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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

Please.stop quote my posts,I don't even try to explain.anything.here.since most of you who ask such stupid questions and claims are.simple.uneducated to.understand anything...
why to be angry , the missile tested once and the reentry vehicle exploded in Air .
why that happened ,there is speculations about that ,some say ,the test was failure , some say it was success and Iranians detonated the warhead themselves, other says the test was partially success ,and the warhead detonated because Iran wanted the land the missile in shorter range than it was designed and had to made the warhead come down a lot faster than usual and it's body could not stand the stress of that maneuver and if Iran used a normal flight pattern the warhead could land as it was designed.
all of these are guess works but the fact is that the warhead detonated while in reentry phase .

where did you read it was successful, i read it exploded in the air in both tests...

iran's missile engines are not powerful enough at the moment, but iran does not need missiles beyond 1800km anyway, we need a large mobile reliable 1800km solid fuel BM with MIRV and better accuracy and countermeasures like decoy warheads that we can produce in large quantities for deterrence against Israel, and the same with a shorter range maybe 600km missile for KSA oil bases in the East and US bases near us and large amounts of supersonic anti ship missiles (+smart mines) like khalij fars and qader to cover warships in the Persian Gulf and put them on lots of submarines in the Persian Gulf too, we really need to make supersonic anti-ship missile at least, russia/india/etc already making hypersonic
Khorramshahr missile is supposed to hav a range of 2000 km , but its with a warhead of as heavy as 1800 kg which is a lot heavier than usuall 700kg warhead of Shahab3 or Sejjil . you put that lighter war head on this missile and it can go a lot more than 2000km
why to be angry , the missile tested once and the reentry vehicle exploded in Air .
watch from 1:48 before you write such nonsense

وزیر دفاع، آزمایش موشکی اخیر کشورمان را موفقیت‌آمیز اعلام کرد.
سردار حسین دهقان وزیر دفاع و پشتیبانی نیروهای مسلح در گفت‌وگوی اختصاصی به خبرنگار دفاعی خبرگزاری تسنیم با اشاره به آزمایش موشکی اخیر کشورمان، گفت: این آزمایش موشکی موفقیت‌آمیز بوده است.
وی افزود: تست‌های موشکی ایران هیچ مغایرتی با برجام و قطعنامه 2231 نداشته و ندارد.
watch from 1:48 before you write such nonsense

وزیر دفاع، آزمایش موشکی اخیر کشورمان را موفقیت‌آمیز اعلام کرد.
سردار حسین دهقان وزیر دفاع و پشتیبانی نیروهای مسلح در گفت‌وگوی اختصاصی به خبرنگار دفاعی خبرگزاری تسنیم با اشاره به آزمایش موشکی اخیر کشورمان، گفت: این آزمایش موشکی موفقیت‌آمیز بوده است.
وی افزود: تست‌های موشکی ایران هیچ مغایرتی با برجام و قطعنامه 2231 نداشته و ندارد.
show me the rest of footage from onboard camera and then we will talk about successful test. all i see from 1:48 is that something hit ground but is it Khorramshahr.

and as the missile is not operational yet, that also support what I said that the missile is still in development .
all of these are guess works but the fact is that the warhead detonated while in reentry phase .
No, the fact is that there is not a single proof for the lies which you call fact.
The fact is that the footage which published by defense ministry shows complete success of the khorramshahr missile.

The fact is that now I'm suspicious whether you and a few other members are in fact a single troll with multiple accounts.
Please.stop quote my posts,I don't even try to explain.anything.here.since most of you who ask such stupid questions and claims are.simple.uneducated to.understand anything...
you quoted my post you piece of shit, khak bar saret
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Iran's new missile called Fateh Mobin

An evolution of the Khalije Fars (IIR homing seeker) missile now with a smart image recognition algorithm to target land targets.
The Zolfaghar will get it as confirmed by the DM and it should be sufficiently economic to retrofit the Fath-110 and -313 arsenal, especially older 1st an 2nd gen Fateh-110.

Of course for later generation ones with more accurate IMU/INS and those with sub munition warheads, its not worth the effort. And a part of the arsenal will probably be assigned as area-target-only anyway as deterrence against gulf Arab oil and gas infrastructure (for which primary the unguided Zelzal series is the most cost effective choice).
Fateh, my favourite missile family :yahoo:
It looks a bit longer and more "massive" as the older missile, or am im wrong?
An evolution of the Khalije Fars (IIR homing seeker) missile now with a smart image recognition algorithm to target land targets.
The Zolfaghar will get it as confirmed by the DM and it should be sufficiently economic to retrofit the Fath-110 and -313 arsenal, especially older 1st an 2nd gen Fateh-110.

Of course for later generation ones with more accurate IMU/INS and those with sub munition warheads, its not worth the effort. And a part of the arsenal will probably be assigned as area-target-only anyway as deterrence against gulf Arab oil and gas infrastructure (for which primary the unguided Zelzal series is the most cost effective choice).

How much of a game changer is this? Also any thoughts on how many Iran is willing to produce?
How much of a game changer is this? Also any thoughts on how many Iran is willing to produce?

Perfection of a smart identification algorithm with image correlation is quite difficult and valuable. Ballistic missile rated one even more.

I remember when Israel unveiled their Spice PGM in the mid-2000s which had such a feature albeit rated for much slower speed. Their LORA, Fateh equivalent should have a ballistic missile rated one.

It is game changing as it gives the Fateh series now a real pin-point strike capability against land targets at low cost and an improved anti-ship BM.

Everyone knew this would happen at some point and the benefit is it is easy to retrofit to the existing arsenal. It certainly will get higher rating and move to be used in Emad, Sejil and Khorramshahr.
That black cap looks like one that remains there up until "re-entry", unlike the seeker for Khalije Fars. Now the Khalije Fars (and Fateh) is slow in relation and doesn't need a thermal cap, but at least with Zolfaghar and Qiam it is necessary and allows faster re-entry speeds. I don't think such a cap is just for transportation protection.
Fateh Mobin Elevates Iranian Precision Ballistic Missile Capabilities

By Amir Monday, August 13, 2018
Today Iran unveiled the Fateh Mobin, which appears to be a guidance upgrade for the Fateh family of solid fuelled SRBMs. Defence Minister Amir Hatami said that the Fateh family up to the Zolfaqar can be fitted with this guidance kit.

Click the link below for the full blog post.

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