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Elderly Ahmadi man arrested for reading the Holy Qur'an

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what formal discussion you want?

1. I and other Pakistani Muslims condemned this incident.

2. We also discussed the what could be motives behind such entrapping of the said qadyani doctor.

3. Since you being a qadyani brought Muslim Vs qadyani thing so its our right to tell what Quran says and what lies you are adding up.

4. Karachi sees daily killing of Muslims in target killings but if a qadyani is killed in one such incident you start playing victim card.

5. I am not saying it but Quran says it. for being a Muslim you have to accept finality of prophethood otherwise you are not a Muslim

enjoy your islam, Looks fun but not for me.

This story has been twisted obviously by Ahmadiyya Times.

It was probably not the recitation of Quran but the Ahmadi doctor's interpretation of the verses of Quran that caused the ruckus.

I have had Ahmadi friends who twist the words of Quran where the words Khatim un nabi are mentioned they try to tell you that it does not mean " Finality of Prophethood " but the word Khatim means a " Seal " and so holy Prophet was only a seal and not the last Prophet. such interpretation runs smack into Muslim belief of Prophet Muhammad being last Prophet.

BTW, I am against persecution of Ahmadis but seems like this Doctor was bent upon making trouble just as much as the two clerics who gave him bait and trapped him. The best thing for Ahmadis in Pakistan is not to have religious debates with Public. Under the present circumstances it is asking for trouble.

:) even a seal is put when something is finalised and its closed after that.
enjoy your islam, Looks fun but not for me.

dont post shit.

lies of that liar ghulam ahmed have been exposed long time ago.

You cant sell these anymore.

I posted an act of injustice, no I am aware posting religious thread which do not praise the moderators particular sect is banned.

the problem is that qadyaniat is not even a sect.

its a separate faith NOT part of Islam.
i always am suprised by this fascination with little things with these religious people and the big things forgotten.For ex it says be good, not lie, dont drink alcohol,dont hurt another man,dont kill,dont spread false rumours....i would expect these are the big things.If someone found guilty of them then he is not a muslim,he should be denied burial , discriminated against.But these big things are hard to measure,to comprehend so we focus on the small print, that makes them happy, a sense of support to their weak faith and all the above big things are violated for the small things.Thats what is happening with ahmadi society in pakistan...only the weakest of believers, to reinforce their faith are hell bent in prosecuting them.Sad but true.
The Profound and Learned Islamic Scholar Ahmad Ghamdi has the best attitude towards Ahmedi Community. The preaches against persecution of Ahmedis and I agree with him totally.

All the ahmedi's need to do is

Stop Calling themseves muslims & everything will be cool
there are many things in India which are against low cast Hindus and their rights too.

qadyanis are NOT Muslims according to basics of Islam simple as that. its not just about Pakistan


there is not a single law that discriminates so called "lower castes" in INDIA
On the contrary we have special rights for them like "reservations" , "scholarships" exclusively for the "lower castes" and religious minorities...

Do not try to compare India and Pakistan,

Though number of fanatics is large in both countries our CONSTITUTION does NOT DISCRIMINATE which is unlike yours,although I do not care as your country men are okay with it and fine with it...


Its their laws and citizens must follow it,
If some section find it discriminatory they should find better countries to migrate to...

there is not a single law that discriminates so called "lower castes" in INDIA
On the contrary we have special rights for them like "reservations" , "scholarships" exclusively for the "lower castes" and religious minorities...

Do not try to compare India and Pakistan,

Though number of fanatics is large in both countries our CONSTITUTION does NOT DISCRIMINATE which is unlike yours,although I do not care as your country men are okay with it and fine with it...


Its their laws and citizens must follow it,
If some section find it discriminatory they should find better countries to migrate to...

since an Indian was questioning Pakistan's existence i gave you the same reply since low cast Hindus are discriminated in your own land then does it mean India should not exist ?

Secondly if your country resorted to cast based reservations then it means YOUR constitution did discriminate by failing to protect rights of low cast Hindus.

So dont give me catchy phrases here
since an Indian was questioning Pakistan's existence i gave you the same reply since low cast Hindus are discriminated in your own land then does it mean India should not exist ?

Secondly if your country resorted to cast based reservations then it means YOUR constitution did discriminate by failing to protect rights of low cast Hindus.

So dont give me catchy phrases here

You do not make any sense...
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