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India will disintegrate : Tarek Fatah

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So you consider it a stronger union than the USSR.
I do.

The problem with the USSR was that it was a pure dictatorship, governing a land that was far too large, with a population too small to effectively govern; India doesn't that problem, in fact, with India it is the opposite.

India's advantage and biggest problem is population, which is set to grow to 1.7-1.8 billion by 2070


However, it doesn't have to worry about land connectivity (which the USSR and current Russian Federation has to worry about), or a dictatorship with zero political opposition. India's political scene is vibrant and diverse, which helps it's political stability, and reduces the risks of insurrection. It's spending hundreds of billions to connect remote areas across state lines.

The funny thing is, Russia cannot survive as a democracy, which is why Putin is so popular, and democratic leaders have been considered incompetent. On the other hand, because of the sheer scale of Russian land, it sparsely populated centers, a strong central government is needed, which is something Putin realizes. However, even a dictatorship can't stop the disintegration of Russia, it can only slow it down.

I firmly believe that Russia will not survive it's current borders in the long run. Whether this century or the next, Russia in it's current borders is simply going to disintegrate.
So how come Pak flags are being hoisted in IOK & resistance has Ben going on for the past 7 decades? Why keep almost a million troops in IOK? Why ban international news agencies and HRGs from entering n reporting from IOK!

Spare us the nonsense!

Because you pulled a Kargil, that's why there are as many troops as there is. And those figures seem absurd, you dont need nearly as much to do what's needed. It's almost a burden at those numbers.
.7 million have been in IOK since decades not 99.. And we pulled a Kargil and you pulled stabbed us back in the 80s.. You ain't Angels.

Of course not, both India and Pakistan are a bunch of idiots. But both in 65 and Kargil you rushed Kashmir when India wasnt even prepared, dont talk now because India stations as much troops as it does.

But those numbers of 1 millions troops in Kashmir reek of crap.

There are estimated to be between 300,000 and half a million Indian troops and police in Jammu and Kashmir, fighting a two-decade insurgency.

India 'to cut Kashmir troops by a quarter'
Now this is what you call a slap in the face. Tarek Fatah, the new found avatara of Hindutvadasis in India who is used as a loudspeaker to puke venom against Pakistan (his country of birth) is discussing how India has never been a single country and its union will break up into individual states.

what slap in the face, he's talking about no borders in the subcontinent, which includes Pakistan, yes ?

"places like Punjab and Bengal should be single entities which shouldn't have borders"

"there is more in common between someone in Lahore and Delhi than there is between someone in Delhi and Madras"

sounds like he's talking about a federalized Akhand Bharat than India's disintegration LOL :enjoy:
Of course not, both India and Pakistan are a bunch of idiots. But both in 65 and Kargil you rushed Kashmir when India wasnt even prepared, dont talk now because India stations as much troops as it does.

Im at work and would rather talk about the topic rather than 65,71 etc!

But those numbers of 1 millions troops in Kashmir reek of crap.

India 'to cut Kashmir troops by a quarter'

Estimated 300,000 and "half a million" .. Collectively that's .8 million troops in a territory with a population of??????
Im at work and would rather talk about the topic rather than 65,71 etc!

Estimated 300,000 and "half a million" .. Collectively that's .8 million troops in a territory with a population of??????

It's grouping together several different forces together. Plus, It's good they put a good amount of troops prepared at the border, this isnt no Canadian-US border, not even Mex-US border. Good amount of troops should be there.

And as far as the numbers is concerned, it could be 5 million troops. I could care less. Hell, what India needs to do is abolish article 370 and bring in 1 million Biharis there, not troops. I like that idea better.
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India won't break. If it does, probably not this century. While I do believe separatism will increase, as India gets richer, and wealth disparity between Indian states gets bigger and bigger, I also believe that nationalism among the general population will also grow. Indian exceptional-ism will increase, as the belief among the population will be that India as a global power is the natural way of the world.

While I don't think India will reach global power status this century, it will next century.

I think India will be a global power in the next three decades if things continue at the current pace.
1. China
2. USA
3. India
It's grouping together several different forces together. Plus, It's good they put a good amount of troops prepared at the border, this isnt no Canadian-US border, not even Mex-US border. Good amount of troops should be there.

And as far as the numbers is concerned, it could be 5 million troops. I could care less. Hell, what India needs to do is abolish article 370 and bring in 1 million Biharis there, not troops. I like that idea better.

So basically you can't answer a simple question .. Because you have nothing except rants..

Good day.
You guys tried very hard with Baluchistan but its failed. History will tell us RAW failed to achieve its target in Baluchistan. Infact id go as far as saying Pakistan is more united now then it has been in the last 20 years. No smoke without fire my friend
First of all India doesn’t share a land border with Balochistan nor Indians come to Balochistan to attack yr gas pipelines. Indians are not involved in Kidnapping,extortion,people killed in custody,forced disappearance of Baloch activists. Indians don’t protest on the streets of Quetta raising slogans. Forget RAW, just read the UN report with reference to Balochistan. Even yr UN dossier containing allegations of Indian involvement has been rejected, what will you say on this.
Now this is what you call a slap in the face. Tarek Fatah, the new found avatara of Hindutvadasis in India who is used as a loudspeaker to puke venom against Pakistan (his country of birth) is discussing how India has never been a single country and its union will break up into individual states.

He was talking something very positive for Indian subcontinent, but both Pakistan and India will never ever accept such type of analysis. Europe understood that two centuries ago, and they are happy now.
It would've break if it isn't a Hindu/sikh majority (1 billion +) country.

That's the reason why a Tamil Hindu and a Assamese Hindu serves under a Sikh and vice versa.

As for the ludicrous claim of 1 million troops in Kashmir, suggest people should see the map of Kashmir having 2 fronts.One at Loc/int border and LAC.

Obviously troops will be deployed in Kashmir not in friggin Jharkhand LAMO.
He was talking something very positive for Indian subcontinent, but both Pakistan and India will never ever accept such type of analysis. Europe understood that two centuries ago, and they are happy now.

Europe has a common enemy in the form of Russia. And had to form together to counter balance an economic behemoth in the form of the USA. If they continued to see nothing but themselves, they probably would be beating the shit out of themselves like always. Everything around them is getting bigger, this trend is continuing with even newer players.
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Growing population of Christian and Muslims is a huge threat to India. Their loyalties lie somewhere else. They are trojan horses planted by Islamic and Western countries. Most of the people don't realize it.

Hinduism was/is the only uniting factor. As its declines, chances of dis integration increase.

I think the West will keep India united until war with China.

Young Tarek fatah is wiser than the old one.
Dear Sir, biggest time bomb India have is Tamil Nado. They are Hindus, they share in your economy the most and they are getting less than Gujrat. Tamils are most literate and they are most hardworking people in whole of India.
So pay your attention on real problems rather than beating the bush. Although Tamils dont say these things openly, but yes talk these things in private gatherings. Similar is the case with Punjab.
Europe understood that two centuries ago, and they are happy now.
Even after two world wars, there is more in common better European states than Indian and Pakistan.

First and foremost they share their religion, they share their culture they have similar level of economic development and Human development.
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