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indian soft power VS pakistani islamist power

i think everyone of you know that indian soft power media-film -diplomacy and being open country working 1000s time more then Pakistani Islamist power . world know us only for jihad bombing and destruction our diplomacy totally failed people scared to travel to Pakistan . don't you guys think time for Islamist power is went long ago in 1990 when soviets defeated ? please advise how can we make Pakistani image better and acceptable to modern world.

Hangover 4 was a nice movie
i think everyone of you know that indian soft power media-film -diplomacy and being open country working 1000s time more then Pakistani Islamist power . world know us only for jihad bombing and destruction our diplomacy totally failed people scared to travel to Pakistan . don't you guys think time for Islamist power is went long ago in 1990 when soviets defeated ? please advise how can we make Pakistani image better and acceptable to modern world.

aab pachtaye kya hot jab chidia chug gai khet.
Its already done like a thousand head snake, pakistani army has formed a state where generational army elite is getting all the benefits and depend on it. An imagined enemy has been converted to a real enemy.
Militant proxies are thought and used as strategic assets.
Pakistan has become a security state, army elites with huge financial assets which are secured by security first policies has formed a circular net.
Pakistan will continue to go into this path and eventually end up as economic basket case. Atom bumb and a million strong military forces will only accelerate this scenario will never stop it.
Only thing we can do to be honest is comply with the rest of the world. The chest thumpers here think just because we're a nooklair state we can do whatever we want. There's no doubt that those states that accuse us of terrorism have contributed the most to terrorism on our soil but that doesn't mean we didn't have a role to play in this. We need to cut all ties with extremist militias whether they are "good" or bad.

Even then its less the terrorism and more the news on a local level that give a bad image of Pakistan. Mob lynchings, honor killing, religious extremism, persecution of religious minorities and hundreds of other customs we give a pass to in the name of "culture". Massive social reform is needed if we expect to keep up with the developed world.
I think pak should setup barter trade and gold and silver coin minting. slowly but surely once paper money collapses. For our soft power we need strong media in the area such as radio, internet, tv, newspaper and other publication.
we need something like rt Russia which is linked to kgb, or presstv state control
look at ccn fox or bbc new all linked to intel.

We need gorge soros style think tank to counter our enemies.
What has America invested in Pakistan?
Go to Pakistan. Look out at the structures of the state. What you see is either from the British era or from the great American embrace. The Anglo-Saxons have been both the makers and bane of Pakistan.
The White anglosaxon protestant (WASP) countries are only interested in keeping other countries under their influence, so they can continue to exploit resources and any other geopolitical advantage they can to keep on top of the pecking order in the world. They are in direct competition with the Russians and increasingly the Chinese.

Muslim countries from the early days of Islam have been seen as a threat and these people have been in conflict with us, sometimes as individual countries, other times as unified blocs. Until you are subservient to them they continue to malign you regardless of whatever image you try to portray.

We are not the same as the Indians, we never will be. They don't consider the Indians a threat because Hinduism has been isolated to the area around India for thousands of years, they don't see it as crossing into "their territory" and India has accepted a subservient role to them, serving their interests vis a vis China, opening it's doors to western corporations to exploit indian workers via outsourcing etc.

Now back to your original point, it doesn't make much sense, you're trying to draw parallels where none exist. What you term as "islamist power" is a basic necessity, it was required to support the struggle in Kashmir and to have influence in Afghanistan because we can't compete with the Indians financially or diplomatically.

Furthermore soft power is developed by governments. The Indians for all their flaws have much better governance than us, and it is seen in the capitalist success they are having, as well as in the diplomatic success. We don't have soft power, because we have incredibly terrible government. I don't think there are many Pakistani's alive who've experienced a competent government, i think the last one was probably during the times of Ayub Khan.
Dude your kind of guys trip me into hysterical laughter. You sit and biatch about white and Anglo Saxons, while you choose for yourself to live in the bosom of our Christian welfare states. You are such a fake wanna be muslim gatekeeper.
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Suppress all violence with a heavy hand, modernise and concentrate on the economy/water projects.
i think everyone of you know that indian soft power media-film -diplomacy and being open country working 1000s time more then Pakistani Islamist power . world know us only for jihad bombing and destruction our diplomacy totally failed people scared to travel to Pakistan . don't you guys think time for Islamist power is went long ago in 1990 when soviets defeated ? please advise how can we make Pakistani image better and acceptable to modern world.
Bhai you should get chill. The whole population just needs to get high on something else other than religion.
What Pakistan needs is to focus on becoming a financially strong country instead of depending on any other country to pull it out of it's financial problems. If you do that, you will be able to negotiate with any country from the position of strength. Also you will find that you will have a lot of allies & friends and your international image will also become positive.
look dear here is damn issue

pakistan make a huge mistake turning a territorial dispute to religious war . today no country openly tak about kashmir because of ISI made jihad and religious war . do you know there and dozens of territorial disputes between countries on earth but no one turn in religious war not even turkey . it was huge mistake . loc is border and will be border case closed .

we have problemistan . 70k pakistanis killed 1000000 bombs blasted . saudi issues are nothing in front of ours

Please run for office. Once we kick out Barry Modi Patel and elect a sane PM we can make LOC the border and finally bring peace to the Subcontinent.
i think everyone of you know that indian soft power media-film -diplomacy and being open country working 1000s time more then Pakistani Islamist power . world know us only for jihad bombing and destruction our diplomacy totally failed people scared to travel to Pakistan . don't you guys think time for Islamist power is went long ago in 1990 when soviets defeated ? please advise how can we make Pakistani image better and acceptable to modern world.
I believe Pakistanis are consumed by the Kashmir issue , sometimes they forget their personal interests for it , I think u guys need to think about it carefully is the Kashmir issue worth all the trouble? Secondly u need to realize the importance of democracy and democratic ideas like secularism,equality,fraternity u should never let another military coup happen in your country just like Turks you should be ready to defend democracy and thirdly u need to pay a serious attention towards your economy and never be the lieutenant of any superpower and never let anything be bigger than your national interest, lastly u need to make peace with us as both nations shouldn't be like this forever take the example of Europeans they have killed each other for centuries for petty ideas of nation ethnicity, and language they crossed the limits in ww1 and we 2 now they are united and peace prevails in Europe, there's no reason to have such animosity amongst us afterall Kashmir issue is only few decades old
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