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Indian Muslims won't tolerate disrespect towards Prophet Muhammad salla allahu alayhi wasallam

I think deep inside, most Muslims (and religious people in general) know how utterly absurd their religion and beliefs are. But the (c)opium and indoctrination is just too strong for people to let their belief systems go, its the only way one can feel a shred of happiness and h(c)ope in such a rotten shithole of a society.

For shallow people attached to only the material world i can understand it seems so.
Hindus are liberals most of the time. They never had an issue to reform some of their backword cultural traditions. Hinduism has been reformed a lot according to era.

LOL, so why did the 500 million Hindutavadis in India get outraged when just last year there was the ad by Manyavar suitings in which actress Alia Bhatt plays a Hindu bride at her wedding who says that she would like her wedding to have a non-traditional "Kanyamaan" ( respectful life at her soon-to-be husband's house ) instead of the traditional Hindu wedding ceremony of "Kanyadaan" where the parents of the bride essentially abandon her to the whims and fancies of her husband and / or in-laws whether they torture her or sati her or if alive after getting widowed leave her to a life of utter social and socio-economic deprivations ?

Nupur Sharma quoted from the holy book only. What she quoted had been quoted by islamic scholars and maulana a lot.
Just bcz she is from BJP, they are against her. No logic.

Now let the always foul-mouthed and unpleasant Nupur Sharma and every other filthy Hindutavdi cast an eye on when Sita got married to Ram :
Well police not only remained silent but also participated in killing muslims in several Hindu-coordinated massacres of muslims.

so you are probably right

Its time to teach the dirty hindutva a lesson.
Muslims should organize themselves and create their own support groups and remove the orange menace once and for all.
Is this true? Where amd when did police do that ?
LOL, so why did the 500 million Hindutavadis in India get outraged when just last year there was the ad by Manyavar suitings in which actress Alia Bhatt plays a Hindu bride at her wedding who says that she would like her wedding to have a non-traditional "Kanyamaan" ( respectful life at her soon-to-be husband's house ) instead of the traditional Hindu wedding ceremony of "Kanyadaan" where the parents of the bride essentially abandon her to the whims and fancies of her husband and / or in-laws whether they torture her or sati her or if alive after getting widowed leave her to a life of utter social and socio-economic deprivations ?

Now let the always foul-mouthed Nupur Sharma and every other filthy Hindutavdi cast an eye on when Sita got married to Ram :
Whatever insult you do to Hinduism, they (Hindus) never go mad on that level that they start burning cities and chopping heads. They simply outrages on internet or file a simply FIR according to Law. One or two cases are exceptional.
Even this outrage you are seeing nowadays only bcz they have stopped tolerating hypocrisy of other community. Read my previous post.

You can blabber about Ramayana and keep it up. No one is gonna be offended. Bcz Hindu faith is not so weak.
And jamahir... You always sounds illogical. Plz don't quote me again. I never read your posts.
Whatever insult you do to Hinduism, they (Hindus) never go mad on that level that they start burning cities and chopping heads. They simply outrages on internet or file a simply FIR according to Law. One or two cases are exceptional.
Even this outrage you are seeing nowadays only bcz they have stopped tolerating hypocrisy of other community. Read my previous post.

You can blabber about Ramayana and keep it up. No one is gonna be offended. Bcz Hindu faith is not so weak.
And jamahir... You always sounds illogical. Plz don't quote me again. I never read your posts.
Hindus kill Muslims for killing cows and eating them.

Have you forgotten that?
You don’t expect police to remain silent when you’re just causing inconvinience to the whole city. Try doing this anywhere you’ll get some nice red lines on your back from Police.
You expect Muslims to remain silent when Hindutavis openly insult Prophet PBUH.
Whatever insult you do to Hinduism, they (Hindus) never go mad on that level that they start burning cities and chopping heads. They simply outrages on internet or file a simply FIR according to Law. One or two cases are exceptional.
Even this outrage you are seeing nowadays only bcz they have stopped tolerating hypocrisy of other community. Read my previous post.

I don't know about Hindus but I speak of Hindutvadis who insult themselves by being forever idiotic, irrational and terrorist. Either they lynch or yes they file a police case "according to law" to harass opponents. We have the example of young Dalit leader Jignesh Mevani who was arrested in his state Gujarat by police from Assam state ( BJP-ruled ) who traveled about 2000 kms roundabout to arrest him just because he had said something about Dear Leader, RSS and Godse. He was produced in court in Assam, got bail and got arrested by Assam Police immediately on concocted charges of misbehaving with a female police officer. :rofl:"According to law" indeed. :)

Also was the recent case of the arrest of Delhi University professor Ratan Lal, a Dalit intellectual, who was arrested by BJP proxy Delhi Police because he said something about the Gyanvapi Mosque controversy, the mosque being not in Delhi but in Banaras, UP ( :lol: ) and what he said wasn't liked by the Hindutvadis. So please don't play innocent. Read this :

You can blabber about Ramayana and keep it up. No one is gonna be offended. Bcz Hindu faith is not so weak.
And jamahir... You always sounds illogical. Plz don't quote me again. I never read your posts.

But I only told you the truth. Please convey it to all Hindutvadis you know so that they shut up. You cannot say "Don't quote me again" when it is you who made an unthinking statement that was sourced from Hindutvadi propaganda but you didn't think your own culture could be shown the mirror too. :)
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India is changing. So many ex-muslims Im meeting nowadays. People have started dropping extremist ideology. It is in slow process but it is happening.
Ex-Muslims were extremists just because they were Muslims ? Shows the indian hindu mindset after years of brainwashing.
Nothing is propaganda. Everything is truth. We are giving reference from Holy book only.
When you cherrypick stuff it is propaganda. And what you call truth in reality is propaganda as the references are cherry picked.

Hindus are liberals most of the time. They never had an issue to reform some of their backword cultural traditions. Hinduism has been reformed a lot according to era.

Nupur Sharma quoted from the holy book only. What she quoted had been quoted by islamic scholars and maulana a lot.
Just bcz she is from BJP, they are against her. No logic.
Hopefully this video with "quotations" will he okay with you.

I don't know about Hindus but I speak of Hindutvadis who insult themselves by being forever idiotic, irrational and terrorist. Either they lynch or yes they file a police case "according to law" to harass opponents. We have the example of young Dalit leader Jignesh Mevani who was arrested in his state Gujarat by police from Assam state ( BJP-ruled ) who traveled about 2000 kms roundabout to arrest him just because he had said something about Dear Leader, RSS and Godse. He was produced in court in Assam, got bail and got arrested by Assam Police immediately on concocted charges of Jignesh misbehaving with a female police officer. :rofl:"According to law" indeed. :)

Also was the recent case of the arrest of Delhi University professor Ratan Lal, a Dalit intellectual, who was arrested by BJP proxy Delhi Police because he said something about the Gyanvapi Mosque controversy which is there not in Delhi but in Banaras, UP ( :lol: ) and what he said wasn't liked by the Hindutvadis. So please don't play innocent. Read this :

But I only told you the truth. Please convey it to all Hindutvadis you know so that they shut up. You cannot say "Don't quote me again" when it is you who made an unthinking statement that was sourced from Hindutvadi propaganda but you didn't think your own culture could be showed the mirror too. :)
I'm modi supporter and I'm not offended about if Rama married in 6 or 60. I'm not chopping your head or burning your house.
Now move away from me and spread your terrorist ideology to other posters.
India is changing. So many ex-muslims Im meeting nowadays. People have started dropping extremist ideology. It is in slow process but it is happening.


Islam is the fastest growing faith in the world, it's media age is the lowest of all major faiths and it's in prime growth spurt

It also attracts alot of new members, if this is your plan against Muslims then your failure is massive😅

We always told you, if you let hindutva poison spread across India then their will be a response that will tear India apart

India is partitioning on the ground in front of you
Still they are. But they have stopped tolerating hypocrisy of other communities. They believe in one law for all. They believe in constitution. But other don't. Most importantly, Hindus have started reading other's holy book. And they are getting aware how much hate have been spread in minds of others for them when they were singing a song of "Bhaichara". Now they know who is Bhai, and who is chaara!
They are more vigilant for their own rights now

No and other communities have picked up on this. They have become far more extreme in their homeland. A vast majority doesn't have to fight for it's 'rights't that's an oxymoron itself.

I'm modi supporter and I'm not offended about if Rama married in 6 or 60. I'm not chopping your head or burning your house.
Now move away from me and spread your terrorist ideology to other posters.

You might not be but let's try the experiment with the Hindutuva crowd. These guys kill for eating beef let along insulting Raam.
Still they are. But they have stopped tolerating hypocrisy of other communities. They believe in one law for all. They believe in constitution. But other don't. Most importantly, Hindus have started reading other's holy book. And they are getting aware how much hate have been spread in minds of others for them when they were singing a song of "Bhaichara". Now they know who is Bhai, and who is chaara!
They are more vigilant for their own rights now.

No . Wrong.
They never had an issue when some scholar qoute.
if you qouting Zakir then go and watch his other lectures where he explains the answer. There are different narrations for the age of Ayesha( R.A) but all are of consensus that she was married after she attained puberty.
and for that video you shared in which the person sayin earth is round and its not mentioned in holy book, Its mentioned in surah(chapter)31, 39 and 79.

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