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Elderly Ahmadi man arrested for reading the Holy Qur'an

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This is PPC regarding ahmadies,

298-B.Misuse of epithets, descriptions and titles, etc., reserved for certain holy personages or places:
(1)Any person of the Quadiani group or the Lahori group (who call themselves 'Ahmadis' or by any other name who by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representation-
(a)refers to or addresses, any person, other than a Caliph or companion of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), as "Ameer-ul-Mumineen", "Khalifatul- Mumineen", Khalifa-tul-Muslimeen", "Sahaabi" or "Razi Allah Anho";
(b)refers to, or addresses, any person, other than a wife of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), as "Ummul-Mumineen";
(c)refers to, or addresses, any person, other than a member of the family "Ahle-bait" of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), as "Ahle-bait"; or
(d)refers to, or names, or calls, his place of worship a "Masjid";
shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years, and shall also be liable to fine.
(2)Any person of the Qaudiani group or Lahori group (who call themselves "Ahmadis" or by any other name) who by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representation refers to the mode or form of call to prayers followed by his faith as "Azan", or recites Azan as used by the Muslims, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years, and shall also be liable to fine.
298-C.Person of Quadiani group, etc., calling himself a Muslim or preaching or propagating his faith:
Any person of the Quadiani group or the Lahori group (who call themselves 'Ahmadis' or by any other name), who directly or indirectly, poses himself as a Muslim, or calls, or refers to, his faith as Islam, or preaches or propagates his faith, or invites others to accept his faith, by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representations, or in any manner whatsoever outrages the religious feelings of Muslims shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine.
Some pakistani enlighten me is it in constitution/law that an Ahmadi is prohibited to read Quran?

NO there is no SUCH LAW.

Even Hindus can read Quran.

The law is that anyone who is a NON Muslim but claims that his or her own created rituals declare him/her as Muslim, is an impostor.
298C. Person of Quadiani group etc., calling himself a Muslim or preaching or propagating his faith.
Any person of the Quadiani group or the Lahori group (who call themselves ‘Ahmadis’ or by any other name), who, directly or indirectly, poses himself as Muslim, or calls, or refers to, his faith as Islam, or preaches or propagates his faith, or invites others to accept his faith, by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representations, or in any manner whatsoever outrages the religious feelings of Muslims, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine.”

So reading the Holy Qur'an is "posing as a muslim". It would be laughable if people weren't being imprisoned and killed for it.
What the hell yaar? Why does Pakistan even exist if its laws are not in favor of muslims itself. Another PROOF which destroys 2 nation theory. accept it guyz. People are termed as same on basis of their sect and not religion. I only hope someone is able to PROVE me wrong in this case.

NO there is no SUCH LAW.

Even Hindus can read Quran.

The law is that anyone who is a NON Muslim but claims that his or her own created rituals declare him/her as Muslim, is an impostor.
OK. So you mean Ahmadis are not Muslims in Pakistan? Strange Yaar.
But Pak law does say that Ahmadis cannot act/behave in religious matters like Muslims.:)

if tomorrow you rose up and start making amendments to interpretation of Quran and adopt few Islamic practices but also carry on worshiping Hindu gods, and claim you are a Muslim. It does not mean you are a Muslim.

So basically the issue is that you are trying to violate the well established divine copy rights.
298C. Person of Quadiani group etc., calling himself a Muslim or preaching or propagating his faith.
Any person of the Quadiani group or the Lahori group (who call themselves ‘Ahmadis’ or by any other name), who, directly or indirectly, poses himself as Muslim, or calls, or refers to, his faith as Islam, or preaches or propagates his faith, or invites others to accept his faith, by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representations, or in any manner whatsoever outrages the religious feelings of Muslims, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine.”

So reading the Holy Qur'an is "posing as a muslim". It would be laughable if people weren't being imprisoned and killed for it.

I have posted that complete PPC.
There is no mention of Holy Quran in the law.

Do not make your own interpretation.

Reading the Holy Quran is not "posing as a Muslim", anybody can read the Holy Quran and there is no restriction on it.
If the story is true then there is something wrong over there.
What the hell yaar? Why does Pakistan even exist if its laws are not in favor of muslims itself. Another PROOF which destroys 2 nation theory. accept it guyz. People are termed as same on basis of their sect and not religion. I only hope someone is able to PROVE me wrong in this case.

OK. So you mean Ahmadis are not Muslims in Pakistan? Strange Yaar.

there are many things in India which are against low cast Hindus and their rights too.

qadyanis are NOT Muslims according to basics of Islam simple as that. its not just about Pakistan
lolzzz well nowhere is this law in Pakistan of not reading Quran by non-Muslims.

So NO please dont make up things.

Did you read what I wrote, You can't "pose" as a muslim by law.
Ahmadis have been arrested for saying salah AND reading the Holy Qur'an because according to mulla logic this is "posing" as a muslim. Please don't go out of your way to say otherwise when I just quoted the law to you.
Imam Bukhari died in 870 AD in Uzbekistan....Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was born in 1889....It would be kinda difficult for Imam Bukhari to stop Ahmadia convention!
lolzzz Probably some other cleric with the same name !!!!
Did you read what I wrote, You can't "pose" as a muslim by law.
Ahmadis have been arrested for saying salah AND reading the Holy Qur'an because according to mulla logic this is "posing" as a muslim. Please don't go out of your way to say otherwise when I just quoted the law to you.

i dont think so reading Quran is posing as Muslim. even Hindu/Sikhs read Quran.

You are misleading people by assuming so.

Even i read bible, hindu religious texts, does it make me a non-Muslim?

no it doesnt

The news item you posted clearly points towards trapping of the doctor by people who clearly have some personal jealousy against him.
if tomorrow you rose up and start making amendments to interpretation of Quran and adopt few Islamic practices but also carry on worshiping Hindu gods, and claim you are a Muslim. It does not mean you are a Muslim.

So basically the issue is that you are trying to violate the well established divine copy rights.

But why should somebody else determine who is a Muslim or not.
I have posted that complete PPC.
There is no mention of Holy Quran in the law.

Do not make your own interpretation.

Reading the Holy Quran is not "posing as a Muslim", anybody can read the Holy Quran and there is no restriction on it.

This is how your mullahs interpret this law, go pick a fight with the mullahs its their laws. I am not making my own interpretations. The fact remains, they recorded this gentlemen while he was reading the Holy Qur'an, because they obviously know the law more than you.
an ahmedi cant even read quran?
that is too much.
is this criminal act for only Ahamadi or other non muslim's too?

Reading the Holy Quran is not a criminal act and there is no restriction on anyone to read it.
No such law exists in Pakistan.
But why should somebody else determine who is a Muslim or not.

indeed somebody can not :))) thats what we are saying.

Its basically Allah who has clearly laid down the rules of being a Muslim in Quran.

And according to Quran Muhammad (PBUH), is the last prophet of Allah and there is no messenger of Allah after him.

Clear and sound.

anyone claiming otherwise and claiming he got revelation is clearly making up things
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