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indian soft power VS pakistani islamist power

Please advise how can we make Pakistani image better and acceptable to modern world.
1.Make peace with India.
2.Work closely with China for economic development but don't get on Uncle Sam's bad side.
3.Cut down defense budget and use it on education, healthcare etc.
4.Don't let Mullahs hold too much power.
5.Focus on your own self. Not on India, Kashmir etc.
6.Go hard on terrorist elements. Whatever Pakistan is doing doesn't seem to be working atm.
7.Do some lobbying in other countries. Advertise Pakistan in a good way in front of the world.
1.Make peace with India.
2.Work closely with China for economic development but don't get on Uncle Sam's bad side.
3.Cut down defense budget and use it on education, healthcare etc.
4.Don't let Mullahs hold too much power.
5.Focus on your own self. Not on India, Kashmir etc.
6.Go hard on terrorist elements. Whatever Pakistan is doing doesn't seem to be working atm.
7.Do some lobbying in other countries. Advertise Pakistan in a good way in front of the world.

8.Get Better Leaders to Actually do All of these things
i think everyone of you know that indian soft power media-film -diplomacy and being open country working 1000s time more then Pakistani Islamist power . world know us only for jihad bombing and destruction our diplomacy totally failed people scared to travel to Pakistan . don't you guys think time for Islamist power is went long ago in 1990 when soviets defeated ? please advise how can we make Pakistani image better and acceptable to modern world.

All Hail to Mard e Momin Mard e Haq, Zia ul Haq Zia ul Haq..
Pakistan needs to do Ghar wapsi, it's a radical option but an option nonetheless.
i think everyone of you know that indian soft power media-film -diplomacy and being open country working 1000s time more then Pakistani Islamist power . world know us only for jihad bombing and destruction our diplomacy totally failed people scared to travel to Pakistan . don't you guys think time for Islamist power is went long ago in 1990 when soviets defeated ? please advise how can we make Pakistani image better and acceptable to modern world.

Khan saab people like you, Oscar and, Irfan Baloch and many others on defence.pk are a living example of this.

As an Indian I respect and listen to what people like you have to say, and am ready concede that India's POV could be wrong, as compared to the wild eyed macho ISI keyboard warriors who infest this site.

You guys have 'soft power' because of your behaviour, humanism, sense of humour and rational style.
Actually Pakistan was doing good and its image was great till 1970....The failed Afgan war and its alliance with west poisoned the mind of its generation that leads to this situation today.

Again..we have to understand....if you leave besides a country like Afganistan, it is a challenge too..
i think everyone of you know that indian soft power media-film -diplomacy and being open country working 1000s time more then Pakistani Islamist power . world know us only for jihad bombing and destruction our diplomacy totally failed people scared to travel to Pakistan . don't you guys think time for Islamist power is went long ago in 1990 when soviets defeated ? please advise how can we make Pakistani image better and acceptable to modern world.

You are comparing two different things.

Their media-film-diplomacy is the medium.Not the message.The message is Secular Democratic Country.

Pakistan message is Islamic Power.

But we have no functioning medium to convey it.

If we can convey the message using effective medium, then the message is very powerful one.

The message of Islam have changed the history of the world many times.And it can change it again.

Try to tone down the animosity towards India. Not necessarily make friends with India.

As Pakistanis are truely concerned about the welfare of Kashmiris work with India for the divided families to meet.

And stop having false hopes that somehow magically Kashmir will become part of Pakistan.

It is usually the indians who are very proactive in their animosity towards Pakistan.Pakistan is at best, merely reactive.

If Indians are truly concerned about Kashmirs, then let the people decide whom they want to join.One refrendum and end of decades long war.

The dream will turned into reality soon.
The issue of our lack of "soft power" has another aspect to it too. Who are we trying to sway? If you think the WASP nations will ever have a positive view of you, you are mistaken. They want you to be subservient, you will only be accepted if you are subservient, other than that they will fear you as they fear the Russians, but they will never respect you as an equal. They only respect their own kind, for them everyone else is inferior.

These are nations that have an animosity against us, they always will, stop considering them your allies, grow some balls, realise what your real relationship with these nations is. They threatened to wage war on us, they have waged war on us via proxies, they have destroyed the country next door, yet they paint us as the terrorists.

This goes back to the crux of what i said initially, bad governance. An intelligent government would focus on trade with smaller nations, rather than trying to land the big whales at any cost. What has America invested in Pakistan? Next to nothing. What is our trade with Iran, or the 'stan nations or East Africa? What trade do we do with the Far Eastern nations? This is our neighbourhood, this is where our focus should be. This is were our soft power should be projected.

Kaptaan sb,

Bang on target as usual. The challenge for Pakistan is to redefine itself as a majority Muslim IV state, not the Fortress of Islam.

Pakistan message is Islamic Power.
For Allah's sakes look at the connundrum you have in your sentence. No vehicle can convey the message you want within the extent of Pakistan. Reason simple. look at these two facts -

  • 1. Pakistan ~ a nation state with borders that only covers a tiny sliver of Muslims and has non Muslim minorities withi it.

  • 2. Islamic power ~ this conveys a pan national cause that covers 50 countries and billions of diverse Muslims in Europe, Asia, Middle East, Africa etc
Now think about points 1 and 2. How on earth can one country take ownership of the destiny that is diffused amongst 50 Muslim countries? If all the other 49 agreed and gave Pakistan assent to become the "Islamic power" on behalf of all 50 countries of the Islamic world that is fine. But that is not the case. No other Muslim country will give assent to Pakistan to be the "Islamic power". Therefore you end up with Pakistan as one claimant in a group of 50. That is a recipe for friction and disaster.

Does the Pakistani state pursue policies that move forward the interests of Sindh, Punjab, Balochistan, K-Pk as it should because that is exactly what the federation of Pakistan is or pursue and defend the interests of Afghans, Tajiks, Uzbeks, Turkmens, Uighurs, Iranians, Turks, Bosnians, Saudis, Emiratis, Omanis, Yemenis, Iraqis, Syrians, Palestinians, Egyptians, Sudanese, Libyans, Tunisians, Algerians, Morrocans, Bangladeshis, Indian Muslims, Malays, Indonesians, Nigerian Muslims, Somalis, etc, etc, etc, etc Muslims across the world?

Or it sticks to the four peoples of the provinces that make Pakistan? That ladies and gentlemen is the question.
Image means little, we need actual power, and we can only attain that through being good Muslims first and foremost.

1.Make peace with India.
2.Work closely with China for economic development but don't get on Uncle Sam's bad side.
3.Cut down defense budget and use it on education, healthcare etc.
4.Don't let Mullahs hold too much power.
5.Focus on your own self. Not on India, Kashmir etc.
6.Go hard on terrorist elements. Whatever Pakistan is doing doesn't seem to be working atm.
7.Do some lobbying in other countries. Advertise Pakistan in a good way in front of the world.

1. No, even if we did it would not make a major difference on our actual power or image.

2. Impossible, we simply cannot get along with Uncle Sam until the war in Afghanistan is over due to conflicting interests.

3. Our budget is roughly 9 billion USD, that's a pretty normal size.

4. They do not and will not.

5. We do focus on ourselves, whilst expressing concerns over other events in our region.

6. Terrorism has been reduced drastically, so it is working just fine.

7. I agree.
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