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Revisiting 1962 war with China: When India's prestige was in a shambles

@retaxis @Hellfire2006
If you see the chain of places where the negotiations have been carried out over the last two and a half years, Patrolling Point 15 is one more centerpiece in the whole chain which runs through the Y junction on Raki Nalla, Galwan river (PP14), Patrolling Point 15, PP 17 Alpha, Pangong Tso north and Pangong Tso south bank.

This is a chain of locations which provide access towards Aksai Chin and the Depsang Bulge.

These are areas where buffer zones have developed between the Indian Army and the People's Liberation Army.

Patrolling Point 15 is a pass on the ridge line. The pass is called Jianan La.

By climbing the pass up PP 15, Indian troops can reach the depth areas of the Galwan river, and also get access towards the Depsang Bulge.

Therefore, the PLA wanted to deny or stop the movement of our troops in this area. That is why in my opinion, it took such a long time to finally arrive at a consensus for the creation of the buffer zone at PP15.

The troops of both sides have disengaged from PP15.

The buffer zone means that Indian troops will not patrol to the end of PP15 and the Chinese will not come towards PP15.

As we have seen, it took a long and difficult negotiation because the 16th round of talks took place on July 17. It took 50 days to decide on the buffer zone.

Indian troops posed a threat to the PLA if they had crossed PP15. Hence, it would have been painful for the PLA to allow Indian troops to patrol up to PP15.

The same thing is true at other friction points. We were patrolling up to Finger 8 earlier, we are not any longer. The Chinese are also patrolling up to Finger 4, they too can't patrol up to this area.

At each one of these buffer zones, both forces have distanced and disentangled themselves. So instead of a Line of Actual Control, a sort of 'belt of actual control' has come into being, but this does not provide a settlement to the border dispute.
We have a post in PP3 - Dhan Singh Post- but we didn't have a post in Finger 4 or Finger 8.

We did not have permanent posts in areas of Raki Nala, PP10, 11, 12 or 13, but went for patrols to those areas and the Chinese used to also patrol up to the area of Burtse which they claim as in the 1959 claim line.

So by creating this so-called 'belt of control' or buffer zones, neither are we able to patrol the areas we were patrolling earlier nor the Chinese are able to patrol the areas they were patrolling

It is a denial on both sides. A no win situation and that is where the situation rests now.

This PP15 buffer zone has pushed Indian troops a little away while the PLA has pulled back similarly, thus creating a safe zone. It may suit the Chinese who do not want fisticuffs, brawls and scuffles that used to take place regularly for years.

Our troops used to patrol up to this area and have a look around. The PLA used to also patrol the area.

In the long term analysis, it may give PLA some satisfaction of having achieved a buffer zone protecting their own troops from the fisticuffs and scuffles. But they have also pushed us away from the patrolling areas.

It's a no win situation for either side
I've explained the same thing so many times here. But retards just don't get it
The morals of Indian army sunk even lower after the recent humiliation at Galwan Valley clashes where 20 were killed as per Indian sources (actual number must be higher as they are notorious in hiding facts), at least 74 were injured and 10 were made captive (although videos and photos from Chinese media showed numbers in dozens) severally beaten before handing back to India.
The morals of Indian army sunk even lower after the recent humiliation at Galwan Valley clashes where 20 were killed as per Indian sources (actual number must be higher as they are notorious in hiding facts), at least 74 were injured and 10 were made captive (although videos and photos from Chinese media showed numbers in dozens) severally beaten before handing back to India.

Those, shown in pictures, and mostly injured, were made captive, but released immediately, probably within 24 hours, of Galwan Clash. They were in dozens. The other 10 captives, including 3 or 4 officers, were those, who were only released, after extensive negotiations، and after quite some time, I believe about 7 days, if I recall correctly. Why these 10 were treated differently, is not clear.
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Whenever Indian forces meet Chinese forces. The result will always be humiliation of the Indian forces. I would advise India just to mind their own business because China doesn't play around. The more you act up, the harsher the reaction will become. Only thing stopping from China from total humiliation of Indian forces is due to the fact that China profits in the hundreds of billions in trade with India and is the dumping ground for all goods that US/EU don't want. China doesn't want war but will react harshly if pushed.
"China doesn't want war?" That's all China wants. They encourage murderous rage among their citizens. The entire illegal massage parlors are operated my Chinese mafia, funded by PLA, full of Chinese girl childs illegally sent to first world countries. Heavily restricted media outlets to coerce the entire population to be sycophants. Constantly silencing every voice which opposes the ruling elite? To top that make statements like "murdering a few million now is better for many millions in the future?" Putting dunce cap on their own teachers and denigrating their masters for the purpose of "communism." Defining prosperity as "something that looks more and more western?" Mad opposition to religion and forcing every religion to bow before the state? Next move will be massacre of Balochis in Pakistan, repeating Tianaman square and convincing rest of Pakistan for a better future?
"China doesn't want war?" That's all China wants. They encourage murderous rage among their citizens. The entire illegal massage parlors are operated my Chinese mafia, funded by PLA, full of Chinese girl childs illegally sent to first world countries. Heavily restricted media outlets to coerce the entire population to be sycophants. Constantly silencing every voice which opposes the ruling elite? To top that make statements like "murdering a few million now is better for many millions in the future?" Putting dunce cap on their own teachers and denigrating their masters for the purpose of "communism." Defining prosperity as "something that looks more and more western?" Mad opposition to religion and forcing every religion to bow before the state? Next move will be massacre of Balochis in Pakistan, repeating Tianaman square and convincing rest of Pakistan for a better future?
I smell delusional mind consumed with mixture of cow piss and sour grape juice.
I smell delusional mind consumed with mixture of cow piss and sour grape juice.
Sounds like Etylo is totally blind. Lookup rubmaps.ch <a chinese server>. How about [email protected] .. Swizzonic AG, registered in Switzerland, how convenient! Owned by CCP/mafioso outlook. Owners of shady chinese massage parlors openly talking about sending their dirty money to Chairman Xi! It doesn't stop there. This is only tip of the iceberg. Since the one child policy container load of Chinese with 7-10 sibling have landed in the first world countries. Even in the latest illegal border crossing in Mexico to Arizona, many containers of Chinese families have landed in the Mexican Gulf and also in Brazil. Chinese with Portuguese passport are facilitating thos move from Macau to Brazil conveniently BRICS is too useful to move them around.
"China doesn't want war?" That's all China wants. They encourage murderous rage among their citizens. The entire illegal massage parlors are operated my Chinese mafia, funded by PLA, full of Chinese girl childs illegally sent to first world countries. Heavily restricted media outlets to coerce the entire population to be sycophants. Constantly silencing every voice which opposes the ruling elite? To top that make statements like "murdering a few million now is better for many millions in the future?" Putting dunce cap on their own teachers and denigrating their masters for the purpose of "communism." Defining prosperity as "something that looks more and more western?" Mad opposition to religion and forcing every religion to bow before the state? Next move will be massacre of Balochis in Pakistan, repeating Tianaman square and convincing rest of Pakistan for a better future?
another little indian totally running amok.
Sounds like Etylo is totally blind. Lookup rubmaps.ch <a chinese server>. How about [email protected] .. Swizzonic AG, registered in Switzerland, how convenient! Owned by CCP/mafioso outlook. Owners of shady chinese massage parlors openly talking about sending their dirty money to Chairman Xi! It doesn't stop there. This is only tip of the iceberg. Since the one child policy container load of Chinese with 7-10 sibling have landed in the first world countries. Even in the latest illegal border crossing in Mexico to Arizona, many containers of Chinese families have landed in the Mexican Gulf and also in Brazil. Chinese with Portuguese passport are facilitating thos move from Macau to Brazil conveniently BRICS is too useful to move them around.
Talk of gibberish and smell of sh^t.

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Talk of gibberish and smell of sh^t.

Funny Etylo when you have no words to prove me wrong, all you have is cow piss, talking gibberish, smell of shit. Funny you cannot prove anything by act out of desensitized murderous rage.

another little indian totally running amok.
Cute little Iblini finally learnt how to make a complete sentence. What a cutie pie!
Talk of gibberish and smell of sh^t.

I am not questioning Indian Mafia smuggling people all over the world, and leading in identity theft. All I am saying is China does the same, and way better than India including paying off global media to cover their smelly ....
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