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India will disintegrate : Tarek Fatah

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Look again.. harder

You guys tried very hard with Baluchistan but its failed. History will tell us RAW failed to achieve its target in Baluchistan. Infact id go as far as saying Pakistan is more united now then it has been in the last 20 years.

Don't be a typical Indian an bury your head in the sand like an ostrich, people of Illegally occupied Kashmir hate India and its citizens. And Sikh Punjabis have their own issues with India, is isn't true Sikhs refused to celebrate dawali with the rest of India last year. I was told this by many sikhs in the UK, who said no Sikh wanted to be part of dawali celebrations because of their treatment by hindus.

No smoke without fire my friend
You guys tried very hard with Baluchistan but its failed. History will tell us RAW failed to achieve its target in Baluchistan. Infant id go as far as saying Pakistan is more united now then it has been in the last 20 years.

Whatever sails your boat.

Pakistan was a lot more united in Musharraf's time
Whatever sails your boat.

Pakistan was a lot more united in Musharraf's time

Really? So Indians know more about Pakistanis then them themselves

Raw failed in its target to separate Baluchistan, each day hundreds of BLA fighters are laying down their arms and asking for forgiveness
Further, regular elections at predictable intervals ( state & national) helps to let off the steam.

A good thing?
I've been looking at Indian elections for quite some time now and all I see are parties trying to outdo another in bigotry and pandering.
In a bid to gain votes, parties will go to the extent that they defend lynch mobs and order crowds to rape buried bodies. We saw it in Bihar. We'll see it in the upcoming Punjab and UP elections too.

Nationalism has blinded many of the Indians. India still is a geographical expression.

A geographical expression divided by a North-South divide, language divide, religion divide, caste divide, skin color divide... the list goes on.
Growing population of Christian and Muslims is a huge threat to India. Their loyalties lie somewhere else. They are trojan horses planted by Islamic and Western countries. Most of the people don't realize it.

Hinduism was/is the only uniting factor. As its declines, chances of dis integration increase.

I think the West will keep India united until war with China.

Young Tarek fatah is wiser than the old one.

Who needs trojon horses when people like you are ready to go kamikaze on their own nation
Excuse me. It's a very generalized statement. No not all Sunni Muslims are radical. Every faith and their sects have groups of people who want to trigger others. But you can't generalize -_-
I forgot to write "most". Ahmadis are Sunnis but they are not radical at all.
Now this is what you call a slap in the face. Tarek Fatah, the new found avatara of Hindutvadasis in India who is used as a loudspeaker to puke venom against Pakistan (his country of birth) is discussing how India has never been a single country and its union will break up into individual states.

I mean ....I do not find anything wrong with his statement....India as such is not unitary concept..India a concept of nationhood of various groups...If these grroups keep on fighting with each other like the way it is happening now, India will disintegrate one day...i completely agree with him..
I'm trying very hard to give a foOk ! :undecided:


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