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Interesting Findings of the Holy Quran!


May 31, 2009
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Holy Qur'an

That mention one thing is equal to another,

i.e . men are equal to women.

Although this makes sense grammatically,

the astonishing fact is that the number of

times the word man appears in

the Holy Qur'an

is 24 and number of times the word

woman appears is also 24,

therefore not only is this phrase correct in

the grammatical sense but also true mathematically,

i.e . 24 = 24.

Upon further analysis of various verses,

he discovered that this is consistent throughout the whole

Holy Qur'an

where it says one thing is like another.

See below for astonishing result of

the words mentioned number of times in Arabic

Holy Qur'an

Dunia (one name for life) 115.

Aakhirat (one name for the life after this world) 115

Malaika (Angels) 88 . Shayteen (Satan) 88

Life 145 ...... Death 145

Benefit 50 . Corrupt 50

People 50 .. Messengers 50

Eblees (king of devils) 11 . Seek refuge from Eblees 11

Museebah (calamity) 75 . Thanks ! 75

Spending (Sadaqah) 73 . Satisfaction 73

People who are mislead 17 .D Dead people 17

Muslimeen 41 .J Jihad 41

Gold 8 .E Easy life 8

Magic 60 .F Fitnah (dissuasion, misleading) ! 60

Zakat (Taxes Muslims pay to the poor) 32 ....

Barakah (Increasing or blessings of wealth) 32

Mind 49 .N Noor 49

Tongue 25 .S Sermon 25

Desite 8 .F Fear 8

Speaking publicly 18 .P Publicising 18

Hardship 114 .... Patience 114

Muhammed 4 .S Sharee'ah ( Muhammed's teachings) 4

Man 24 . Woman 24

And amazingly enough have a look how many times

the following words appear:

Salat 5 , Month 12 , Day 365 ,

Sea 32 , Land 13

Sea + land = 32 + 13= 45

Sea = 32/45*100q.=71.11111111%

Land = 13/45*100 = 28.88888889%

Sea + land 100.00%

Modern science has only recently proven that the water covers

71.111% of the

earth , while the land covers 28.889% .

Is this a coincidence? Question is that

Who taught Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) all this?

Reply automatically comes in mind that


taught him.

This as the

Holy Qur'an

also tells us this.

please pass this on to all your friends

Aayah 87 of Suraa (Chapter) Al-Anbia !

para 17 :



During the next 60 seconds,

stop whatever you are doing,

and take this opportunity.

(Literally, it is only 1 minute).

All you have to do is

The following:

Sea 32 , Land 13

Sea + land = 32 + 13= 45

Sea = 32/45*100q.=71.11111111%

Land = 13/45*100 = 28.88888889%

Sea + land 100.00%

Modern science has only recently proven that the water covers

Whenever a correlation of sciencetific thinking is equated to creationism thinking, a person metal state goes into virtually believing into anything. Be careful.

Do Creationists think Creationism is science?:

Even prominent creationists like Henry Morris and Duane Gish (who pretty much created scientific creationism) admit that creationism is not scientific in creationist literature. In Biblical Cosmology and Modern Science, Morris, while discussing catastrophism and the Noachic flood, says:
“We cannot verify this experimentally, of course, any more than any of the various other theories of catastrophism [e.g. Velikovsky], but we do not need experimental verification; God has recorded it in His Word, and that should be sufficient.”
This is a statement of religious faith, not a statement of scientific discovery.

Even more revealing, Duane Gish in Evolution? The Fossils Say No! writes:

“We do not know how the Creator created, [or] what processes He used, for He used processes which are not now operating anywhere in the natural universe. This is why we refer to creation as special creation. We cannot discover by scientific investigation anything about the creative processes used by the Creator.”
So, even leading creationists basically admit that creationism is not testable and clearly state that biblical revelation is the source (and “verification”) of their ideas. If Creationism is not considered scientific by the movement’s own leading figures, then how can anyone else be expected to take it seriously as a science?

Is Creationism logically consistent?:

Creationism is usually internally consistent and logical within the religious framework in which it operates. The major problem with its consistency is that creationism has no defined boundaries: there is no clear way to say that any particular piece of data is relevant or not to the task verifying or falsifying creationism. When you deal with the non-understood supernatural, anything is possible; one consequence of this is that no tests for creationism can really be said to matter.
Is Creationism Science? Creationists Claim that Creationism is Scientific, But It's Not Science

Coolyo - the findings you have presented have not been authenticated by any scholar and so it may just be false chain mail.

Loads of people simply make stuff up. For example a non-Muslim came onto yanabi.com pretending to be a Muslim scientist and he made up a false miracle relating to the Qur'an...just to see “how far Islamic stupidity would go”. We sussed him out within a few seconds.

Jeypore, please do not confuse Christian creationism with that of the Islamic concept.

The Qur'an is very clear with regards to how the universe came into being and it does not contradict Science as we know today.

The expansion of the Universe as a result of the Big bang:

(sura 51, verse 47)
"The heaven, We have built it with power. Verily. We are expanding it."

'Heaven' is the translation of the word sama' and this is exactly the extra-terrestrial world that is meant. 'We are expanding it' is the translation of the plural present participle musi'una of the verb ausa'a meaning 'to make wider, more spacious, to extend, to expand'.

Many scholars such as Harun Yahya believe that the following verse relates to the Big Bang:

Do those who disbelieve not see that the heavens and the earth were sewn together and then We unstitched them and that We made from water every living thing? So will they not believe? (Qur'an, 21:30)

The word "ratq" translated as "sewn to" means "mixed in each, blended" in the Arabic vernacular. It is used to refer to two different substances that make up a whole. The phrase "we unstitched" is the verb "fataqa" in Arabic and implies that something comes into being by tearing apart or destroying the structure of things that are sewn to one another. The sprouting of a seed from the soil is one of the actions to which this verb is applied.

The Big Bang of course claims that all matter was contained within a single continuity comprising 100% mass and zero Volume; out of which all matter came.

We as Muslims believe that God is the Originator of this.
Whenever a correlation of sciencetific thinking is equated to creationism thinking, a person metal state goes into virtually believing into anything. Be careful.

And you equate it with creationism?

You pick one such thing and missed the remaining!
What's confusing dear?

You just picked up the Se/Land example and equated it with your theory. What about other findings?

Oh!! Now I understand, I have seen these other things from the bible also!!!!

I am not trying to put down any religion, my argument is simply that when you try to make any scripture into a sciencetific corelation, it simply does not hold water.

They are two seperate entities and should remain that way. One has the freedom to believe that the world was only created 4,000 years ago or 4 billion years ago.
Oh!! Now I understand, I have seen these other things from the bible also!!!!

I am not trying to put down any religion, my argument is simply that when you try to make any scripture into a sciencetific corelation, it simply does not hold water.

They are two seperate entities and should remain that way. One has the freedom to believe that the world was only created 4,000 years ago or 4 billion years ago.
Well yes these things are in other religion also, so the emphasis was to tell some that these things didnt happen by the stroke of luck. The audience were antitheists actually!
The expansion of the Universe as a result of the Big bang:

(sura 51, verse 47)
"The heaven, We have built it with power. Verily. We are expanding it."

'Heaven' is the translation of the word sama' and this is exactly the extra-terrestrial world that is meant. 'We are expanding it' is the translation of the plural present participle musi'una of the verb ausa'a meaning 'to make wider, more spacious, to extend, to expand'.

Here is the bible version Isaiah 42:5

Thus saith God the LORD, he that created the heavens, and stretched them out; he that spread forth the earth, and that which cometh out of it; he that giveth breath unto the people upon it, and spirit to them that walk therein:

This is the problem, you can take those words and extrapolate into numerous perceptions of reality.

Coolyo - the findings you have presented have not been authenticated by any scholar and so it may just be false chain mail.

Loads of people simply make stuff up. For example a non-Muslim came onto yanabi.com pretending to be a Muslim scientist and he made up a false miracle relating to the Qur'an...just to see “how far Islamic stupidity would go”. We sussed him out within a few seconds.

Well these have been proven, and instead of throwing blank accusations, maybe you should try reading (if you can understand Arabic) the Quran and try and disprove it before saying nonsense like this!

The Quran is the perfect book, and it makes sense that it would consist of such patterns and correlations!
Jeypore - there is a difference between "stretched them out" and "expanding it".

Words ending in "ed" usually refer to a past phenomenon, something that has happened and does not imply a continuation.

"expanding" on the other hand implies continuation to this day.

The expansion of the universe, an ongoing process, is not mentioned on the Bible as it is in the Qur'an.
Sorry if i am saying any thing wrong.. Some time ago i read some where that according to a western scholar " Holy Koran is the most logical and factual religious Book in the world"

I watch Dr Naik's programme’s he sound quiet logical.
Jeypore - there is a difference between "stretched them out" and "expanding it".

Words ending in "ed" usually refer to a past phenomenon, something that has happened and does not imply a continuation.

"expanding" on the other hand implies continuation to this day.

The expansion of the universe, an ongoing process, is not mentioned on the Bible as it is in the Qur'an.

Mr. fhassan

You are completly missing my point, I am not comparing bible to quran!!!! I am saying that certain word can be used to create any form of reality one wants. That does not represent sciencetific thinking. You need not to try to convience me which religion is scientifically correct because I believe none are.

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