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Indian jawans like to play Simon says in front of PLA

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Here is a video of Indians soldiers camping infront of Chinese thinking they wont do anything. Heck, they even mocked them at the end that Chinese are running away., But later at the exact same place is where they got beaten up next hour or couple of days later.. The geography is exactly the same.

the only hard part about soft bone slumdog Indians is his beak
I am humiliated my taxes go to Indian asylums taking care of this detained PLA soldier for the next 40 years

CCP and its netizens seem to treat the below as stereotypical Chinese products - "use and throw"

View attachment 791514
I am so luck not born as Indian in this era. If I am Indian and need to suffer such humiliation by PLA. I would have long jump off from cliff to kill myself from further humiliation.

Proud to be Chinese and PLA! :china:
3, I heard that Indian genitalia is very small. Can your genitalia be used to make toothpicks?
Given you are a guy, your concern for Indian Men's genitalia is bit bizarre and even more suggestive that you fancy Indian male genitalia as toothpicks (something people put in their mouth)

Your above question only make sense if you secretly cosplay as an inafu on December 13 every year
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Here is a video of Indians soldiers camping infront of Chinese thinking they wont do anything. Heck, they even mocked them at the end that Chinese are running away., But later at the exact same place is where they got beaten up next hour or couple of days later.. The geography is exactly the same.

I am wondering how many of those smiling IA soldiers later drown in the river or on their knees.

is the @Syama Ayas the long hair one here? He surely talks and behaves and sucks like a girl

but heck that’s a Sikh, sangris like syama has no shame and honor
I am wondering how many of those smiling IA soldiers later drown in the river or on their knees.

surely all of them
I am so luck not born as Indian in this era. If I am Indian and need to suffer such humiliation by PLA. I would have long jump off from cliff to kill myself from further humiliation.

Proud to be Chinese and PLA! :china:

u think too high of Indians, just like @Syama Ayas here, he feels no shame and enjoy seeing his fellow india man playing Simon says before pla
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I would have long jump off from cliff to kill myself from further humiliation.
Like this guy

Here is a video of Indians soldiers camping infront of Chinese thinking they wont do anything. Heck, they even mocked them at the end that Chinese are running away., But later at the exact same place is where they got beaten up next hour or couple of days later.. The geography is exactly the same.

Indians say they are paid Pakistan actors :cheesy:
Given you are a guy, your concern for Indian Men's genitalia is bit bizarre and even more suggestive that you fancy them as toothpicks (something people put in their mouth)

Your above question only make sense if you secretly cosplay as an inafu on December 13 every year

Give up, pal. It is IA's military blunder and GoI's PR disaster in front of billions, and you know it. What are you trying to achieve? Saving IA from disgrace?
Give up, pal. It is IA's military blunder and GoI's PR disaster in front of billions, and you know it. What are you trying to achieve? Saving IA from disgrace?

I was just here responding to another Indian poster

Your fellow Chinese members dragged me into this, now they are in inafu mode

ur behavior in this thread clearly indicates you have secret wish to get gang banged by Chinese members :rofl:

Free word of advice to you, u too stinky for that
gang bang wish @Syama Ayas has no shame, the more you humiliate him, the more happy he feels:rofl:
@Syama Ayas enjoys getting gang banged, let’s give it to him :rofl:
Stop projecting your homo-erotic fantasies on me, do not involve me in your inafu cosplaying rituals

No wonder your username is lonelyman
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Most Indian nationalists are still in denial and I haven't seen any Indian media covering these pics including the previous batch. Modi cannot even say the word "China" without wetting his pants.

Modi is ISI agent confirmed.
I really want a media with some balls to show these pictures. I've tried to contact RT let's see if they'll upload it.
While Pakistan & india on loc stalemate rubbish for 70 years wasting billions.

PLA in a few days went into Ladakh clashes altered its entire border with huge gains. with out a full scale war or counter attack from Delhi, amazing china
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