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Exclusive: With Muslim Brotherhood crushed, Egypt sets sights on Hamas

I'll tell you one thing Hazzy - the Egyptian intelligence and leadership views Israel as a better friend and also as security. The Egyptian people might still be wide-eyed pro-palestinians, but the people who run the show now see 'palestinians' as one of their biggest threats and Israel as one of their best friend in the region.

That's a fact. Ties have never been so good. Better than under Mubarak.

Remember when Sadat said he wanted to return the Sinai through diplomacy? remind me what happened after that, please. What you are feeling right now is a false sense of security, diplomatic and military cooperation is a must because of the current situation. Surely there's still a reason the Israeli administration still complains when there's one extra hard hat in the Sinai....

You are the enemy and you must not forget that.


There's something going on we don't know about between Hamas and the Egyptian administration. BTW one of the gentlemen you/Hamas official mentioned as being dead since 09? is actually alive and in Egyptian custody. We do not have all the facts.
Remember when Sadat said he wanted to return the Sinai through diplomacy? remind me what happened after that, please. What you are feeling right now is a false sense of security, diplomatic and military cooperation is a must because of the current situation. Surely there's still a reason the Israeli administration still complains when there's one extra hard hat in the Sinai....

You are the enemy and you must not forget that.


There's something going on we don't know about between Hamas and the Egyptian administration. BTW one of the gentlemen you/Hamas official mentioned as being dead since 09? is actually alive and in Egyptian custody. We do not have all the facts.

Which one? And I mentioned several but lets leave that for later. What do you mean there's going on we don't know about?

Only guess I could think of is that Hamas and Egypt are playing an act to allow Egypt to play the cards in the Sinai.

What are you thinking?
Which one? And I mentioned several but lets leave that for later.

I believe his nick name was "3ewaida". I'll take a look in a minute. Video of him in Egyptian custody (there was also footage of him allegedly in Gaza and in one of the tunnels) was released the day after the Aljazeera report by the Interior ministry.

What do you mean there's going on we don't know about?

It just doesn't make sense to me. For one if there was actual animosity between Hamas and the Egyptian administration it wouldn't have been made public in this way nor would there have been any intention to confront Hamas until there was some form of stability.

Only guess I could think of is that Hamas and Egypt are playing an act to allow Egypt to play the cards in the Sinai.

What are you thinking?

There's no real news of cooperation and all ties appear or are allegedly severed (for now), however, the only real explanation for Egypt's competency in closing the smuggling tunnels is that there is cooperation between both sides.

The Israelis tried in vain to do in years what the Egyptian military has done in weeks. Hamas wouldn't want that to be out in the open as it would be responsible for Gazans suffering so a narrative has to be set, one which puts both sides against each other but never really does anything to cause real confrontation. Both sides have to play nice anyway whether they want to or not.
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I believe his nick name was "3ewaida". I'll take a look in a minute. Video of him in Egyptian custody (there was also footage of him allegedly in Gaza and in one of the tunnels) was released the day after the Aljazeera report by the Interior ministry.

It just doesn't make sense to me. For one if there was actual animosity between Hamas and the Egyptian administration it wouldn't have been made public in this way nor would there have been any intention to confront Hamas until there was some form of stability.

There's no real news of cooperation and all ties appear or are allegedly severed (for now), however, the only real explanation for Egypt's competency in closing the smuggling tunnels is that there is cooperation between both sides.

The Israelis tried in vain to do in years what the Egyptian military has done in weeks. Hamas wouldn't want that to be out in the open as it would be responsible for Gazans suffering so a narrative has to be set, one which puts both sides against each other but never really does anything to cause real confrontation. Both sides have to play nice anyway whether they want to or not.

Haven't heard of him, I listed Hasan salama I believe and Tayser Abu snima. Would appreciate if you lost a link.

It also doesn't make sense to me either. So me and you can't explain it, I wonder if anybody can.
Haven't heard of him, I listed Hasan salama I believe and Tayser Abu snima. Would appreciate if you lost a link.

His name is Wessam Awaida and Aljazeera in cooperation with a Hamas official reported that he was killed in 2009. Weird as hell.

Haven't heard much of Egypt recently, can one of our Egyptian member tell me if the news about possible military members taking part in election is true or not? and if the Egyptian people support this? Because I liked the way the military didn't intervene in the internal matters of the country and let the people take care of the issue. Will this affect any thing?
Haven't heard much of Egypt recently, can one of our Egyptian member tell me if the news about possible military members taking part in election is true or not? and if the Egyptian people support this? Because I liked the way the military didn't intervene in the internal matters of the country and let the people take care of the issue. Will this affect any thing?

Members of the security forces and armed forces are still not allowed to take part in elections. It was proposed under Morsi's government however the military brass refused it as it was seen as a way to politicise and therefore split the armed forces especially at such a decisive and divisive time in Egypt's history. I would say the overwhelming majority of Egyptians support that.
Haven't heard much of Egypt recently, can one of our Egyptian member tell me if the news about possible military members taking part in election is true or not? and if the Egyptian people support this? Because I liked the way the military didn't intervene in the internal matters of the country and let the people take care of the issue. Will this affect any thing?
today was got to vote on the new constituion
Egyptians Vote on New Constitution in Referendum
while the brotherhood didnt take place saying that they dont accept the new government the numbers were huge and Egypt is becoming a safe place again after 3 years of riots and protests
His name is Wessam Awaida and Aljazeera in cooperation with a Hamas official reported that he was killed in 2009. Weird as hell.

I have no clue who this guy is and he sounds Lebanese/Egyptian. He's not a part of Hamas military wing. I'm confused too this is weird but the rest is true. Here's for example Tayser Abu Snima:

I have no clue who this guy is and he sounds Lebanese/Egyptian. He's not a part of Hamas military wing. I'm confused too this is weird but the rest is true. Here's for example Tayser Abu Snima:

Maybe a nationalized Egyptian/Lebanese Palestinian with ties to Gaza. Either way this was in response to Aljazeera.

I remember a Hamas official mentioning that there were 71 Palestinian (IIRC) suspects in the Wadi Natroon case and several more in the Mansoura bombings, how many are in custody either in Egypt/Israel/Gaza (or even dead) is unknown. Egyptian Intelligence isn't this sloppy nor does it make sense that Hamas would only give a couple of examples. It doesn't add up.

If there's one thing I hate these days its security/military officials who stay anonymous. 3ay wado Masr kollaha feh 60 dahya :taz:
Maybe a nationalized Egyptian/Lebanese Palestinian with ties to Gaza. Either way this was in response to Aljazeera.

I remember a Hamas official mentioning that there were 71 Palestinian (IIRC) suspects in the Wadi Natroon case and several more in the Mansoura bombings, how many are in custody either in Egypt/Israel/Gaza (or even dead) is unknown. Egyptian Intelligence isn't this sloppy nor does it make sense that Hamas would only give a couple of examples. It doesn't add up.

No, the Hamas official was referring to online reports that the number is 71 but it was 26 I believe or 21.

All this is footage of some guy who's not affiliated with Hamas. I don't see how the ministry claims he's alive. All I see was interrogation video apparently and nothing of him in custody.

Hamas never said this man was dead, I doubt Al Jazeera did either.

LOL! Kl al3alam alarabi fe seeten da7eya
No, the Hamas official was referring to online reports that the number is 71 but it was 26 I believe or 21.

Good to know.

All this is footage of some guy who's not affiliated with Hamas. I don't see how the ministry claims he's alive. All I see was interrogation video apparently and nothing of him in custody.

The statement released with the video mentioned that he remained in custody. Plus the interrogation room looks like a typical Police/National security office and the suspect can be detained for up to a year without trial (that's if they want to follow through with due process). I'm not sure about his affiliation, they didn't mention anything about it.

Hamas never said this man was dead, I doubt Al Jazeera did either.

There's a screenshot of a statement made by Ahmed Mansour on social media (who's incidentally wanted for torturing people in the Alitahidiya events) who is a famous Aljazeera reporter at the start of the video. He posted it after interviewing a Anti-Coup Alliance (which still sounds like it should be in the WWE) member who was commenting on the interview with the Hamas official and he mentioned these two names.

LOL! Kl al3alam alarabi fe seeten da7eya

It can only go upwards, hopefully that is.
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