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Pakistani Man killed wife for making vegetarian dinner

So? I could also post a history of domestic violence prevalent in any nation. What good does clubbing all of them together or to label them as culture do? The defense certainly points it out:

They don't dismiss it as a prevalent South Asian or even an Eastern phenomenon regardless of instances that could attest to it. I hope I have made it clear why your use of "our culture" as if anything every South Asian does is also an indictment of India is silly. They certainly do not pick up our slack, why must we?

When I made that statement, I was merely pointing out perception, from my personal experience. I cannot say if it is admissible in court, but the practice happens in India and this is what people believe.
Dude you're wife is gonna be a 6'2 bodybuilding woman so I'd really love to see you try beating her ! :lol:


Why should anybody give an Alphonso about a domestic dispute gone wrong? What the heck is it doing in the South and Central Asia section of the forum when it happened in the United States? And here we have people bringing religion into it saying some book allows it, and another nut job gets all defensive, quoting more ancient jargon. What a monumental waste of a thread, and I'm sorry that I wasted 2 minutes of my life here.
When I made that statement, I was merely pointing out perception, from my personal experience. I cannot say if it is admissible in court, but the practice happens in India and this is what people believe.

You are entitled to your perceptions and "what people believe" statements but don't go about being a liberal bleeding heart about it and add Indians to the mix!!!:P

While we certainly don't know what caused this geezer to flip out and discipline his wife, how can we go about blaming any "shared culture" for it? Like many people have pointed out, it may have been his religious beliefs that caused him to do it.
a highly disgusting, backward & a condemnable act, hope the culprits gets punished & is served only mashed potato's & beans for the rest of his life !
This is called cheap news. Though a part of me wants to troll, I must say - this must have been the last feather on the camel from the husband's POV. Killing a wife is always deplorable and disgusting but attaching such a trivial logic is perverse. Shameful journalism.
Secondly Islam was always an 'evolving' religion and thats something that Muslims have known as far back as one can remember hence the concept of 'Ijtihad' or 'Independent Reasoning' being central to Islam from one's daily life to the formulation of Jurisprudence !

You are the first Pakistani/Muslim I have heard saying this. There are many others like @Zarvan who seem to take offence in anyone even trying to find modern interpretation of Islam. They keep on saying that Islam and Quran are Patthar ki Lakir.

The only thing I will say is "May your tribe increase."
Oh he will get what he deserves, courtesy of the US Justice System.

Not really.

Teen Kills 4; Judge LITERALLY Lets Him Off Because He is Rich

You are the first Pakistani/Muslim I have heard saying this. There are many others like @Zarvan who seem to take offence in anyone even trying to find modern interpretation of Islam. They keep on saying that Islam and Quran are Patthar ki Lakir.

The only thing I will say is "May your tribe increase."

Patha pe Lakeer. pe.
Patthar ki Lakeer is a hindi proverb which means something which is not mutable like a line made on a stone.

I know but its Pathar PE lakeer.

That is a different case, with the kid in rehab, and his parents facing seven figure fines and restitution.

This man will get what he deserves.

Now its different, kid kills 4. Parents pay restitution. Right. America isnt that fair and we know it. But its better than most.
I know but its Pathar PE lakeer.

Now its different, kid kills 4. Parents pay restitution. Right. America isnt that fair and we know it. But its better than most.

The kid is locked up for at least 10 years.
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