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India will disintegrate : Tarek Fatah

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And I thought all those who believe in the true god were equal? Which Koran have you been reading?

That doesn't mean a Christian can become a Muslim just because he worships Allah. If he worships one God and accepts Muhammad(S.A.W) as the last messenger of Allah thn he becomes a Muslim. These are the basics of Islam and everyone knows it.
He looks the same age to me, maybe just weaker.

If you look closely you can easily see some visible differences of present Tarek Fatah, like hair color, baldness, bigger frame eyeglasses.

That doesn't mean a Christian can become a Muslim just because he worships Allah. If he worships one God and accepts Muhammad(S.A.W) as the last messenger of Allah thn he becomes a Muslim. These are the basics of Islam and everyone knows it.

Again confused. Prophet himself had hailed Jesus and Moses as messengers of God, had started offering namaz facing Jerusalem as it was considered the true guiding symbol for him, yet this? Man you have me confused.
this video is very old lol good try though
That doesn't mean a Christian can become a Muslim just because he worships Allah. If he worships one God and accepts Muhammad(S.A.W) as the last messenger of Allah thn he becomes a Muslim. These are the basics of Islam and everyone knows it.
It is fun that many religions claim their founders are the LAST messengers. Apparently, that is not the last.
Again confused. Prophet himself had hailed Jesus and Moses as messengers of God, had started offering namaz facing Jerusalem as it was considered the true guiding symbol for him, yet this? Man you have me confused.

Look man I can explain it to you but I cant understand it for you. Dont complicate it any further for yourself Its simple.. When we say this we become Muslims : There is absolutely no deity worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad (S.A.W) is the Messenger of Allah. We believe in all the messengers sent by God ( Jesus Moses David Noah (A.S) etc ) and angels and everything that is written in Quran.

It is fun that many religions claim their founders are the LAST messengers. Apparently, that is not the last.

Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) is the last messenger pengyou
Income inequality is worse in US and China than India.So these countries might disintegrate earlier than Indian according to your inequality thesis.:happy:
Actually, that's entirely possible. The problem is that America is a developed nation, and China is much further ahead than India, and will be considered a developed nation way before India will. America and China won't face rebellion due to just financial issues, rather it'll be more political.
Ahmedis follow Fiqha Hanfia of Imam Abu Hanfia as do majority of Sunnis. They are as much sunnis as any other sunni sect out there except their beliefs in promised messiah

Interesting. Very interesting! If this is the thing, then why do we have so many conflicts? Oh wait Imam Abu Hanifa believes in last prophet but Ahmedis don't. Sir Jiii gets your facts right.
Ahmedi is a totally different sect.
Ahmedis follow Fiqha Hanfia of Imam Abu Hanfia as do majority of Sunnis. They are as much sunnis as any other sunni sect out there except their beliefs in promised messiah.

Really? Visit any saudi sponsored madrassah in your neighborhood. You will find loads of extremist sunnis over there.
Regarding Ahmedis they are as much Muslims as talibans and isis are Muslims

Says who? Every messenger claims to be the last one.
Actually, no messenger ever claimed so. It is their followers that claimed so, out of God knows what.
Now this is what you call a slap in the face. Tarek Fatah, the new found avatara of Hindutvadasis in India who is used as a loudspeaker to puke venom against Pakistan (his country of birth) is discussing how India has never been a single country and its union will break up into individual states.

Whatever. :lol:
Who cares about them? Trying to justify your identity (which doesn't exist except concept from Muslim league), you guys have included that India wasn't before 47.
I'm wondering how stupid people can be. :eek:
India won't break. If it does, probably not this century. While I do believe separatism will increase, as India gets richer, and wealth disparity between Indian states gets bigger and bigger, I also believe that nationalism among the general population will also grow. Indian exceptional-ism will increase, as the belief among the population will be that India as a global power is the natural way of the world.

While I don't think India will reach global power status this century, it will next century.
Let me simplify it for you.
As the time passes,importance of religion will only fall under secularization occuring during capitalization.
Gap between states won't increase, but rich and poor will increase.
Here's the case of gap between rich and poor, USA and UK have huge gaps but they're still stable. You must care about your country because India will have 4-5 times GDP per capita of Pakistan if projected scenario goes on. :P
People will become patriotic thinking we are like USA and neighborhood is like Mexico. :D
You do believe India won't reach global power status in this century, completely baseless, who made you a think tank analyst?
India can lose global power status by next century which it's going to attain around 2030-35, because our population will start decline after 2070, harming our economic size.
Let's analyze:
Large Economy is a product of GDP per capita and population. India has already high population, and will be an upper middle income country in 15-20 years and high income developed country within 50 years.
Now, Large economy means large defense budget, large budget for research on science and technology, large budget for space program.
India will be in the same league of US or China in two decades (Russia will decline).
Believe or not. :)
Tarek Fateh himself has responded to this 1 1/2 minute clip in New Delhi times.

This is an excerpt from what he said

Many of you have been sent an underhandedly recorded video of me talking about what appears to be the future of India. Except the discussion was about the bankruptcy of the idea of Khalistan, not the future of India.

The editors of this video have carefully excluded from the clip any reference to the real subject of the discussion that took place between me and a group of young Canadian Sikhs associated with the World Sikh Organisation (WSO), and who were sympathizers of the Pakistan-based Khalistan movement.

The edited video being distributed by Pakistani and Indian Islamists with the active help of left-wing Indians on Twitter was shot around 2003 or 2004 in Toronto. It happened after I had come out denouncing the WSO and the Khalistan movement, condemning it as a Pakistan-based terrorist movement. These young Sikh students called me and wanted to meet me and debate the controversy.

The discussion took over an hour during which my position was very clear:

If these Sikhs in Canada wanted to have an independent Punjab, I was all for it if its capital was the Pakistani city of Lahore and included not just Amritsar, Jullundur and Ludhiana, but also Nankana Sahib, Gujranwala and Rawalpindi (all inside Pakistani Punjab).

It is an argument that I still make in all my confrontations with the supporters of Khalistan who have thrived in Canada, thanks to vote-bank politics and an active role played by the Pakistani consulates both in Toronto and Vancouver.

He ends with this question....

Where is the full unedited unaltered copy of this video and why are you not sharing it?”
Ahmedis believe in Fiqha Hanfia

Believing in last messenger is the belief of Fiqah Hanfia. Enough said.

If isis and taliban are Muslims then Ahmedis are Muslims too

HAHA. I'm not going into this argument wether they're Muslims or not. Allah is the best judge and I'm not one claim anyone kafir or Muslim. But......but your logic is pretty funny. Ahmedis? ISIS? What?

Why is Prophet or messenger more important than the God?

Well who just says that? Of course Allah (God) comes first. But when the god you worship makes it clear and say there's no messenger after Rasool of Allah (Muhammad (saw) ). Then how can you even ignore it and come up with your own messenger? Aren't you already disobeying your God?
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