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Indian Killed in Hate Crime in New York City

Well, you live there so you definitely know more about it than I do. :tup:

I just think it would be quite ridiculous if she successfully make a plea for insanity.

American law is not based off logic, but performance and drama.

If the lawyer is good, he can do miracles.
That's fucked.

RIP to the guy.

Hope to see life imprisonment at the least.

I have a feeling she's gonna plead insanity and be let go.
Plead insanity? If that's not insane...I don't know what is.
Reading the op she will get off on an insanity plea. She was pacing back and forth plus muttering so it is almost guaranteed, such a dipsht though. RIP to the man

Erika Menendez..... I would bet money bit*h is illegal, most Hispanics from the Bronx are.

That's fucked.

RIP to the guy.

Hope to see life imprisonment at the least.

I have a feeling she's gonna plead insanity and be let go.

They do not get let go, if she is faking insanity she will be insane within a week of getting sent to mental hospital. They be pumping people up with so many drugs.
Plead insanity? If that's not insane...I don't know what is.

Remember the crazy cat lady from The Simpsons? Difference is this one throws people instead of cats.
That's fucked.

RIP to the guy.

Hope to see life imprisonment at the least.

I have a feeling she's gonna plead insanity and be let go.

come on razpak, an insanity plea doesn't mean one gets an easy way out, and temporary insanity simply won't hold. There is no such thing as more than a decade of temporary insanity. She may spare herself spending the rest of her life with hardened convicts, but she will still spend her life with psychos and drugged up the gills. Mental institutions aren't a pretty or comfortable place...
Reading the op she will get off on an insanity plea. She was pacing back and forth plus muttering so it is almost guaranteed, such a dipsht though. RIP to the man
Erika Menendez..... I would bet money bit*h is illegal, most Hispanics from the Bronx are.
They do not get let go, if she is faking insanity she will be insane within a week of getting sent to mental hospital. They be pumping people up with so many drugs.
Insanity. Even Dahmer was declared sane and his insanity plea was rejected.

RIP to the dead.
Americans who are illiterate and have little knowledge, They don't know any thing about the events, all they know is hating other communities particularly from Asia and Africa.

Americans who are illiterate and have little knowledge, Those red heads :rofl:, They don't know any thing about the events, all they know is hating other communities particularly from Asia and Africa.


it was a hispanic who did this. plz read carefully
Americans who are illiterate and have little knowledge, They don't know any thing about the events, all they know is hating other communities particularly from Asia and Africa.


Literally no American is illiterate mate . However the correct term is ignorant Americans .
She thought Hindus were involved in 9/11 . Heights of foolishness :hitwall: :rofl:
Literally no American is illiterate mate . However the correct term is ignorant Americans .
She thought Hindus were involved in 9/11 . Heights of foolishness :hitwall: :rofl:

There are guys in American society who do not know how to write their name and cannot point to the next country of US on the map.

There are lot of school drop outs.

Times are changing mate go through the below link and find out yourself

How to Eradicate Illiteracy in America

Although the National Center for Education Statistics reported in 2003 that 43 percent of American adults are virtually illiterate, nobody seems to have noticed. I retrieved this information from the NCES’s website, not from the media, which ignores this problem. Otherwise I wouldn’t have known exactly how serious our illiteracy problem still is.

Indeed, I had been studying the problem since 1973 when I wrote The New Illiterates. But in the interim 39 years, the continued growth of American illiteracy has become a “factoid” that has no resonance anywhere, not among the cognitive elite (liberal or conservative), not among the political parties, not among the legislators who vote to spend billions more on education, and not among parents who send their children to schools that turn them into illiterates.

Back in the 1980s, when a group of American university students were invited to lecture in Moscow, a Russian student in the audience asked: “According to the U.S. News magazine, one-third of Americans are illiterate. How can this be in a nation as advanced as the United States?” The American students were nonplussed. They had no answer. It was an embarrassing moment. But their ignorance was a reflection of the ignorance of the American public in general.

In 1988, Arthur Sulzberger, publisher of the New York Times, told his fellow newspaper publishers that 60 million Americans, a third of the adult population, couldn’t read. This must have shocked them, but what did they do about it? They created the National Assessment of Adult Illiteracy, which keeps track of the problem but doesn’t solve it.

The latest statistics report that 14 percent (32 million) of U.S. adults can’t read. Twenty-one percent (48 million) read below a 5th grade level. Sixty-three percent of prison inmates can’t read. And with compulsory schooling in America, all of these illiterates and semi-illiterates spent years in American schools learning to read. So obviously, something is wrong with the way reading is taught in American schools.
Kare Kaun, Bhare Kaun.

Hope Hindus and Muslims are not targeted or harassed.
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