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`Pak politicians want to resolve Kashmir - but military won't allow this'

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Letter from Maharaja Hari Singh

to Lord Mountbatten

on the eve of Pak invasion on J&K in 1947

My dear Lord Mountbatten,

I have to inform Your Excellency that a grave emergency has arisen in
my State and request the immediate assistance of your Government
. As
Your Excellency is aware,the State of Jammu and Kashmir has not
acceded to either the Dominion of India or Pakistan
. Geographically
my State is contiguous wit h both of them. Besides, my State has a
common boundary with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and with
. In their external relations the Dominion of India and Pakistan
cannot ignore this fact
. I wanted to take time to decide to which
Dominion I should accede or whether it is not in the best interests
of both the Dominions and of my State to stand independent, of course
with friendly and cordial relations with both. I accordingly
approached the Dominions of India and Pakistan to enter into
standstill agreement with my State
. The Pakistan Government accepted
this arrangement. The Dominion of India desired further discussion
with representatives of my Government. I could not arrange this in
view of the developments indicated below. ln fact the Pakistan
Goernment under the standstill agreement is operating the post and
telegraph system inside the State. Though we have got a standstill
agreement with the Pakistan Government, lhe Govemment permitted a
steady and increasing strangulation of supplies like food, salt and
petrol to my State.

Afridis, soldiers in plain clothes, and desperadoes wnh modern
weapons have been allowed to infiltrate into the State, at first in
the Poonch area, then from Sia1kot and finally in a mass in the area
adjoining-Hazara district on the Ramkote side
. The result has been
that the limited number of troops at the disposal of the State had to be dispersed and thus had to face the enemy at several points

simultaneously, so that it has become difficult to stop the wanton
destruction of life ad property and the looting of the Mahura power
, which supplies electric current to the whole of Srinagar and
which has been burnt. The number of women who have been kidnpped and
raped makes my heart bleed. The wild forces thus let loose on the
State are marching on with the aim of capturing Srinagar, the summer
capital of my government, as a first step to overrunning the whole
.The mass infiltration of tribesman drawn from distant areas of
the North-West Frontier Province, coming regularly in motortrucks,
using the Manwehra-Mazaffarabad road and fully armed with up-to-date
weapons, cannot possibly be done with out the knowledge of the
Provincial Govemment of the North-West Frontier Province and the
Government of Pakistan
. Inspite of repeated appeals made by my
Government no attempt has been made to check these raiders or to stop
them from coming into my State. In fact, both radio and the Press of
Pakistan have reported these occurences. The Pakistan radio even put
out the story that a provisional government has been set up in
Kashmir. The people of my State, both Muslims and non-Muslims,
generally have taken no part at all.

With the conditions obtaining at present in my State and the great
emergency of the situation as it exists, I have no option but to ask
for help from the Indian Dominion
. Naturally they cannot send the
help asked for by me without my State acceding to the Dominion of
India. I have accordingly decided to do so, and I attach the
instrument of accession for acceptance by your Government
. The other
alternative is to leave my state and people to free booters. On this
basis no civilised government can exist or be maintained.

This alternative I will never allow to happen so long as I am the
ruler of the State and I have life to defend my country. I may also
inform your Excellency's Government that it is my intention at once
to set up an interim government and to ask Sheikh Abdullah to carry
the responsibilities in this emergency with my Prime Minister.

If my State is to be saved, immediate assistance must be available at
Srinagar. Mr. V.P. Menon is fully aware of the gravity of the
situation and will explain it to you, if further explanation is

In haste and with kindest regards,

Yours sincerely,

Hari Singh
October 26, 1947

Nice read.

BTW do provide link for letter. @k_arura
Many Pakistani experts have written that Pakistan has nothing left to offer for Kashmir.Let us be frank,candid & honest.Yr forex reserves r just a million while debts are hovering around 60 billion.GDP is juts 2%.U might not be aware of how Pakistan pays its International debts.Then there is war on Terror(Taliban,TTP),political voilence in Karachi between MQM and other parties.
Add to that the subsidies, grants and aid to Kashmir that amounts to Rs 50,000 crores per year! If they want Kashmir, how are they going to splurge all this dosh for Kashmir? They'll need to sell Balochistan to finance the Kashmiris!!!! :lol:

For our Pakistani friends who don't know what Rs 1 crore is.......

Rs 1 Crore = Rs 10 million. (Rs 20 million PKR)
Therefore Rs 50,000 crores = :o: :suicide2:
File:Kashmir map.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


If the Kashmir is given to pakistan does pakistan is ready to leave Jammu and Ladakh in India?

Considering population of Muslims, following is the situation Except Kashmir the population is less in Jammu and Ladakh, so Bangla like formula Kashmir may be given to the Pakistan and onbehalf they have to left the claim on Jammu and Ladakh. ? How many Members think it as possible formula.

Division % Area % Population Population % Muslim % Hindu % Sikh % Buddhist and other
Kashmir 15.73% 53.9% 5,476,970 97.16% 1.84% 0.88% 0.11%
Jammu 25.93% 43.7% 4,430,191 30.69% 65.23% 3.57% 0.51%
Ladakh 58.33% 2.3% 236,539 47.40% 6.22% – 45.87%
Jammu and Kashmir 100% 100% 10,143,700 66.97% 29.63% 2.03% 1.36%
Pakistani view[edit]

Map of Kashmir as drawn by the Government of Pakistan
Pakistan maintains that Kashmir is the "jugular vein of Pakistan"[93] and a currently disputed territory whose final status must be determined by the people of Kashmir. Pakistan's claims to the disputed region are based on the rejection of Indian claims to Kashmir, namely the Instrument of Accession. Pakistan insists that the Maharaja was not a popular leader, and was regarded as a tyrant by most Kashmiris. Pakistan maintains that the Maharaja used brute force to suppress the population.[94]

Pakistan claims that Indian forces were in Kashmir before the Instrument of Accession was signed with India, and that therefore Indian troops were in Kashmir in violation of the Standstill Agreement, which was designed to maintain the status quo in Kashmir (although India was not signatory to the Agreement, which was signed between Pakistan and the Hindu ruler of Jammu and Kashmir).[95][96]

From 1990 to 1999, some organisations reported that the Indian Armed Forces, its paramilitary groups, and counter-insurgent militias were responsible for the deaths of 4,501 Kashmiri civilians. Also from 1990 to 1999, there were records of 4,242 women between the ages of 7–70 being raped.[97][98] Similar allegations were also made by some human rights organisations.[99]

In short, Pakistan holds that:

  • The popular Kashmiri insurgency demonstrates that the Kashmiri people no longer wish to remain within India. Pakistan suggests that this means that Kashmir either wants to be with Pakistan or independent.[100]
  • According to the two-nation theory, which is one of the theories that is cited for the partition that created India and Pakistan, Kashmir should have been with Pakistan, because it has a Muslim majority.
  • India has shown disregard to the resolutions of the UN Security Council and the United Nations Commission in India and Pakistan by failing to hold a plebiscite to determine the future allegiance of the state.[101]
  • Pakistan has noted the widespread use of extrajudicial killings in Indian-administered Kashmir carried out by Indian security forces while claiming they were caught up in encounters with militants. These encounters are commonplace in Indian-administered Kashmir. The encounters go largely uninvestigated by the authorities, and the perpetrators are spared criminal prosecution.[102][103]
Human rights organisations have strongly condemned Indian troops for widespread rape and murder of innocent civilians while accusing these civilians of being militants.[104][105][106]

The Chenab formula was a compromise proposed in the 1960s, in which the Kashmir valley and other Muslim-dominated areas north of the Chenab river would go to Pakistan, and Jammu and other Hindu-dominated regions would go to India.

Kashmir conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Indian view[edit]

Maharaja Hari Singh signed the Instrument of Accession in October 1947 under which he acceded the State of Jammu and Kashmir to the Union of India.
India has officially stated that it believes that Kashmir is an integral part of India, though the Prime Minister of India, Manmohan Singh, stated after the 2010 Kashmir Unrest that his government was willing to grant autonomy to the region within the purview of Indian constitution if there is consensus[by whom?] on this issue.[69] The Indian viewpoint is succinctly summarised by Ministry of External affairs, Government of India[70][71]

  • India holds that the Instrument of Accession of the State of Jammu and Kashmir to the Union of India, signed by Maharaja Hari Singh (erstwhile ruler of the State) on 25 October 1947[72][73] & executed on 27 October 1947[73] between the ruler of Kashmir and the Governor General of India was a legal act, was completely valid in terms of the Government of India Act (1935), Indian Independence Act (1947) and international law and was total and irrevocable.[71]
  • The Constituent assembly of Jammu and Kashmir had unanimously ratified the Maharaja's Instrument of Accession to India and had adopted a constitution for the state that called for a perpetual merger of Jammu and Kashmir with the Union of India. India claims that the Constituent assembly was a representative one, and that its views were those of the Kashmiri people at the time.[74][75]
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution 1172 tacitly accepts India's stand regarding all outstanding issues between India and Pakistan and urges the need to resolve the dispute through mutual dialogue and does not call for a plebiscite.[76]
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution 47 cannot be implemented since Pakistan failed to withdraw its forces from Kashmir, which was the first step in implementing the resolution.[29] India is also of the view that Resolution 47 is obsolete, since the geography and demographics of the region have been permanently altered.[77] The resolution was passed by United Nations Security Council under Chapter VI of the United Nations Charter. It is therefore non-binding and has no mandatory enforceability, as opposed to the resolutions passed under Chapter VII.[31][32]
  • India does not accept the two-nation theory that forms the basis of Pakistan and considers that Kashmir, despite being a Muslim-majority state, is in many ways an "integral part" of secular India.[68]
  • The state of Jammu and Kashmir was provided significant autonomy in Article 370 of the Constitution of India.[78]
  • All differences between India and Pakistan, including Kashmir, need to be settled through bilateral negotiations as agreed to by the two countries when they signed the Simla Agreement on 2 July 1972.[79]
Additional Indian viewpoints regarding the broader debate over the Kashmir conflict include —

  • In a diverse country like India, disaffection and discontent are not uncommon. Indian democracy has the necessary resilience to accommodate genuine grievances within the framework of India's sovereignty, unity, and integrity. The Government of India has expressed its willingness to accommodate the legitimate political demands of the people of the state of Kashmir.[70]
  • Insurgency and terrorism in Kashmir is deliberately being fuelled by Pakistan to create instability in the region.[80] The Government of India has repeatedly accused Pakistan of waging a proxy war in Kashmir by providing weapons and financial assistance to terrorist groups in the region.[81][82][83][84]
  • Pakistan is trying to raise anti-India sentiment among the people of Kashmir by spreading false propaganda against India.[85] According to the state government of Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistani radio and television channels deliberately spread "hate and venom" against India to alter Kashmiri opinion.[86]
  • India has asked the United Nations not to leave unchallenged or unaddressed the claims of moral, political, and diplomatic support for terrorism, which were clearly in contravention of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373. This is a Chapter VII resolution that makes it mandatory for member states to not provide active or passive support to terrorist organisations.[87][88] Specifically, it has pointed out that the Pakistani government continues to support various terrorist organisations, such as Jaish-e-Mohammad and Lashkar-e-Taiba, in direct violation of this resolution.[89]
  • India points out reports by human rights organisations condemning Pakistan for the lack of civic liberties in Pakistan-administered Kashmir.[85][90] According to India, most regions of Pakistani Kashmir, especially Northern Areas, continue to suffer from lack of political recognition, economic development, and basic fundamental rights.[91]
  • Karan Singh, the son of the last ruler of the princely state of Kashmir and Jammu, said that the Instrument of Accession signed by his father was the same as signed by other states. He opined that Kashmir was therefore a part of India, and that its special status granted by Article 370 of the Indian Constitution stemmed from the fact that it had its own constitution.

    Kashmir conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Letter from Maharaja Hari Singh

to Lord Mountbatten

on the eve of Pak invasion on J&K in 1947

My dear Lord Mountbatten,

I have to inform Your Excellency that a grave emergency has arisen in
my State and request the immediate assistance of your Government
. As
Your Excellency is aware,the State of Jammu and Kashmir has not
acceded to either the Dominion of India or Pakistan
. Geographically
my State is contiguous wit h both of them. Besides, my State has a
common boundary with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and with
. In their external relations the Dominion of India and Pakistan
cannot ignore this fact
. I wanted to take time to decide to which
Dominion I should accede or whether it is not in the best interests
of both the Dominions and of my State to stand independent, of course
with friendly and cordial relations with both. I accordingly
approached the Dominions of India and Pakistan to enter into
standstill agreement with my State
. The Pakistan Government accepted
this arrangement. The Dominion of India desired further discussion
with representatives of my Government. I could not arrange this in
view of the developments indicated below. ln fact the Pakistan
Goernment under the standstill agreement is operating the post and
telegraph system inside the State. Though we have got a standstill
agreement with the Pakistan Government, lhe Govemment permitted a
steady and increasing strangulation of supplies like food, salt and
petrol to my State.

Afridis, soldiers in plain clothes, and desperadoes wnh modern
weapons have been allowed to infiltrate into the State, at first in
the Poonch area, then from Sia1kot and finally in a mass in the area
adjoining-Hazara district on the Ramkote side
. The result has been
that the limited number of troops at the disposal of the State had to be dispersed and thus had to face the enemy at several points

simultaneously, so that it has become difficult to stop the wanton
destruction of life ad property and the looting of the Mahura power
, which supplies electric current to the whole of Srinagar and
which has been burnt. The number of women who have been kidnpped and
raped makes my heart bleed. The wild forces thus let loose on the
State are marching on with the aim of capturing Srinagar, the summer
capital of my government, as a first step to overrunning the whole
.The mass infiltration of tribesman drawn from distant areas of
the North-West Frontier Province, coming regularly in motortrucks,
using the Manwehra-Mazaffarabad road and fully armed with up-to-date
weapons, cannot possibly be done with out the knowledge of the
Provincial Govemment of the North-West Frontier Province and the
Government of Pakistan
. Inspite of repeated appeals made by my
Government no attempt has been made to check these raiders or to stop
them from coming into my State. In fact, both radio and the Press of
Pakistan have reported these occurences. The Pakistan radio even put
out the story that a provisional government has been set up in
Kashmir. The people of my State, both Muslims and non-Muslims,
generally have taken no part at all.

With the conditions obtaining at present in my State and the great
emergency of the situation as it exists, I have no option but to ask
for help from the Indian Dominion
. Naturally they cannot send the
help asked for by me without my State acceding to the Dominion of
India. I have accordingly decided to do so, and I attach the
instrument of accession for acceptance by your Government
. The other
alternative is to leave my state and people to free booters. On this
basis no civilised government can exist or be maintained.

This alternative I will never allow to happen so long as I am the
ruler of the State and I have life to defend my country. I may also
inform your Excellency's Government that it is my intention at once
to set up an interim government and to ask Sheikh Abdullah to carry
the responsibilities in this emergency with my Prime Minister.

If my State is to be saved, immediate assistance must be available at
Srinagar. Mr. V.P. Menon is fully aware of the gravity of the
situation and will explain it to you, if further explanation is

In haste and with kindest regards,

Yours sincerely,

Hari Singh
October 26, 1947

Nice read.

BTW do provide link for letter. @k_arura

Whats actually your proof ..and is india bathing in tubs of money ...
We are poverty struck but not as much as you.And again what those silly lord and maharajas said or what the leadership says doesn't matter..What Kashmiri population wants does.
India is coward enough to not conduct a simple referendum in order to find out what the Kashmiri people want, because it knows the result ..
And we see everyday how happy the population of Indian occupied Kashmir is...
Brutal killing of population and In fact rather, than wasting mind on these issues you should focus on re-educating your men who have no control over their lusts..I've even lost record of how many have indian army soldiers have robbed of their honour in these 60 years of Kashmir occupation.
Letter from Maharaja Hari Singh

to Lord Mountbatten

on the eve of Pak invasion on J&K in 1947

My dear Lord Mountbatten,

I have to inform Your Excellency that a grave emergency has arisen in
my State and request the immediate assistance of your Government
. As
Your Excellency is aware,the State of Jammu and Kashmir has not
acceded to either the Dominion of India or Pakistan
. Geographically
my State is contiguous wit h both of them. Besides, my State has a
common boundary with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and with
. In their external relations the Dominion of India and Pakistan
cannot ignore this fact
. I wanted to take time to decide to which
Dominion I should accede or whether it is not in the best interests
of both the Dominions and of my State to stand independent, of course
with friendly and cordial relations with both. I accordingly
approached the Dominions of India and Pakistan to enter into
standstill agreement with my State
. The Pakistan Government accepted
this arrangement. The Dominion of India desired further discussion
with representatives of my Government. I could not arrange this in
view of the developments indicated below. ln fact the Pakistan
Goernment under the standstill agreement is operating the post and
telegraph system inside the State. Though we have got a standstill
agreement with the Pakistan Government, lhe Govemment permitted a
steady and increasing strangulation of supplies like food, salt and
petrol to my State.

Afridis, soldiers in plain clothes, and desperadoes wnh modern
weapons have been allowed to infiltrate into the State, at first in
the Poonch area, then from Sia1kot and finally in a mass in the area
adjoining-Hazara district on the Ramkote side
. The result has been
that the limited number of troops at the disposal of the State had to be dispersed and thus had to face the enemy at several points

simultaneously, so that it has become difficult to stop the wanton
destruction of life ad property and the looting of the Mahura power
, which supplies electric current to the whole of Srinagar and
which has been burnt. The number of women who have been kidnpped and
raped makes my heart bleed. The wild forces thus let loose on the
State are marching on with the aim of capturing Srinagar, the summer
capital of my government, as a first step to overrunning the whole
.The mass infiltration of tribesman drawn from distant areas of
the North-West Frontier Province, coming regularly in motortrucks,
using the Manwehra-Mazaffarabad road and fully armed with up-to-date
weapons, cannot possibly be done with out the knowledge of the
Provincial Govemment of the North-West Frontier Province and the
Government of Pakistan
. Inspite of repeated appeals made by my
Government no attempt has been made to check these raiders or to stop
them from coming into my State. In fact, both radio and the Press of
Pakistan have reported these occurences. The Pakistan radio even put
out the story that a provisional government has been set up in
Kashmir. The people of my State, both Muslims and non-Muslims,
generally have taken no part at all.

With the conditions obtaining at present in my State and the great
emergency of the situation as it exists, I have no option but to ask
for help from the Indian Dominion
. Naturally they cannot send the
help asked for by me without my State acceding to the Dominion of
India. I have accordingly decided to do so, and I attach the
instrument of accession for acceptance by your Government
. The other
alternative is to leave my state and people to free booters. On this
basis no civilised government can exist or be maintained.

This alternative I will never allow to happen so long as I am the
ruler of the State and I have life to defend my country. I may also
inform your Excellency's Government that it is my intention at once
to set up an interim government and to ask Sheikh Abdullah to carry
the responsibilities in this emergency with my Prime Minister.

If my State is to be saved, immediate assistance must be available at
Srinagar. Mr. V.P. Menon is fully aware of the gravity of the
situation and will explain it to you, if further explanation is

In haste and with kindest regards,

Yours sincerely,

Hari Singh
October 26, 1947

Nice read.

BTW do provide link for letter. @k_arura

Whats actually your proof ..and is india bathing in tubs of money ...
We are poverty struck but not as much as you.And again what those silly lord and maharajas said or what the leadership says doesn't matter..What Kashmiri population wants does.
India is coward enough to not conduct a simple referendum in order to find out what the Kashmiri people want, because it knows the result ..
And we see everyday how happy the population of Indian occupied Kashmir is...
Brutal killing of population and In fact rather, than wasting mind on these issues you should focus on re-educating your men who have no control over their lusts..I've even lost record of how many have indian army soldiers have robbed of their honour in these 60 years of Kashmir occupation.
Whats actually your proof ..and is india bathing in tubs of money ...
We are poverty struck but not as much as you.And again what those silly lord and maharajas said or what the leadership says doesn't matter..What Kashmiri population wants does.
India is coward enough to not conduct a simple referendum in order to find out what the Kashmiri people want, because it knows the result ..
And we see everyday how happy the population of Indian occupied Kashmir is...
Brutal killing of population and In fact rather, than wasting mind on these issues you should focus on re-educating your men who have no control over their lusts..I've even lost record of how many have indian army soldiers have robbed of their honour in these 60 years of Kashmir occupation.
tell me till when you will occupy Indus valley
Silly assertion. That would mean we have "Pakistan".
India is pakistan or robbed by people by people who made less secular islamic pakistan !
Letter from Maharaja Hari Singh

to Lord Mountbatten

on the eve of Pak invasion on J&K in 1947

My dear Lord Mountbatten,

I have to inform Your Excellency that a grave emergency has arisen in
my State and request the immediate assistance of your Government
. As
Your Excellency is aware,the State of Jammu and Kashmir has not
acceded to either the Dominion of India or Pakistan
. Geographically
my State is contiguous wit h both of them. Besides, my State has a
common boundary with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and with
. In their external relations the Dominion of India and Pakistan
cannot ignore this fact
. I wanted to take time to decide to which
Dominion I should accede or whether it is not in the best interests
of both the Dominions and of my State to stand independent, of course
with friendly and cordial relations with both. I accordingly
approached the Dominions of India and Pakistan to enter into
standstill agreement with my State
. The Pakistan Government accepted
this arrangement. The Dominion of India desired further discussion
with representatives of my Government. I could not arrange this in
view of the developments indicated below. ln fact the Pakistan
Goernment under the standstill agreement is operating the post and
telegraph system inside the State. Though we have got a standstill
agreement with the Pakistan Government, lhe Govemment permitted a
steady and increasing strangulation of supplies like food, salt and
petrol to my State.

Afridis, soldiers in plain clothes, and desperadoes wnh modern
weapons have been allowed to infiltrate into the State, at first in
the Poonch area, then from Sia1kot and finally in a mass in the area
adjoining-Hazara district on the Ramkote side
. The result has been
that the limited number of troops at the disposal of the State had to be dispersed and thus had to face the enemy at several points

simultaneously, so that it has become difficult to stop the wanton
destruction of life ad property and the looting of the Mahura power
, which supplies electric current to the whole of Srinagar and
which has been burnt. The number of women who have been kidnpped and
raped makes my heart bleed. The wild forces thus let loose on the
State are marching on with the aim of capturing Srinagar, the summer
capital of my government, as a first step to overrunning the whole
.The mass infiltration of tribesman drawn from distant areas of
the North-West Frontier Province, coming regularly in motortrucks,
using the Manwehra-Mazaffarabad road and fully armed with up-to-date
weapons, cannot possibly be done with out the knowledge of the
Provincial Govemment of the North-West Frontier Province and the
Government of Pakistan
. Inspite of repeated appeals made by my
Government no attempt has been made to check these raiders or to stop
them from coming into my State. In fact, both radio and the Press of
Pakistan have reported these occurences. The Pakistan radio even put
out the story that a provisional government has been set up in
Kashmir. The people of my State, both Muslims and non-Muslims,
generally have taken no part at all.

With the conditions obtaining at present in my State and the great
emergency of the situation as it exists, I have no option but to ask
for help from the Indian Dominion
. Naturally they cannot send the
help asked for by me without my State acceding to the Dominion of
India. I have accordingly decided to do so, and I attach the
instrument of accession for acceptance by your Government
. The other
alternative is to leave my state and people to free booters. On this
basis no civilised government can exist or be maintained.

This alternative I will never allow to happen so long as I am the
ruler of the State and I have life to defend my country. I may also
inform your Excellency's Government that it is my intention at once
to set up an interim government and to ask Sheikh Abdullah to carry
the responsibilities in this emergency with my Prime Minister.

If my State is to be saved, immediate assistance must be available at
Srinagar. Mr. V.P. Menon is fully aware of the gravity of the
situation and will explain it to you, if further explanation is

In haste and with kindest regards,

Yours sincerely,

Hari Singh
October 26, 1947

Nice read.

BTW do provide link for letter. @k_arura

Here it is sir PFS: Appendix 1
You made no comprehensible point.
And indus valley is already ours. Its not we who stole land, the partition was done by British hands one of whom the congress had bought. And anyway Kashmir was Pakistans rights ..its indias Zid only ..they are unable to manage that humongous country but won't let Kashmir go..Its ego problem for you, while we only want relief for those poor Kashmiris your army and govts oppress
s not we who stole land, the partition was done by British hands one of whom the congress had bought. And anyway Kashmir was Pakistans rights ..its indias Zid only ..they are unable to manage that humongous country but won't let Kashmir go..Its ego problem for you, while we only want relief for those poor Kashmiris your army and govts oppress
okay even no problem in british partition so does the thats why I say kashmir is ours secular India not of Islamic republic of pakistan !
Add to that the subsidies, grants and aid to Kashmir that amounts to Rs 50,000 crores per year! If they want Kashmir, how are they going to splurge all this dosh for Kashmir? They'll need to sell Balochistan to finance the Kashmiris!!!! :lol:

For our Pakistani friends who don't know what Rs 1 crore is.......

Rs 1 Crore = Rs 10 million. (Rs 20 million PKR)
Therefore Rs 50,000 crores = :o: :suicide2:

According to many sources (including a discovery show of Sanjeev Bhaskar), in Pakistan unofficial rate is 3 PNR= 1 INR.
According to many sources (including a discovery show of Sanjeev Bhaskar), in Pakistan unofficial rate is 3 PNR= 1 INR.

Still its your 50% population that lives below basic standards of poverty.
Monetary ups and downs don't make up an excuse ..we came 40 years even after east Pakistan separation in the same economic conditions so we'll be able to do better for Kashmir.
And I wish it was about money but its about human rights, honours, innocent muslims lives

Still its your 50% population that lives below basic standards of poverty.
Monetary ups and downs don't make up an excuse ..we came 40 years even after east Pakistan separation in the same economic conditions so we'll be able to do better for Kashmir.
And I wish it was about money but its about human rights, honours, innocent muslims lives


What I did post was sources said, I was merely pointing to the difference in value of both currencies (unofficial exchange rate).

so we'll be able to do better for Kashmir.

Looking at later half of last decade and today's situation of our western neighbor, I doubt.
What I did post was sources said, I was merely pointing to the difference in value of both currencies (unofficial exchange rate).

Looking at later half of last decade and today's situation of our western neighbor, I doubt.

Really and looking at the conditions of women and poverty and muslims in your country..I higher doubt you'd be able to do anything much. Atleast our people are well trained to bring down terrorists and our country isn't Proudly standing in the top five of highest rape rate in world!!
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