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India will disintegrate : Tarek Fatah

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Right, when India has the 2nd/3rd largest economy in the world:


With a GDP PPP of those in 4th-9th places combined, India will still not be a global power. Riiiiiiight.


India will be a global power in 15 years.

What a perfect anology :coffee:

You Indians make me laugh. Do you honestly think you can buy the honor of people? :lol:

India being a global power is as true as me winning the lotto in the US. You Indians have too many lobbies and too many minorities to ever become a super power.

Become realistic, my turban wearing friend.
Another mental masturbation thread on pdf.. started by none other than.. Lmao..

Let's put a wager shall we? Stability of India vs that of Pak in the next 25 years?

and another one on India breaking up.

What say?
I'll start with 50 Euros.
You Indians make me laugh. Do you honestly think you can buy the honor of people? :lol:

India being a global power is as true as me winning the lotto in the US. You Indians have too many lobbies and too many minorities to ever become a super power.

Become realistic, my turban wearing friend.
Of course, to a certain kind of person diversity seems to be an inherent weakness and an obstacle but for India its diversity is its STRENGTH. The greatest President India has ever had and the man who gave them their missile program? A Muslim. The PM/FM responsible for liberalising their economy and usherhing their new found economic success? A Sikh. The list goes on and on.

The same is true for the world's greatest power today- the US, they are "number one" because they embrace everyone and create a national identity out of unity and exceptionlism.

You Pakistanis make me laugh, unable to keep your nation peaceful or stable despite having 99% hegemony and actively driving the minorities away. The evidence is before your eyes today as to which model is more benefical.
And yet the Map clearly says INDIA :cheesy: ........ which disproves what you claimed.

Indian Cricket team 1932


Another mental masturbation thread on pdf.. started by none other than.. Lmao..

Let's put a wager shall we? Stability of India vs that of Pak in the next 25 years?

and another one on India breaking up.

What say?
I'll start with 50 Euros.

Bhaiya the real source of this FANTASY in the GAGALAND is this

New Delhi: In an article likely to raise Indian hackles, a Chinese strategist contends that Beijing should break up India into 20-30 independent states with the help of "friendly countries" like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan.
The publication of the article nearly coincided with the 13th round of India-China border talks that ended in New Delhi on Saturday on a positive note, with Beijing emphasizing the need to build strategic trust and elevate strategic partnership to a new level to include coordination on global issues.

Written in Chinese, the article, "If China takes a little action, the so-called Great Indian Federation can be broken up," is published in the new edition of the website of the China International Institute for Strategic Studies (CIISS), an influential think tank that advises Beijing on global and strategic issues.

According to D S Rajan, director of the Chennai Centre for China Studies, Chennai, Zhan Lue, the author of the article, argues that the "so-called" Indian nation cannot be considered as one having existed in history as it relies primarily on Hindu religion for unity.

The article says that India could only be termed a "Hindu religious state" that is based on caste exploitation and which is coming in the way of modernisation.

The writer goes on to argue that with these caste cleavages in mind, China in its own interest and the progress of whole of Asia should join forces with "different nationalities" like Assamese, Tamils and Kashmiris and support them in establishing independent nation states of their own.

In particular, the article asks Beijing to support the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA), a militant separatist group in the Indian northeast, to it achieve independence for Assam from India.

Furthermore, the article suggests that China can give political support to Bangladesh to encourage ethnic Bengalis in India get rid of "Indian control" and unite with Bangladesh as one Bengali nation.

If this is not possible, the creation of at least another free Bengali nation state as a friendly neighbour of Bangladesh would be desirable for the purpose of weakening India's expansion and threat aimed at forming a "unified South Asia", the article argues.

The article recommends India's break up into 20-30 nation-states like in Europe and contends that if the consciousness of "nationalities" in India could be aroused, social reforms in South Asia can be achieved, the caste system can be eradicated and the region can march towards prosperity.

The Chinese strategist suggests that to split India, China can seek support of friendly countries including Pakistan, Nepal and Bhutan.

China should encourage Bangladesh to give a push to the independence of West Bengal and recover the 90,000 sq km territory in Arunachal Pradesh, which China calls southern Tibet, says Rajan who has analysed the article for the Chennai-based think tank.

"The write-up could not have been published without the permission of the Chinese authorities, but it is sure that Beijing will wash its hands out of this if the matter is taken up by New Delhi," says Rajan.

"It has generally been seen that China is speaking in two voices -- its diplomatic interlocutors have always shown understanding in their dealings with their Indian counterparts, but its media is pouring venom on India," says Rajan.

Which one to believe is a question confronting the public opinion and even policy makers in India, Rajan says, adding that ignoring such an article will "prove to be costly" for India.
All of a sudden tareekh fateh's statement is gospel of truth for this forum.

Never mind, keep it up and also watch all his videos.
Now this is what you call a slap in the face. Tarek Fatah, the new found avatara of Hindutvadasis in India who is used as a loudspeaker to puke venom against Pakistan (his country of birth) is discussing how India has never been a single country and its union will break up into individual states.

India is a union of many cultures and languages, it was administered by a strong democratic set up. When ever there is an external threat that will be nullified.

India stands for unity in diversity, India stands strong and a "Beacon of hope to the world".

Tarek Fatah interview is doctored !
Last edited:
Communism, Socialism, Congress democracy, BJP dictatorship, - all have failed. People in India still commit suicide out of hunger - around 15,000 last year. More than half of the population is up in arms against Delhi. They feel oppressed and occupied, and refuse to call themselves Indians. The only salvation to SA will come - and it will definitely come, when the Muslims return to revive the Sultanat e Hindustan.
All of a sudden tareekh fateh's statement is gospel of truth for this forum.

Never mind, keep it up and also watch all his videos.

Doctored Video, which was cleared by Tareekh Fateh himself but the intention of few people to create the sensation.

Only One line for them.

Indian Judiciary needs Reform, new technology, to avoid delay in time required for the judgement, but it was never Broken.
Our forefathers and good thinkers setup the judiciary on the basis, to give most chances for the convict to prove its ignorance. Do you want the judicial system of Saudi Arabia.

Indian Judiciary was set up by the British, not our forefathers. :lol:

THAT is why its lazy, inefficient, corrupt, rigid, slow, illogical and fail to deliver law or justice to the poor. It exist ONLY to serve the Rich and the privileged.

Why would I want the judicial system of SA ? :cheesy:
He was talking something very positive for Indian subcontinent, but both Pakistan and India will never ever accept such type of analysis. Europe understood that two centuries ago, and they are happy now.
If India or Pakistan divides om ethnic basis in future, they will never have a system like Europe. These small states will be injected with western propaganda and will be hating each other. Europian ethnic groups hate each other way more than Indian subcontinent ethnic groups, thats why they are not united today. Its America which keeps EU united strangely. They were lucky to get leadership with vision, hence they are able to have trust between them, on its basis they share technology and have helped each others develop. The day India and Pakistan stops hating each other, that day you can be assured that if India or Pakistan further divides to have more vote share in UN or something like that, they won't be hating each other.

Well, it is true that India was never a single entity in history before 1950. So what? US was never a single entity. Neither was EU. We have a constitution which ensures fairness and freedom for all people. We can stay united on the basis of this protection.

First of all just for basic info, India participated in 1900 Olympics. But when do you call something united or homogeneous? Of you are talking of republics, then yes, its a recent concept. But various empires existed in past. People living in nearby states may have been one at some point of history. Different ethnicities, dialects, cultures, etc you see today in India developed over centuries as people spread out, so you can't say India was never a single entity. Moreover if you want to divide why stop at ethnicity. You can divide on the basis of sub ethnic groups, then clans, then families, and since each and every human being is different have different culture technically, we are a country with over 1 billion cultures, languages, accents, etc.
i meet many 4th generation indians in uk and when they talk, first thing they discuss is which state from india they come from. they still regard themself as indian first. during my visit 2 india i notice that people talk of state or city as being important 2 them but still talk of being indian. that is difference between indian and pakistani. sad 2 say but it is more likely that pakistan will split again before india does, if india ever does

muslims like u gave rise 2 idea of daesh/isis and taliban. move into 21st century

Shut your *** up you hindutva troll.
The Pakistan ISI uses Khalistanis and Islamists to undermine me in India

Many of you have been sent an underhandedly recorded video of me talking about what appears to be the future of India. Except the discussion was about the bankruptcy of the idea of Khalistan, not the future of India.

The editors of this video have carefully excluded from the clip any reference to the real subject of the discussion that took place between me and a group of young Canadian Sikhs associated with the World Sikh Organisation (WSO), and who were sympathizers of the Pakistan-based Khalistan movement.

The edited video being distributed by Pakistani and Indian Islamists with the active help of left-wing Indians on Twitter was shot around 2003 or 2004 in Toronto. It happened after I had come out denouncing the WSO and the Khalistan movement, condemning it as a Pakistan-based terrorist movement. These young Sikh students called me and wanted to meet me and debate the controversy.

The discussion took over an hour during which my position was very clear:

If these Sikhs in Canada wanted to have an independent Punjab, I was all for it if its capital was the Pakistani city of Lahore and included not just Amritsar, Jullundur and Ludhiana, but also Nankana Sahib, Gujranwala and Rawalpindi (all inside Pakistani Punjab).

It is an argument that I still make in all my confrontations with the supporters of Khalistan who have thrived in Canada, thanks to vote-bank politics and an active role played by the Pakistani consulates both in Toronto and Vancouver.

It is in this context that I made the following remarks that are today being distributed to position me as some ISI plant working to undermine India.

“…You see it (India) was never one country, even during the British. British India is not not once.. India has never been one entity even under Asoka, even under Aurangzeb; it has never been a country. The future that I see, if I had my dreams come true, are about the sub-continent being something like Europe where the entities that exist are Bengal, places like Punjab shouldn’t be single entities, shouldn’t have borders but should have common currencies, but we are different countries, I don’t disagree. There is more in common between someone between say Lahore and Delhi than there is someone between Delhi and Madras.”
I still maintain that Hindustan was never one sovereign territory under one ruler whether it was the Gupta dynasty, the Moguls, the barbarian Sultans or under Vijayanagra Empire. In fact Kerala has only been ruled from Delhi under British colonial rule.

If this was not a discussion about Khalistan, there is no way I would have made the above statement. In polemics the absurdity of an argument is at times best exposed through an equally absurd argument. Such is the battlefield of impromptu debate over heated issues.

Notwithstanding the unethical practice of the Khalistanis of secret recordings and and then dispensing it to the Pakistani Islamists, the agenda of the Pakistani Islamists and their Indian soul mates to depicted me as a ISI mole trying to weave myself into the Indian fabric and narrative will not succeed.

I’m sorry Islamabad and Rawalpindi, but I don’t scare easily. In 2008 when I wrote “I am an Indian born in Pakistan…” as the first words of my book “The Tragic Illusion of an Islamic State,” I had never visited India and never thought I’d be so involved in the fight against Islamism that faces India from within and from across the border.

Tough luck ISI, you guys are good, but not as good as you claim to be.

Your touts inside India have been exposed and I am still standing strong.

The Pakistani and Indian Islamists and the ‘Hindu Left’ who have flooded Twitter to undermine my credibility, need to answer one question:

“Where is the full unedited unaltered copy of this video and why are you not sharing it?”

Article by: Tarek Fatah


The Pakistan ISI uses Khalistanis and Islamists to undermine me in India

Many of you have been sent an underhandedly recorded video of me talking about what appears to be the future of India. Except the discussion was about the bankruptcy of the idea of Khalistan, not the future of India.

The editors of this video have carefully excluded from the clip any reference to the real subject of the discussion that took place between me and a group of young Canadian Sikhs associated with the World Sikh Organisation (WSO), and who were sympathizers of the Pakistan-based Khalistan movement.

The edited video being distributed by Pakistani and Indian Islamists with the active help of left-wing Indians on Twitter was shot around 2003 or 2004 in Toronto. It happened after I had come out denouncing the WSO and the Khalistan movement, condemning it as a Pakistan-based terrorist movement. These young Sikh students called me and wanted to meet me and debate the controversy.

The discussion took over an hour during which my position was very clear:

If these Sikhs in Canada wanted to have an independent Punjab, I was all for it if its capital was the Pakistani city of Lahore and included not just Amritsar, Jullundur and Ludhiana, but also Nankana Sahib, Gujranwala and Rawalpindi (all inside Pakistani Punjab).

It is an argument that I still make in all my confrontations with the supporters of Khalistan who have thrived in Canada, thanks to vote-bank politics and an active role played by the Pakistani consulates both in Toronto and Vancouver.

It is in this context that I made the following remarks that are today being distributed to position me as some ISI plant working to undermine India.

“…You see it (India) was never one country, even during the British. British India is not not once.. India has never been one entity even under Asoka, even under Aurangzeb; it has never been a country. The future that I see, if I had my dreams come true, are about the sub-continent being something like Europe where the entities that exist are Bengal, places like Punjab shouldn’t be single entities, shouldn’t have borders but should have common currencies, but we are different countries, I don’t disagree. There is more in common between someone between say Lahore and Delhi than there is someone between Delhi and Madras.”
I still maintain that Hindustan was never one sovereign territory under one ruler whether it was the Gupta dynasty, the Moguls, the barbarian Sultans or under Vijayanagra Empire. In fact Kerala has only been ruled from Delhi under British colonial rule.

If this was not a discussion about Khalistan, there is no way I would have made the above statement. In polemics the absurdity of an argument is at times best exposed through an equally absurd argument. Such is the battlefield of impromptu debate over heated issues.

Notwithstanding the unethical practice of the Khalistanis of secret recordings and and then dispensing it to the Pakistani Islamists, the agenda of the Pakistani Islamists and their Indian soul mates to depicted me as a ISI mole trying to weave myself into the Indian fabric and narrative will not succeed.

I’m sorry Islamabad and Rawalpindi, but I don’t scare easily. In 2008 when I wrote “I am an Indian born in Pakistan…” as the first words of my book “The Tragic Illusion of an Islamic State,” I had never visited India and never thought I’d be so involved in the fight against Islamism that faces India from within and from across the border.

Tough luck ISI, you guys are good, but not as good as you claim to be.

Your touts inside India have been exposed and I am still standing strong.

The Pakistani and Indian Islamists and the ‘Hindu Left’ who have flooded Twitter to undermine my credibility, need to answer one question:

“Where is the full unedited unaltered copy of this video and why are you not sharing it?”

Article by: Tarek Fatah


:rofl: :rofl:
Communism, Socialism, Congress democracy, BJP dictatorship, - all have failed. People in India still commit suicide out of hunger - around 15,000 last year. More than half of the population is up in arms against Delhi. They feel oppressed and occupied, and refuse to call themselves Indians. The only salvation to SA will come - and it will definitely come, when the Muslims return to revive the Sultanat e Hindustan.
bra majja ay ga:rofl: hm shehzada saleem hain:p:
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