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Indian jawans like to play Simon says in front of PLA

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I want to ask three questions.
1, I heard that premature birth is easy to cause children to be mentally retarded, do Indian women usually have children after a few months of pregnancy?
2, Considering that there is such a big gap between Indians and other nationalities, do Indians and other ethnic groups have genital isolation?
3, I heard that Indian genitalia is very small. Can your genitalia be used to make toothpicks?

You use limp tooth picks?
While Pakistan & india on loc stalemate rubbish for 70 years wasting billions.

PLA in a few days went into Ladakh clashes altered its entire border with huge gains. with out a full scale war or counter attack from Delhi, amazing china

China was just tired of India's salami slicing over the years, and wanted to get back to status quo ante. China did not really have huge gain, it just got back some stolen land.
In hurry to respond you have not even bother to quote my post properly

Desperation much

would you mind sharing the pictures of Indian prisoners in Bharot Rakshik. Those guys need to know the truth that Indians squat down and hold their ears when they were captured. If you were an average guy on any forum, won’t you want to know the truth that India did win the Galwan standoff?
Given you are a guy, your concern for Indian Men's genitalia is bit bizarre and even more suggestive that you fancy Indian male genitalia as toothpicks (something people put in their mouth)

Your above question only make sense if you secretly cosplay as an inafu on December 13 every year

You use limp tooth picks?

You misunderstood. I have a female cat, it likes to howl in spring. At this time, she needs a toothpick to be quiet. The toothpick is too hard, I'm afraid of hurting it, so I want to ask an Indian for help.

@Syama Ayas Can you help it? I will pay you.

I was just here responding to another Indian poster

Your fellow Chinese members dragged me into this, now they are in inafu mode

Stop projecting your homo-erotic fantasies on me, do not involve me in your inafu cosplaying rituals

No wonder your username is lonelyman

ur behavior in this thread clearly indicates you have secret wish to get gang banged by Chinese members :rofl:

Free word of advice to you, u too stinky for that
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Plz don't make such jokes! What you said can't happen. If that happens, it will not only insult the Indians, but also the PLA, and tarnish the tradition that our army has never abused POW since its establishment. Officers who do such things are bound to go to military courts.

Whether Japanese soldiers who participated in WW2, or Korean soldiers and American soldiers who participated in the Korean War, they have a large number of records and books to prove that Chinese soldiers never abuse POW. This is guaranteed by the honor and morality of PLA, we will not allow this to happen.
But I found this picture to be extremely funny. How is it the PLA knew to make them hold their ears and squat? Normally this isn't done by our soldiers. This is something I've never come across.
Did they call up Pakistan and asked for a tip on humiliation? :lol:
would you mind sharing the pictures of Indian prisoners in Bharot Rakshik.
Could you share the gif with Zhōngguó Gòngchǎndǎng Zhōngyāng Jūnshì Wěiyuánhuì and please come back with all your organs intact, will have more to share eventually


Those guys need to know the truth that Indians squat down and hold their ears when they were captured. If you were an average guy on any forum, won’t you want to know the truth that India did win the Galwan standoff?
Your concern for them is admirable, but unfortunately to India's tight control over internet nothing get through to them
LOL... As if Indian has no corrupted soldiers? At least PLA dont have coward who surrender and kneel, pull ears and cry like 5 years old kid in front of enemy soldiers. Only Indian soldiers do that...

You shall vote Modi out. He brings nothing but shame to Indian. Besides hugging other world leader like slaves. What glory he brings to Indian ever since he become leader of India?

Pity you, pity all Indian. So terrible to suffer such humiliation..

While Xi make China has space station, land rover on Mars and make PLAN , the world largest Navy. Glory glory to him and China :enjoy:
But I found this picture to be extremely funny. How is it the PLA knew to make them hold their ears and squat? Normally this isn't done by our soldiers. This is something I've never come across.
Did they call up Pakistan and asked for a tip on humiliation? :lol:

PLA is always a serious army, they usually don't have such boring behavior.
I guess the PLA ordered the Indians to squat down and put their hands on their heads, and then the Indians misunderstood the PLA command.

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Could you share the gif with Zhōngguó Gòngchǎndǎng Zhōngyāng Jūnshì Wěiyuánhuì and please come back with all your organs intact, will have more to share eventually

View attachment 791573

Your concern for them is admirable, but unfortunately to India's tight control over internet nothing get through to them
This gif is nothing compare to video of hundred of Indian soldiers surrender, kneel, pull ears and cry like 5 years old kid in front of PLA... Try harder! :enjoy:

The humiliation is on Indian side. You can try twist or sidetrack. The whole world knows the joke is on India side. :lol:
LOL... As if Indian has no corrupted soldiers? At least PLA dont have coward who surrender and kneel, pull ears and cry like 5 years old kid in front of enemy soldiers. Only Indian soldiers do that...

You shall vote Modi out. He brings nothing but shame to Indian. Besides hugging other world leader like slaves. What glory he brings to Indian ever since he become leader of India?

Pity you, pity all Indian. So terrible to suffer such humiliation..

While Xi make China has space station, land rover on Mars and make PLAN , the world largest Navy. Glory glory to him and China :enjoy:

gang bang wish @Syama Ayas has no shame, the more you humiliate him, the more happy he feels:rofl:
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