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Indian jawans like to play Simon says in front of PLA

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you worked hard today.

bjp it cell credited him only 2 rupees, though he posted lots of stuff, but it’s the same old junk again and again

so he is still a starving stray dog
That explains the current food crisis in China
I want to ask three questions.
1, I heard that premature birth is easy to cause children to be mentally retarded, do Indian women usually have children after a few months of pregnancy?
2, Considering that there is such a big gap between Indians and other nationalities, do Indians and other ethnic groups have genital isolation?
3, I heard that Indian genitalia is very small. Can your genitalia be used to make toothpicks?
Here is a video of Indians soldiers camping infront of Chinese thinking they wont do anything. Heck, they even mocked them at the end that Chinese are running away., But later at the exact same place is where they got beaten up next hour or couple of days later.. The geography is exactly the same.
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