های بالستیک ایرانی

IRGC revealed the details about a hybrid navigation system for their future cruise missile with 1500km range,
it will be a combination of:
Ins ، Gps ، Glonass ، Tercom and Dsmac

سپاه جرئیات موشک کروز ۱۵۰۰ کیلومتری را اعلام کرد
Well,well,the existence of iranian laser ring gyros had long been theorized tho I dont think it was ever confirmed,but now instead we see an iranian fibre optic gyro in the flesh.Well done iran.Its also one less thing you have to rely on anyone else for.
about time, hope we see more tests of the khorramshahr too, looks like lots of work still needs to be done on it, but it is based on hw-10 which failed every test for north korea and north korea moved to a different design (hw-12)...
Well khorramshahr is heavily modified version and it was successfuly tested but what.is really important about this missile isn't missile itself but engine...with that engine you can build anything you want
Well khorramshahr is heavily modified version and it was successfuly tested but what.is really important about this missile isn't missile itself but engine...with that engine you can build anything you want
where did you read it was successful, i read it exploded in the air in both tests...

iran's missile engines are not powerful enough at the moment, but iran does not need missiles beyond 1800km anyway, we need a large mobile reliable 1800km solid fuel BM with MIRV and better accuracy and countermeasures like decoy warheads that we can produce in large quantities for deterrence against Israel, and the same with a shorter range maybe 600km missile for KSA oil bases in the East and US bases near us and large amounts of supersonic anti ship missiles (+smart mines) like khalij fars and qader to cover warships in the Persian Gulf and put them on lots of submarines in the Persian Gulf too, we really need to make supersonic anti-ship missile at least, russia/india/etc already making hypersonic
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where did you read it was successful, i read it exploded in the air in both tests...

iran's missile engines are not powerful enough at the moment, but iran does not need missiles beyond 1800km anyway, we need a large mobile reliable 1800km solid fuel BM with MIRV and better accuracy and countermeasures like decoy warheads that we can produce in large quantities for deterrence against Israel, and the same with a shorter range maybe 600km missile for KSA oil bases in the East and US bases near us and large amounts of supersonic anti ship missiles (+smart mines) like khalij fars and qader to cover warships in the Persian Gulf and put them on lots of submarines in the Persian Gulf too, we really need to make supersonic anti-ship missile at least, russia/india/etc already making hypersonic
Please.stop quote my posts,I don't even try to explain.anything.here.since most of you who ask such stupid questions and claims are.simple.uneducated to.understand anything...
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