Soft power is often provided not by government but the culture/society/people of the country. Our soft power is terrorists, bombers, jihadis, radical groups and a uncanny ability to host all the misfits of the Muslim world. Other Muslim countries export their garbage to Pakistan. For instance OBL was Saudi but that country did not want anything to do with him, he then went to Sudan, that country did not want to do anything with him. Despite having 30 Arab speaking countries OBL ended up in Pakistan and brought one of the single biggest cases of infamy to Pakistan when he was killed in Abottabad.
The reality is Pakistan has more to sell to the world then India has but we sadly we have painted Pakistan as "Islamic terroristan" to the world and because of that we will suffer and continue to suffer. I am even more disheartened by Pakistani members living in the west coming up with contrived excuses. They fail to explain that WASP countries are very close countries like KSA/GCC. Or that Turkey as a NATO member is doing better then India or most of the world. What happened to WASP countries controlling the agenda in Turkey. If Turkey, UAE can do well despite being tied to WASP countries why has Pakistan fallen for the shenangigans of the west.
Fact is it is only Pakistan that has shot itself in the foot. And that is because Pak long time ago chased this religious citadel dream. And now it has gotten what it wanted. A religious hellhole when people are being killed on the flimsiest of reasons of faith. Or others are on the war to gave us their version of Islamic utopia. Because everyone has their Islam and feel the urge to shove that version on rest of society in the name of Allah.