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India will disintegrate : Tarek Fatah

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A good thing?
I've been looking at Indian elections for quite some time now and all I see are parties trying to outdo another in bigotry and pandering.
In a bid to gain votes, parties will go to the extent that they defend lynch mobs and order crowds to rape buried bodies. We saw it in Bihar. We'll see it in the upcoming Punjab and UP elections too.

Welcome to democracy.

Really? So Indians know more about Pakistanis then them themselves

Raw failed in its target to separate Baluchistan, each day hundreds of BLA fighters are laying down their arms and asking for forgiveness

Indeed they do, if in doubt read posts in this forum of that era.
Pakistan did not disintegrate. It still exists. Only that one of its 5 provinces and a sixth of its territory seceded. This isn't your old friend the Soviet Union which no longer exists after being disintegrated.

And the NE is pretty displeased with India I hear.

HALF of your population seceded. That is a major loss, and a complete end to two-nation theory. You can't even resist watching our movies :D or your women oogling over our proud MUSLIM INDIAN Bollywood stars :P. Bangladesh has been growing now at 6%, faster than the 4% of Pakistan, and will eventually economically surpass Pakistan by the end of decade if this holds. A sad ending for a country that once prided itself on being culturally and ethnically superior to Bangladeshis, and a rival of India.

Secularism > Islamism as a unifying force. Look at how Pakistani posters in this thread are babbling on about whether or not Ahmedis are Muslims, as if that is any concern of a Modern State. Democracy and secularism is more than enough to prevent any internal conflicts and division, no matter how rough they may be, and no country can divide India externally as long as the Indian Army exists (Not that Pakistan hasn't tried and failed multiple times).
Sir, you have to dig deeply and understand it. We are talking with the Islamic point of view & this religion itself teaches you to ask question to understand the matters. Quran has cleared it with the evidences. Even bible and Torah are the evidences.
Faith in God is primary of course. But there are few principles (must be followed) to be Muslims. Not just with Islam all the Faiths out there have some basic concepts and some principles

With regards to your statement that all faiths have some basic concept, I would say the basic concept of Hinduism is not to have a concept. Every Hindu needs to discover on what he/she wants to believe in.

Hence as an outsider, I do not understand your religion. I was just curious on the differences in various Abrahamic religions. I just understand that Islam has issues with Ahmadiyyas and Christians has with Mormons.

Anyway it's none my business.
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Now this is what you call a slap in the face. Tarek Fatah, the new found avatara of Hindutvadasis in India who is used as a loudspeaker to puke venom against Pakistan (his country of birth) is discussing how India has never been a single country and its union will break up into individual states.

Admin posting youtube link .. with edited title.. God forbid....

Pakistan has Tried everything to take Kashmir but Failed

When you could not break away Kashmir from us ; How can you succeed else where
With Congress declining, the chance of India's decline and possible break up have declined as well.
I guess you are one of the ultra nationalists? Then in that state add yourselves to the list .....

I can deal with Islamic terror in India, I can deal with secessionist activities all over .... similarly I can deal with delinquents masquerading as nationalists in India.

The difference between Pakistan and India is - Pakistan was founded as a Muslim State, India a state for all religions. Now, if you want India as a state of a single religion ------- we have a part of India for that ------- Pakistan. Go there and spread this nonsense. Anyone who is enemy of India has no religion ..... is dealt with as such. It maybe that more Muslims are indulging in it, more Sikhs or more Christians and more Hindus, but they are all anti-nationals and are treated as such.
Why should we get to keep a radical Hindu turd.. Make him your next PM.

Pakistan has Tried everything to take Kashmir but Failed

When you could not break away Kashmir from us ; How can you succeed else where

So how come Pak flags are being hoisted in IOK & resistance has Ben going on for the past 7 decades? Why keep almost a million troops in IOK? Why ban international news agencies and HRGs from entering n reporting from IOK!

Spare us the nonsense!
So how come Pak flags are being hoisted in IOK & resistance has Ben going on for the past 7 decades? Why keep almost a million troops in IOK? Why ban international news agencies and HRGs from entering n reporting from IOK!

Spare us the nonsense!

Only One million?!
I want to call your bluff but I we all know I will get banned if I do it.

And dreaming is free. Keep at it :)
Why is this debate on first place which is useless. India hadn't broke in 80-90s when India was weak then why it will be broken when it is very Strong!!
With regards to your statement that all faiths have some basic concept, I would say the basic concept of Hinduism is not to have a concept. Every Hindu needs to discover on what he/she wants to believe in.

Hence as an outsider, I do not understand your religion. I was just curious on the differences in various Abrahamic religions. I just understand that Islam has issues with Ahmadiyyas and Christians has with Mormons.

Anyway it's none my business.

The core concept of Hinduism is "Dharma".

A Hindu has to "discover" dharma, which is the universal law that governs the universe and live his life in accordance to those principles. That is the overall guiding philosophy.

A life led in compliance with Dharma is "good karma".

The "Discovery" is also for which path he/she chooses to live his Dharma and exercise his Karma.

This is the essence of Hinduism.
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