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India will disintegrate : Tarek Fatah

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Having agreed with whatever he said about India specially not existing as a one country historically, a product of British Raj, however, on the man himself, has his paymaster changed?
India is a land of minorities with no majority.

The society is completely sliced and diced by religion, language, caste, status, ethnicity, race etc.

But there are three big forces that keeps India united

1) The existence of Pakistan and China as enemy states make a huge positive impact (based on insecurity) on the unity of the country

:lol: well then Indian hardliner/extremist Hindu Groups and individuals should stop working against Pakistan . See If Pakistan remains so will India

2) Sunni Muslim group is the biggest of the groups in India which are disliked by most of the other groups for their radicalism. This is another major positive force (based on negativity) that ensures that India remains united.

:) That is good thing if Indian Hindus pitch Shia group against Sunni Group in India. On a personal note I would like if all Indian Muslims including Shia/Sunni start joining hands since as you said they are disliked by all non-Hindus in India

3) Apart from the above two, we also have positive forces (based on positivity) like democracy, freedom, secularism, equality, economy and defence that would ensure that the country remains united.

The only uniting element in India is HINDUISM not these catchy phrases
Im at work and would rather talk about the topic rather than 65,71 etc!

Estimated 300,000 and "half a million" .. Collectively that's .8 million troops in a territory with a population of??????

You're adding two numbers here, which is wrong.

devil lies in the detail...

From article in BBC...

"There are estimated to be between 300,000 and half a million Indian troops and police in Jammu and Kashmir, fighting a two-decade insurgency."

The word "between" suggests a number that is in between the figure of 300,000 and half a million...say like 450,000 may be the number of troops and police combined. You are getting it wrong by adding the 300,000 figure and half a million.

The use of word "between" in the above article suggests that both police and troops figure are in between 300,000 and half a million.

If you are not happy with my explanation then..

from J&K Police website


"Since then the Police in J&K has undergone several re-organizations, The strength of Police in J&K in the year 1889-90 was just 1040, which further rose to 1570 in the year 1903 and forty years later, in 1943-44, the strength of J&K Police was 3179 its strength has gone to more than 83000 strong at present"

The number of police force in Kashmir is 83,000 and not 300,000(and certainly not half a million), as you used while adding 300,000 and half a million.

I'm directly quoting figures from J&K police website..

Since half a million is 500,000, we can safely assume that number of troops could be less than 400,000 (300,000 to half a million - 83,000); and even lower now with reduction. The figure of 700,000 was a outright lie, may have been true at the time of increased insurgency, but not anymore....and not all the troops patrol the street of kashmir. After Kargil, India cannot take chances, and hence troops are "stationed" to deal with surprise war like Kargil.

Also, the video of tarek Fatah is a old one. He may have had such a view, but "humans" in all likely, do tend change their views with time.l
Also, the video of tarek Fatah is a old one. He may have had such a view, but "humans" in all likely, do tend change their views with time.l

What has changed in India for Tarek Fatah's opinion to change?
India seems to have become more divisive than it was in the past.
But how does one know what God had said or did not say? Is it based on the words of the prophet or messenger you believe in? If so are you not believing in the prophet or the messenger rather than the God?

I am totally confused. Does the faith in the prophet or the messenger has primacy over faith in the god?

They are confused, so obviously we will also be. What I read in Koran and what these members have been saying are like poles apart. They are reading the holy book as per some one and not as per the prophet himself. He never said this sect or that sect is not muslim, indeed he welcomed all to follow the true path of god .... now we have these new age translators of his thinking .... !!!! Starts with ISIS-Taliban-AQ-Wahabis ... all bunched up under the same umbrella and then we have the idiots claiming to be of Barelvi and Deobandi schools and talking more crap. The actual sensible and true Muslim is being increasingly marginalized and the center stage usurped by idiots ... sad story of all the religions actually but here they are really messing me up with their interpretation of the holy teachings.

Sir, you have to dig deeply and understand it. We are talking with the Islamic point of view & this religion itself teaches you to ask question to understand the matters. Quran has cleared it with the evidences. Even bible and Torah are the evidences.
Faith in God is primary of course. But there are few principles (must be followed) to be Muslims. Not just with Islam all the Faiths out there have some basic concepts and some principles

I agree, having been blessed to have read the holy book myself albeit not an expert on it, but broadly the teachings are indeed enlightening and at times eerily are no different from other holy books whose wisdom indeed has been lost by humans over the time. When it was claimed on the thread earlier that it is not easy to become Muslim, in fact, it was a false hood that was claimed. The first and foremost requirement of becoming one was the belief in God being one and Prophet Muhammad being the messenger, Shahada.... you don't need to know Arabic, you don't need to be Arabic, you don't need to know a thing about Islam, you don't need to change the name, you must follow the fitrah till as such that you do not get into bodily harm as the holy book permits.
And also, anyone who believes in the one true god and follows the one true religion, is a Muslim ... so the debate of Ahmedis etc is simply bigoted and ridiculous. Nay it is a disbeliver and the person who propagates it must undertake a jihad to cleanse him/herself of his falsehood.

Because you pulled a Kargil, that's why there are as many troops as there is. And those figures seem absurd, you dont need nearly as much to do what's needed. It's almost a burden at those numbers.

Nope there. Its not coz they pulled a Kargil, it is because we don't pull a FATA or Waziristan in valley that there are that many troops. The PA went in with aircraft, tanks and artillery in addition to SF and regular infantry along with paramilitary forces, displaced millions internally and flattened towns in certain instances. Indian reaction is much low level, highly specified and very well calibrated. That is why the need for higher number of troops. Don't get bogged down in this, their problem is that our troop levels have ensured they can do squat in valley!!!

He was talking something very positive for Indian subcontinent, but both Pakistan and India will never ever accept such type of analysis. Europe understood that two centuries ago, and they are happy now.

Ha!!! A sensible voice .......!

Sarry I hurt yaar fillings

How old or rather how young are you? The style shows around 16? Anyways, its not my feelings - they are VIP's always!!

Coming back to the point, good men and women, cutting across religious lines have died for the nation, you owe it to them to calibrate your wordings that's all.

Communism, Socialism, Congress democracy, BJP dictatorship, - all have failed. People in India still commit suicide out of hunger - around 15,000 last year. More than half of the population is up in arms against Delhi. They feel oppressed and occupied, and refuse to call themselves Indians. The only salvation to SA will come - and it will definitely come, when the Muslims return to revive the Sultanat e Hindustan.

Opium was the hallmark of the Mughal .. are you already reliving the days my dear friend?

bra majja ay ga:rofl: hm shehzada saleem hain:p:

Bra majja ay ga? You are happy at seeing bra?
Now this is what you call a slap in the face. Tarek Fatah, the new found avatara of Hindutvadasis in India who is used as a loudspeaker to puke venom against Pakistan (his country of birth) is discussing how India has never been a single country and its union will break up into individual states.

Absolutely wrong .New concepts and regular reforms in our education and administration transformed India .
This is not that same India of 1947 .And new generation Indians thinks about their nation only on the basis of our own education .
South India is the engine of Republic of India and entire India irrespective of their origin ,religion,ethinicity is working in there .Or I would say now there is not that much different between Delhi and Chennai
This isn't a regular feature of democracy. What you have here is populism, and the lowest form of it.

Have you seen German election and US election coverage lately? They are also following Indian Political foot steps!!!! LOL........

It is the new regular ... like the new face of Islam for the world is increasingly ISIS ..... and identification with terror .... even the French president called it Islamic terror ....... that is being the lowest form of religious identification .... sad!
Now this is what you call a slap in the face. Tarek Fatah, the new found avatara of Hindutvadasis in India who is used as a loudspeaker to puke venom against Pakistan (his country of birth) is discussing how India has never been a single country and its union will break up into individual states.

First of all he is not all talking about India. He is talking about Indian sub-continent.
Absolutely wrong .New concepts and regular reforms in our education and administration transformed India .
This is not that same India of 1947 .And new generation Indians thinks about their nation only on the basis of our own education .
South India is the engine of Republic of India and entire India irrespective of their origin ,religion,ethinicity is working in there .Or I would say now there is not that much different between Delhi and Chennai

Don't bother ... horus is misogynist as a usual ... loves saying dehati aurat logic to everything ....!!!!
Actually, that's entirely possible. The problem is that America is a developed nation, and China is much further ahead than India, and will be considered a developed nation way before India will. America and China won't face rebellion due to just financial issues, rather it'll be more political.

Wrong .wealth disparities actually working in a positive way in India .Helping in wealth distribution in India.
Bra majja ay ga? You are happy at seeing bra?
it seems that the only thing which gives you a feeling of joy is a bra, typical sanghi mentality,teri imagination ty lanat:bad:
India won't break. If it does, probably not this century. While I do believe separatism will increase, as India gets richer, and wealth disparity between Indian states gets bigger and bigger, I also believe that nationalism among the general population will also grow. Indian exceptional-ism will increase, as the belief among the population will be that India as a global power is the natural way of the world.

While I don't think India will reach global power status this century, it will next century.
India's strength is its democracy and federalism. As long as we can ensure people participate in democracy and states are not forced to do something that they dont like, we will manage to keep the union intact.

There is a lot of give and take, lot of bargaining, discussion that goes on behind the scene. Corruption(of ideology, i.e. willingness to compromise) is another factor that gives the union necessary flexibility. Indian union is not brittle, unlike soviet union(by design)
Everybody except Indians want India to disintegrate.
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