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`Pak politicians want to resolve Kashmir - but military won't allow this'

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Why are you getting mad? Its not like I showed to you that the oath of Office of Prime Minister of India has Akhand Bharat in it. Oh wait I just did that :lol:

What is Akhand Bharat? And why is Akhand Bharat in Oath of Prime Minister? Please provide the translation as I asked. So many Indians on defence.pk and not one willing to provide translation.

Oath of office:

I, <name>, do swear in the name of God/solemnly affirm that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of India as by law established, that I will uphold the sovereignty and integrity of India, that I will faithfully and conscientiously discharge my duties as prime minister for the Union and that I will do right to all manner of people in accordance with the Constitution and the law, without fear or favour, affection or ill-will.

— Constitution of India, Third Schedule, Part I

Oath of secrecy:

I, <name>, do swear in the name of God/solemnly affirm that I will not directly or indirectly communicate or reveal to any person or persons any matter which shall be brought under my consideration or shall become known to me as prime minister for the Union except as may be required for the due discharge of my duties as such Minister.

— Constitution of India, Third Schedule, Part II

Integrity = Akandatha in Hindi

What was the Musharaf formula? He mentioned that he was close to a resolution when he lost power.

Essentially the LoC as loose border with reasonably free travel. Reduction of military forces over a period of time.
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To solve Kashmir...first 7 lakh Indian Occupier terrorists cockroaches must be flushed who are terrorizing innocent Kashmiris of IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir.:sniper:
And who's gonna flush out 'Occupier terrorists cockroaches'?? The Pakistan Army? :rofl: General Hafiz Saeed and his LeT yahoos? :rofl:

7 lakh means more than thirty infantry/mountain divisions in Kashmir alone! That's more than the entire Pak Army!! :P

You guys trolling PDF are one big joke!!
There is a best book on Fauji institution/military est; Pakistan written by a woman...
The Fauji foundation is one of the more profitable conglomerates in Pakistan, thanks to its military backing. They're known to own diverse businesses such as cement, corn, sugar mills, security services, oil exploration, cereals, fertilizers etc. and officers of the Pakistani military are often given management positions in this group when they retire from the military...

While Pakistani Awam remains without electricity.....
Yep! This enterprise is worth $14 billion!! More than the entire trade between China and Pakistan!! And no one can raise a finger! The brass continues to laugh all the way to the bank while the ordinary citizen is without electricity, health care and basic education.

It's clear who's ruling the roost in Pakistan. But if the importance of the Army goes down a few notches, its power will be sucked from under its feet and their profitable enterprises will go duff!

So why on earth should the Pak Army sort out the Kashmir problem? What's in it for them? Nix!!
Why is everyone getting so agitated ?

All of us are seeing this issue through our patriotic prism. The facts are otherwise.

The J&K issue is an industry by itself for parties involved and even for those not involved. Why would they want things to be resolved ?

On the Indian side the amount of money GOI has given and still keeps pumping could have transformed the state completely. The Politicians in the state are have the cake & are eating it too. Thankfully the big ticket projects are being funded & executed by the central govt now thats how rail has almost reached the valley.

On the Pak side, there are two major issues beside the ' emotional' brothers one . One is the fact that almost every drop of water in Pakistan flows from India. Three rivers as per IWT are allowed to flow freely into Pak. Still they feel that its in their national interest to keep J&K on the boil in the vain hope that someday things may change.

Next, the PA would lose its clout & relevance if the J&K issue gets resolved. With democracy slowly the elected Govt & people would assert itself & seek greater accountability.

More important than those above is the global arms industry our feud is supporting . We may not be able to provide jobs at home but we do ensure jobs in EU, US, Israel, Russia , China to name a few. Its simply not in their interests that this gets resolved.

The Presidential election for instance is funded by huge conglomerates whose business is ensured by conflicts world wide. Similarly, other nations too stand to lose if India & Pak do not have an issue.
I dont care if your are "kashmiri" , there is nothing special to be one, my caste Dar/lone is also kashmiri origin but what is big deal about it. Since my background is from agricultural family and I know very well that chanab, Jehlum and Sindh rivers are life line of pakistan's agriculture and general availability of water in pakistan. Therefore pakistan has a say in any kind of solution regarding jammu kashmir dispute. We are proud of our army wars with india to liberate kashmir , I hope a new one starts soon.
okay give me the date of war or month and if not atleast give year atleast ! :omghaha::omghaha:
To solve Kashmir...first 7 lakh Indian Occupier terrorists cockroaches must be flushed who are terrorizing innocent Kashmiris of IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir.:sniper::sniper::sniper:
Even if the Kashmir issue is solved,the Militants will not disappear or vanish into thin air. They are bound to stay & fire the shots.There are militant groups who favor a Ban on Girl's Education,Women's Employment in Kashmir.In short they are following the foot steps of Taliban.Today the main threat to Pakistan is EXTREMISM practised by Taliban, TTP,Laskhkar Jhangvi,the Extremsits are eating your country like a PARASITE.Well I am not an expert on Pakistan but many Pakistani experts have said in the past.
well thing is Pak Fauj can never leave kashmir "pot boiler" and rahil sharif was right when he said that kashmir is "pak faujs shah ragg"

look at history it was pak fauj that send afridi raiders into kashmir in 1948 and almost got it right

then again when things started to cool down it again did "operation gibralter" then in 1998 when ABV went to lahore and "minar e pakistan" pak fauj again backstabbed the peace deal

ever wonderred why

cause it was corrupt muslim feudal elite and nawabs and the Ulema which could not imagine to live under the rule of "children of there sevents" and that too with there "khandaani jageers" taken away and living like "common man" so they with help of british made pakistan with jinnah and company as moskot/mukhuataa

now after getting pakistan they wanted some cause some national identitty so they created this paranoia that indians want to take back pakistan forcdefully and build so called "akhand bahart" but had that been true why did india not take back "east pakistan" when in 1971 even musilm bengalies of east pakistan wanted that too happen

well thing is india dont want to take back any niether pakistan & bangladesh nor bhutan , sri lanka and nepal

but pak fauj needs some "issue" so that they can "rule pakistan"

pak fauj is the onli army in the world that has not won any battle on its own (what ever they won@afghanistan that too was with help of proxies) all it can do is kill , loot and rape its own people be it in bangladesh or in baloochistan now but when ever they are forced to fight they surrneder in thousands like in dhaka they surrenderred almost in number close to 93000 after just 12 days of fighting

even now they are worthless as can be seen every where in pakistan as most of its genrals are happy to run bakeries , shadee halls and petrol pumps rather than do the job they were assigned to do

so in short pakistan armies existence is dependent on keeping kashir isue alive at the cost of there wholoe nation as a whole



and thats what pak fauj and there stooges "feudal elite & beurocracy" had been doing in pakistan for last 66 years and will keep on doing that

its bitter for many pakistanies but truth is always bitter i opologise if any "muhib ul watan" feelings are hurt but truth is bitter and it hurts

there is still time left my pakistani friends come owt of this paranoia of evil indian wants to invade pakistan or keep living like you lived for last 66 years but remmeber now things will go wrong very very wrong for pakistan in near future if you dont wake up
So there it is. Why should the Pakistan Army go after the LeT, JeM etc? According to the PA's doctrine, these terror groups would form the first line of defence against any future Indian attack. Secondly, they are the army's 'strategic assets' for their proxy wars against India and Afghanistan.

The main reason why the PA is loathe to solve the Kashmir issue is that if peace reigns and the issue is solved, of what use would the Pakistan Army be? Their stock would fall considerably. They would never want to be sidelined in Pakistani society. They need a raison d'etre not only for their very existence, but to remain the main power center in Pakistan permanently. And that means an unsolved Kashmir dispute! They need the Kashmir pot to keep boiling. Otherwise, why would Pakistan need an army of 600,000 and a huge nuke arsenal (which is nothing but a white elephant), and waste precious resources on maintaining them?

The self-created ideological disputes are more pernicious for Pakistan than the territorial disputes we have with other neighbouring countries. Pakistan army will never allow the politicians to solve the territorial disputes with the neighbouring countries as it will debilitate its own power and the generals will never be ready to play a second fiddle to the "bloody civilians". Although it is clear that even if the territorial disputes are resolved with neighbouring countries Pakistan will still spend a big chunk of its budget on defense as the country is located in a very unstable region and surrounded by countries that are growing economic and military powers, but the main thing for the generals is their political and economic sway they have over the country and they don't want to lose it. What the army is doing in Balochistan, how it is mercilessly killing the Baloch youths and how it has been plotting to create Baloch LeTs and LeJs is another dark chapter in the history of Pakistan.
Kashmir is Pakistan..
Many Pakistani experts have written that Pakistan has nothing left to offer for Kashmir.Let us be frank,candid & honest.Yr forex reserves r just a million while debts are hovering around 60 billion.GDP is juts 2%.U might not be aware of how Pakistan pays its International debts.Then there is war on Terror(Taliban,TTP),political voilence in Karachi between MQM and other parties.
Kashmir is Pakistan..

lol, you'll still need a passport and a visa to visit it, or you can book a trip with the mujji's who cross LOC over under covering fire and risk getting shot by Indian troops.

OT: You are welcome - we too like to see the monkey trap being successful all these years.
if you want to talk about hearsay, I heard from a lieutenant Indian soldier pee in their pants when they see a Pakistani soldier

You may leave in your fantasy, Hamidur Commission was not from INDIA, and defeat is in front of you, now also deny and say that there is mith of 1971 War, 93000 POW and others, dont save your soldiars who makes credit down, and when you and others proud on comments made by you, I just say, Leave in dreams................
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